The Childfree Movement

For those people that believe children are some antiquated pension plan from the old world, who do you think were supposed to pay off the Baby Boomer's pensions?

Your kids.

Better get busy. I can always find new toys to blow the little bit of extra money on.
Middle-class, middle-age and no kids. Don't want any, because they don't fit in my life and I think there are too many mouths to feed in this world to start with. Don't really care what anyone thinks about it, either.

Had to put my dog down a week ago after 13.5 years. Kicked the legs out from under me, to be honest... that's about as much responsibility for another living creature as I ever want (and sometimes more than).

Oh yeah, and I have lots of expendable cash. Just to fulfill the meme.
LOL No pictures, no proof...

Listen. I couldn't give a **** what you believe.


So thats a no...

Also interesting that in a thread stemming from a motorcycle website there is no mention of your wicked cool two wheeled machine.
I have two adorable boys and a wonderful wife that I love. I'm 44 and have no debt. I also ride all the time. Life is good!
Middle-class, middle-age and no kids. Don't want any, because they don't fit in my life and I think there are too many mouths to feed in this world to start with. Don't really care what anyone thinks about it, either.

Had to put my dog down a week ago after 13.5 years. Kicked the legs out from under me, to be honest... that's about as much responsibility for another living creature as I ever want (and sometimes more than).

Oh yeah, and I have lots of expendable cash. Just to fulfill the meme.

My family had to do the same thing with Grampa; was too old and turned a bit annoying with the illnesses that come with age.

Poor 'Grampa', he was a good dog.
OK, after 11 pages here goes!

I am 48 no kids, wife and i have been together for 25 years. I didnt have kids because I DIDN'T THINK I WOULD BE A GOOD PARENT!

Most of our friends have kids and are doing a fantastic job, loving families, who spend lots of time together and include us in family functions. We are Aunts and Uncles to many who are not related, and the kids see us away from their parents (many are 20yrs+)

I admire parents who invest so much time to raise great young men and women, but for me i was not emotionaly prepared to have kids, and so i am very confortable with my decision. I just wish people would invest as much thought into having kids as i did in not having kids.

The friends with kids seem to have come out financially solid, and seem to be enjoying their lives just fine.
I would rather be a great Uncle than a crappy Dad.
As far as losing out (because your life revolves around your kids) I am sure there is no greater than raising fantastic kids. In my circle i am involved with all my friends kids and enjoy it, as for the parents who don't have the toys, they have my garage code, and know where the keys are, they just leave a note!!

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So thats a no...

You really can't tell?

I suppose if you couldn't understand the point of my post you probably wouldn't get that either..... oh well.

Let me see if I give a **** today.

Thinking, thinking....

Nope, still don't.

Now let me see if I want to go back and edit a little bit in about my bike.....

Thinking, thinking, thinking....


Try again tomorrow, after your part time shift at Taco bell is over. :)
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I dont know why this topic could get heated up as well...

it's all about personal choice isnt it. people have different items on the the top of their priority list, and that's all.

Also, opinions / decisions change as you age and get wiser and as the circumstances change.

some young guys who think they would never have kids may change their minds when they hit 35. or some girls think they would have their own kids may end up adopting.

who knows. live and let live. the only thing is that if you can't financially support and rais a kid, dont get any.
OK, after 11 pages here goes!

I am 48 no kids, wife and i have been together for 25 years. I didnt have kids because I DIDN'T THINK I WOULD BE A GOOD PARENT!

Most of our friends have kids and are doing a fantastic job, loving families, who spend lots of time together and include us in family functions. We are Aunts and Uncles to many who are not related, and the kids see us away from their parents (many are 20yrs+)

I admire parents who invest so much time to raise great young men and women, but for me i was not emotionaly prepared to have kids, and so i am very confortable with my decision. I just wish people would invest as much thought into having kids as i did in not having kids.

The friends with kids seem to have come out financially solid, and seem to be enjoying their lives just fine.
I would rather be a great Uncle than a crappy Dad.
As far as losing out (because your life revolves around your kids) I am sure there is no greater than raising fantastic kids. In my circle i am involved with all my friends kids and enjoy it, as for the parents who don't have the toys, they have my garage code, and know where the keys are, they just leave a note!!


This is the most grounded man on Earth!
You really can't tell?

I suppose if you couldn't understand the point of my post you probably wouldn't get that either..... oh well.

Let me see if I give a **** today.

Thinking, thinking....

Nope, still don't.

Now let me see if I want to go back and edit a little bit in about my bike.....

Thinking, thinking, thinking....


Try again tomorrow, after your part time shift at Taco bell is over. :)

Taco Bell zing! But in all seriousness....I had a Taco Bell part time shift once and I also had a hell of a lot more (without going into details, but): travel, exotic trips, sailing, sky diving, international track days, the gummut of crap to elite bikes, home owner multiple times, amazing loyal forgiving perfect wife, romantic excursions, and oh yeah soon to be on my second child...and the Beamer? Not too many more months away.

It may not be an M, but then again I did also work a Taco Bell shift job at one point in my life.

PS you wouldn't believe how satisfying it was to pull up to a Taco Bell and order that horrid bean burrito for nostalgia while tell your tweenage child about how you used to be the dude in the purple shirt with the headset dealing with 25+ burrito prank orders at 1am on a Saturday back in the days; and looking over to see her scrunched up face at the thought that her father once lived a whole other life.

PS...1 bro-in-law has 4 kids and a sail boat, another bro-in-law has 3 kids an E-class and a pool, another bro-in-law is a hockey nut that has all 3 of his kids in hockey and loves it to hell. And due to family, and propagation, by proxy I have access to all those things any time I want. For other reasons my parents only had 1 child, and that's fine, those were circumstances, but when I see what my wife's parents spawned for just 2 poor factory working immigrants I am amazed! And to see these 2 old-worlders revel in their mini-empire is awe inspiring. Every week all 4 of their grown children either go visit their folks, or invite them over and cater to them. Oh, and the old country folks...sitting on a $900,000 house, and the matriarch drives an M...M-Class that is. They holiday for 3 months of the year every year, and all that after raising 4 kids, not even on a white collar salary, rather a blue collar one. The mom started out working at Cara with no English skills upon her arrival to Canada.

So that little rant about having all that, but having had to sacrifice a family to do it...putting down the family unit in order to feel good about a car and a boat and a bike...just comes off as "incomplete". People who started out with less, through the course of their life given more, have accumulated and achieved more. You are a defeatist to think you can't have it all, and that one negates the other. You can both be a single or family failure, there is no question, but one is not a failed version of the other.

The tribal family unit is the human condition, and it is amazing to see it in full bloom.

The family is the basic societal unit, the next step beyond the individual, and a buffer to mass integration.

The long term problem is when the "Childfree Movement" becomes mainstream.
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I dont know why this topic could get heated up as well...

People who don't want children got agitated when they hear the next side of the argument.

They either:
-Got tired of being asked why they're not having kids
-automatically think they're accused of being selfish
-had a guilty conscience about how selfish they are.

Who knows what blows???
People who don't want children got agitated when they hear the next side of the argument.

They either:
-Got tired of being asked why they're not having kids
-automatically think they're accused of being selfish
-had a guilty conscience about how selfish they are.

Who knows what blows???

Lol, the first thing I tell people when they ask why I don't want kids is "I'm way too selfish"

pretty much ends the discussion right there
The long term problem is when the "Childfree Movement" becomes mainstream.

Wrong, the true long term problem is if the "childfree movement" doesn't become more mainstream, especially in India, Indonesia, and Brazil.

The earth is at 6 billion people and growing fast. India is set to over-take China in population by 2045.
With global warming along with fewer fuel reserves, it is only going to be more and more challenging to feed everyone. Sure, global warming will make more northern lands more hospitable for food growth -- to bad most northern land doesn't have the soil needed -- while at the same time desertification of southern lands is increasing every year.
The looming fresh water wars, as most of the world does not have access to adequate fresh water will be the next problem.

Every environmental problem can be traced back to one cause: over-population. Global warming: too much CO2 as a result of too many people consuming fossil fuels, felling forests, and reclaiming massive carbon sinks such as peat bogs. Peak oil: too many damn greedy humans consuming as much as possible not realizing that fossil fuels are non-renewable. If this entire planet contained only 1/2 the number of people, every one of those people would be much more comfortable and better off.

You may think that Canada is immune to this, and in some ways you are right. Our population growth rate is barely high enough to replace ourselves, but the rest of the world is by far doing that for us. An ever expanding world population is only going to mean more and more people will want what we have here -- land and fresh water, and in the future they will do anything to get it. They will come -- legally or not. Have a read of Gwynne Dyer's Climate Wars -- -- very interesting, I hope it doesn't come true, although some of it already is -- massive droughts in large parts of the world, massive flooding in others. The future really is looking scary if you bother to open your eyes to it.

So, saying all that, there are many very good reasons why I shouldn't have kids:
1. Adding to the global population will not solve any problems, in fact it will only aggravate them.
2. Plenty of people are already having kids and many immigrants are coming that will fund my pension and staff my nursing home if I make it that long.
3. Why would I want to subject a kid to a life where they will very likely have less than I have, just like I will likely never have as much as the baby boomer generation has?

I remember reading once that if Indonesia with a population of 242 million and a very high population density decided to institute a draft and invade Australia (so much open land!), they would have more soldiers than Australia has bullets. Now consider China, India, Brazil, and just imagine the massive armies that could soon be colonizing the world for it's fresh water and arable land.

And before too many disregard Gwynne Dyer as a fear monger for his above mention book, consider this quote that I took from one of the reviews of the book:
This publication is primarily based on military strategies based on projections of climate change, strategies created by credible sources like the US military and the pentagon. These Strategies (one of the more famous called, "the age of consequence") are not the work of, "a spaced out out hippy," but of militarized powers, analyzed by a renowned PhD Military and Middle Eastern History commentator - who publishes a weekly column in several international newspapers.

Oh, and before any breeder starts worrying about my genetic line carrying on, consider this:
I am from a family of 8 kids who already have 14 spawn. My Dad is from a family of 9, my Mom from a family of 13 -- so I have 20 blood related uncles and aunts (40 including marriage). Those uncles and aunts have, on average, 6 kids per family... so I have roughly 120 cousins who almost all have kids of their own now. I think my bloodline has done enough to overpopulate this planet!
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Taco Bell zing! But in all seriousness....I had a Taco Bell part time shift once and I also had a hell of a lot more (without going into details, but): travel, exotic trips, sailing, sky diving, international track days, the gummut of crap to elite bikes, home owner multiple times, amazing loyal forgiving perfect wife, romantic excursions, and oh yeah soon to be on my second child...and the Beamer? Not too many more months away.

It may not be an M, but then again I did also work a Taco Bell shift job at one point in my life.

PS you wouldn't believe how satisfying it was to pull up to a Taco Bell and order that horrid bean burrito for nostalgia while tell your tweenage child about how you used to be the dude in the purple shirt with the headset dealing with 25+ burrito prank orders at 1am on a Saturday back in the days; and looking over to see her scrunched up face at the thought that her father once lived a whole other life.

PS...1 bro-in-law has 4 kids and a sail boat, another bro-in-law has 3 kids an E-class and a pool, another bro-in-law is a hockey nut that has all 3 of his kids in hockey and loves it to hell. And due to family, and propagation, by proxy I have access to all those things any time I want. For other reasons my parents only had 1 child, and that's fine, those were circumstances, but when I see what my wife's parents spawned for just 2 poor factory working immigrants I am amazed! And to see these 2 old-worlders revel in their mini-empire is awe inspiring. Every week all 4 of their grown children either go visit their folks, or invite them over and cater to them. Oh, and the old country folks...sitting on a $900,000 house, and the matriarch drives an M...M-Class that is. They holiday for 3 months of the year every year, and all that after raising 4 kids, not even on a white collar salary, rather a blue collar one. The mom started out working at Cara with no English skills upon her arrival to Canada.

So that little rant about having all that, but having had to sacrifice a family to do it...putting down the family unit in order to feel good about a car and a boat and a bike...just comes off as "incomplete". People who started out with less, through the course of their life given more, have accumulated and achieved more. You are a defeatist to think you can't have it all, and that one negates the other. You can both be a single or family failure, there is no question, but one is not a failed version of the other.

The tribal family unit is the human condition, and it is amazing to see it in full bloom.

The family is the basic societal unit, the next step beyond the individual, and a buffer to mass integration.

The long term problem is when the "Childfree Movement" becomes mainstream.

.....and the average personal debt load in north America is....? Have you seen the price of daycare?
You really can't tell?

I suppose if you couldn't understand the point of my post you probably wouldn't get that either..... oh well.

Let me see if I give a **** today.

Thinking, thinking....

Nope, still don't.

Now let me see if I want to go back and edit a little bit in about my bike.....

Thinking, thinking, thinking....


Try again tomorrow, after your part time shift at Taco bell is over. :)

Why so angry? Just wanted to see your cool toys.

Jeez man your a little high strung for someone with so much "freedom"
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