Is that the one for the fancy cars and all?
Must be, because last I checked goodwill didn't get you those kinds of posessions.
Is that the one for the fancy cars and all?
Must be, because last I checked goodwill didn't get you those kinds of posessions.
I assume that you are in the military or some such thing as you told AWYALA that you use assault rifles for a living. If you are a member of the military what exactly do you think you are fighting/serving for, if not the people (ie families)?
Is that the one for the fancy cars, boats and all? High ranking officer?
Murf.... FFS.
I have 1 car, 1 boat and I'm not any kind of officer.
I took a side of an argument that was either for or against adding to the population.
I even tried to make it humorous but that backfired because it shoved quite a stick up the ***** of the "times are tuff" types.
A pay check... duh
The rich 1% of the first world who control oil and trade obviously.
Who the **** do you think I serve?
Self entitled urbanites?
Were you attacked by the red horde lately? LOL
As to the "do soldiers get paid like that" comments.... Seriously, it's an M3, not an F1.
It's a mid range coupe and a 32 foot ZR, not a Hypersport luxury car or an offshore scarab race boat.
Never underestimate the desperation of an American in a recession on hard times and a lot of materialist possessions they suddenly realise they don't need.
Also, I'm not a Private on his first contract. I'm a spec paid WO at the end of his third contract. That and I maxed out my FOA (a bonus for working in a "field" unit). So, yes we get paid a lot (more than a Privte) in the end, if we progress in rank. Although I'm sure to some people on this forum what I make is a joke. Also remember I'm a DINK (both definitions). A federal gov. employed individual with a GF who is provincially employed and who makes more than I do a year. Well, the years where I'm not overseas making my also maxed out FSP, danger pay, hardship allowance etc. etc.
Hope that helped.
I'm all about helping.![]()
Murf.... FFS.
I have 1 car, 1 boat and I'm not any kind of officer.
I took a side of an argument that was either for or against adding to the population.
I even tried to make it humorous but that backfired because it shoved quite a stick up the ***** of the "times are tuff" types.
Humour is hard at first, but once you get a handle on it, man is it fun... try more smiley facesand winks
FYI times are not tough for me (though i'm sure you were refering to someone else), i own 2 cars, 1 bike, and soon our 3rd home
No pics, no proof.![]()
Dude, if I was single as you claim to be, you could bet on a long weekend, I would not be anyway near an internet connection.
Life Fail.
I'm a few miles from Wasaga beach. Chillin with the GF after a day on the water.
You're online too. Notice?
I'm married with 3 kids...I'm suppose to be here on a Saturday night.
I'm sure your kids are the best thing in your life.
No pics, no proof.
Hows that for funny? LOL
And M5 over M3? It's great if you're one of those "I have X HP so my car is teh fastar" types..... however I don't encounter many M5's at Shannonville, Bogie etc. Not everyone is into cars for the same reason. Not knocking the 5 or anything.
Maybe in 20 years.
Only because they help him appreciate his riding time more.
You're learning Rabbit...
But i kinda set that up for ya, you know build your confidence. I am definately not posting pics of my properties but i have a Jetta and a Cobalt and a Gsxr 600 (which was my avatar for some time) pretty self explanatory and nothing spectacular. I learned years ago that cars are merely transportation and nothing more. I only spend exactly what i need to spend to get the A to B done. The bike is my "go fast" toy.
Ya i'm not a Bimmer fan, they seem to have poor longevity and reviews.
LOl careful, you're on the internet on a long weekend. You'll be accused of failing at life.... or possibly being a communist, or obsessed with death.
Smiley face X 1000 to denote an attempt at humor.