The Childfree Movement

Keith, I hate to break it to you, but there are things that happen/happened in this world that major media houses won't touch. I would definitely think that a negative story on Mother Teresa, a woman who was made a saint in 2003, would not be a good story to air in a world with over a billion catholics.

But just because the major outlets don't want to tell the truth, doesn't mean it didn't happen.

Truth is truth and if it's juicy and sells newspapers, it's print worthy. Religious scandals, Church cover ups, Hypocrisy...come on, this is what today's media LIVE for! No one is untouchable.

Let's take Joe Paterno. He died before Sandusky was convicted. Before this trial/scandal, the people of Pennsylvania held Paterno in a similar regard as Catholics hold Mother Theresa (don't believe, do some research on Paterno). Evidence comes out after his death, he knew about Sandusky's actions and did nothing... IMMEDIATE RETRACTION, countless press articles on this issue. The same would have happened with our good Nun if there was real evidence of her scandals, cover ups & hypocrisy.

My point is the media don't care who you are so long as they can prove it. No one in the credible media has the goods on her nor would stake their reputations on it either.

Smearing a good woman's memory just because you have a hate on for Christians (which Hitchens clearly had if you look at his other works) is just sad tabloid journalism.
Me and my wife have both chosen not to have kids. We are early 30's with good jobs a house 2 cars and 2 bikes debt free so we can afford them. I think kids are highly overrated and not worth the trouble. We have 11 nieces and nephews and looking at the crap their parents go through we will never have any.

"The best contraceptives nowadays, are other people's kids"

So true.
As I got in my M3 the other day to try out my latest unnecessary and extremely expensive modification I thought to myself, self, I wish instead of this awesome but impractical sports car I had a minivan so I could spend money on putting stick figure characters, DVD players and child seats in it instead.

As I drove over to the dock to check up on my 32 foot Donzi that was being detailed and filled with premium, as I upgraded the two already massive high HP engines to even bigger ones I thought to myself, self, look at that fat balding guy with the screaming kids arguing with his equally fat wife about the price of a rental boat. I wish I could let myself go like that and not worry about image and expensive clothes. The freedom of wearing ill fitting Walmart wear that is child vomit resistant seems so easy. Buy a general size, throw it on, done. No need to worry about current styles. I also wished I had a wife like that with a strong opinion of everything I want to spend my money on who also didn't care how she looked.

Later on that day as I was pounding $5 a pop .338 Lapua Magnum rounds down range one after the other like they were going out of style I started thinking, what if instead of this really expensive high power rifle with it's equally expensive scope that I bought one day on a whim I had a room full of musical instruments and sports equipment that were used for a week then discarded by my children who don't understand what money is but want want want and cry cry cry for every trend they (or their friends) encounter. Wouldn't that be grand?

Later on that evening as my GF and I were going at it on the couch, stairs, kitchen table, pretty much every room of the house I thought to myself, self, this takes a lot of effort. I wish instead of this any place any time rodeo sex we have I could instead just climb on my wife after the kids were asleep and slowly, quietly have sex in the dark in her smashed out kid cannon. I mean, at least it would only be a few nights a month and the same thing so there would be no effort on my part at all.

Yes, every time we are sitting around at work talking about the exotic countries we visited and the amazing things we have done whilst on vacation I am always secretly jealous of three times divorced guy who came back to Canada and sat in his small appt. watching hockey and drinking cheap beer instead. Such simplicity. Always knowing exactly what is going to happen day after day.

So, don't call me selfish. In reality I want what you have married people. I just never got that far in life and I'm miserable. Crying myself to sleep on my bed made of money. I mean, I have so much of it now, never having to spend it on diapers and grocery sucking food disposal units or putting it away for 4-7 years of paying for 1-3 post secondary educations that won't add any letters to my name....that it's piling up.

Maybe I'll rent a warehouse to keep it all in. Meh, too much effort. I think I'll just pay someone to rent one for me.

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Edit; No, it is totally relevant! That statement in and of itself makes you sexist and bias. What is the basis for this statement? How about I say the two main defining features of a man are the length of his junk and the size of his pocket book? SOMETHING tells me you won't agree with that. Perhaps I should just respond with "that is irrelevant"...ffs! Run for office already :angry1:

First, total cop out. That won't fly. You clearly have no source and have pulled this from your ***. Women's two most defining features are not "child birth and sex". Just what are you thinking with this crap? Hence my question about what your almighty omnipotence might define a males two "most defining features". Please, on this 95% male forum, grace us with your insight :rolleyes:

Second point...nice try, fail again.
I know a lot about psych and I call your bluff that in fact you know exactly what you read on line. Is there a cure for cancer? No. The simple answer is no. The same goes for chemical imbalances in people. The reason they recommend cognitive therapy over medication is because all people react differently to medication. If the mind can be trained to manage the chemical imbalance, as long as it is within acceptable societal; not schizophrenia or worse, then the end result is more predictable. Such can not be said for medications for such imbalances. Creating selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (to name one!) that works uniformly is not an exact science...go figure. you even know the definition of the word cognitive? My guess would be no. While "cognition" is 100% affected by depression, cognition disorders are not in general a cause of common depression (in other words yeah, people who can't think good get sad about it) and are completely unrelated to general "depression". I have no idea where you got your information from but your "knowledge" is superiorly lacking.
1) go back to my original post: "childbirth and sex are two of the most defining features of a woman." The key here is "two of the most". They're not the only defining features, and I'm not the one defining them.
2) I'm gonna call your bluff and cite some of the stuff that I was talking about. And no, these didn't come from a google search. I have the books right beside me:
- Beckman, L. J (2006). Women's reproductive health: issues, findings, and controversies. (pp330-338 ). New York: Oxford University Press.
- Stanton, A. L., Lobel L, M., Sears, S., & Deluca R. S. (2002). Psychosocial aspects of selected issues in women's reproductive health: current status & future directions. pp 70, 751-770.
- Caplan, P. J., & Caplan, J. B (2009). Thinking critically about research on sex and gender (3rd ed.). Boston, MA: Pearsom

I didn't post these 'cause no one wants to see this crap. But I've been here long enough to respect the community enough to not make scientific claims that I can't at least provide credible evidence for.

Women's psych, child development, and depression were my specific research specialties when I was in school, so these aren't just things that I made up. And I didn't only get into it because of school...It's been an interest since I was 13 and it still is even now that I'm done with it. When things are solely my opinion, I'll make it really clear with qualifiers. but lmao you started talking about cancer... Really?

You really have to stop attacking my alias every time I prove you wrong. It's like your go-to insult every time we start getting deeper into discussion and you start catching e-feelings. Jesus.

3 people died in Colorado just recently shielding their girlfriends from bullets with their bodies, others stayed to help the wounded and saved lives. would you go to their funerals and call them selfish?
That depends - could they imagine living life without their gfs? How would they feel if they had the power to save their gf's lives, but didn't. My point still stands. It's a touchy subject and I do see both sides of it, but I've picked mine (although unconventional). The strongest case against it would be saying that the selfishness is a secondary characteristic of the act, not the primary motivator.

& C'mon man, you & I both know that it's an ad absurdum.

I respectfully disagree with your point. Human beings are not long past biological imperatives. The imperative exists and will continue to exist regardless of whether we follow it or not. What you are insinuating is that we have evolved past the point of our calling to procreate and that is totally ridiculous. My point is very much contrary to what you are saying because I believe that this calling to procreate triggers a lot of behavioural tendencies that you seem to think are 'other' imperatives when really they are not. Procreation is part of the cycle of life and will always be.

You can credit intelligence and human sophistication for this "Childree Movement" but it would be very easy to argue that this is just darwinism at work. Like I've already posted, I support personal choice 100% to do whatever you want but to ignore human history, our biology, the importance of reproduction and cycle of life is just ridiculous.
Good point. All I'm saying is that it's not too clear-cut whether people are "bitter" because they've been told since they were young that to have kids is the normal & right way, or because they're body's warning them.
That depends - could they imagine living life without their gfs? How would they feel if they had the power to save their gf's lives, but didn't. My point still stands. It's a touchy subject and I do see both sides of it, but I've picked mine (although unconventional). The strongest case against it would be saying that the selfishness is a secondary characteristic of the act, not the primary motivator.

& C'mon man, you & I both know that it's an ad absurdum.

its only absurd because you choose to define every conceivable act on the planet as selfish.

yes.. people died because they were selfishly using their bodies to protect other people.
people in D day are selfish
people that volunteer are selfish
people that donate money are selfish
911 first responders are so selfish because they even got cancer afterwards! yay!
we get it.

This is pretty much a ridiculous moral relativism type point that really just sounds like someone who has no concept of service or alturism tearing down other people that choose to better more lives than just their own.
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Wow if i had read this thread 16 years ago i would have never had kids lol.

It's not all doom and gloom, being a parent. Sure the barney time period is enough to send any grown man crackers,

It pays off eventually, the minivan transports the track bike. The grown up child now helps at the end of the race weekend packing everything up. All you need to do is supply free wifi for cheap labour.

You condom lovers have it all figured out wrong ;)

Best form of motorcycling is 2 uping with your own kid.

Go on, instead of taking the dirt road....try the pink taco
1) go back to my original post: "childbirth and sex are two of the most defining features of a woman." The key here is "two of the most". They're not the only defining features, and I'm not the one defining them.
2) I'm gonna call your bluff and cite some of the stuff that I was talking about. And no, these didn't come from a google search. I have the books right beside me:
- Beckman, L. J (2006). Women's reproductive health: issues, findings, and controversies. (pp330-338 ). New York: Oxford University Press.
- Stanton, A. L., Lobel L, M., Sears, S., & Deluca R. S. (2002). Psychosocial aspects of selected issues in women's reproductive health: current status & future directions. pp 70, 751-770.
- Caplan, P. J., & Caplan, J. B (2009). Thinking critically about research on sex and gender (3rd ed.). Boston, MA: Pearsom

I didn't post these 'cause no one wants to see this crap. But I've been here long enough to respect the community enough to not make scientific claims that I can't at least provide credible evidence for.

Women's psych, child development, and depression were my specific research specialties when I was in school, so these aren't just things that I made up. And I didn't only get into it because of school...It's been an interest since I was 13 and it still is even now that I'm done with it. When things are solely my opinion, I'll make it really clear with qualifiers. but lmao you started talking about cancer... Really?

You really have to stop attacking my alias every time I prove you wrong. It's like your go-to insult every time we start getting deeper into discussion and you start catching e-feelings. Jesus.

You know what is funny? You have never proven anything you have stated and you certainly have never proven me wrong. And you won't because you clearly lack the tools. Siting sources means absolutely nothing. It is 100% clear that even if you did read those sources, that you have made your own interpretation of any material you site. I know this because you did not try to defend your statements with any kind of explanation. Because you can't.

Further, siting books doesn't make what you said correct. Just because it is written in a text book does not make it correct. I really hope that you do not go around believing everything you read. You can get as many degrees as you want but what you lack is common sense. Can't get that at school, sorry. Stop spouting off at the mouth and I will stop calling you on your ********.

And another thing, you seriously should consider going back to school to improve your vocabulary and writing ability. Going around making uber offensive comments such as "childbirth and sex are two of the most defining features of a woman" without stating the context will get you verbally castrated in a room full of women, just sayin'. And you didn't try to debate your poor use of the word cognitive. Good choice.
As I got in my M3 the other day to try out my latest unnecessary and extremely expensive modification I thought to myself, self, I wish instead of this awesome but impractical sports car I had a minivan so I could spend money on putting stick figure characters, DVD players and child seats in it instead.

As I drove over to the dock to check up on my 32 foot Donzi that was being detailed and filled with premium, as I upgraded the two already massive high HP engines to even bigger ones I thought to myself, self, look at that fat balding guy with the screaming kids arguing with his equally fat wife about the price of a rental boat. I wish I could let myself go like that and not worry about image and expensive clothes. The freedom of wearing ill fitting Walmart wear that is child vomit resistant seems so easy. Buy a general size, throw it on, done. No need to worry about current styles. I also wished I had a wife like that with a strong opinion of everything I want to spend my money on who also didn't care how she looked.

Later on that day as I was pounding $5 a pop .338 Lapua Magnum rounds down range one after the other like they were going out of style I started thinking, what if instead of this really expensive high power rifle with it's equally expensive scope that I bought one day on a whim I had a room full of musical instruments and sports equipment that were used for a week then discarded by my children who don't understand what money is but want want want and cry cry cry for every trend they (or their friends) encounter. Wouldn't that be grand?

Later on that evening as my GF and I were going at it on the couch, stairs, kitchen table, pretty much every room of the house I thought to myself, self, this takes a lot of effort. I wish instead of this any place any time rodeo sex we have I could instead just climb on my wife after the kids were asleep and slowly, quietly have sex in the dark in her smashed out kid cannon. I mean, at least it would only be a few nights a month and the same thing so there would be no effort on my part at all.

Yes, every time we are sitting around at work talking about the exotic countries we visited and the amazing things we have done whilst on vacation I am always secretly jealous of three times divorced guy who came back to Canada and sat in his small appt. watching hockey and drinking cheap beer instead. Such simplicity. Always knowing exactly what is going to happen day after day.

So, don't call me selfish. In reality I want what you have married people. I just never got that far in life and I'm miserable. Crying myself to sleep on my bed made of money. I mean, I have so much of it now, never having to spend it on diapers and grocery sucking food disposal units or putting it away for 4-7 years of paying for 1-3 post secondary educations that won't add any letters to my name....that it's piling up.

Maybe I'll rent a warehouse to keep it all in. Meh, too much effort. I think I'll just pay someone to rent one for me.


:lmao: obviously a strong proponent of the child free movement.
Jesus, get the sand out of your vagina. I actually feel bad for your children :S. You should've joined the movement :lmao:
As I got in my M3 the other day to try out my latest unnecessary and extremely expensive modification I thought to myself, self, I wish instead of this awesome but impractical sports car I had a minivan so I could spend money on putting stick figure characters, DVD players and child seats in it instead.

As I drove over to the dock to check up on my 32 foot Donzi that was being detailed and filled with premium, as I upgraded the two already massive high HP engines to even bigger ones I thought to myself, self, look at that fat balding guy with the screaming kids arguing with his equally fat wife about the price of a rental boat. I wish I could let myself go like that and not worry about image and expensive clothes. The freedom of wearing ill fitting Walmart wear that is child vomit resistant seems so easy. Buy a general size, throw it on, done. No need to worry about current styles. I also wished I had a wife like that with a strong opinion of everything I want to spend my money on who also didn't care how she looked.

Later on that day as I was pounding $5 a pop .338 Lapua Magnum rounds down range one after the other like they were going out of style I started thinking, what if instead of this really expensive high power rifle with it's equally expensive scope that I bought one day on a whim I had a room full of musical instruments and sports equipment that were used for a week then discarded by my children who don't understand what money is but want want want and cry cry cry for every trend they (or their friends) encounter. Wouldn't that be grand?

Later on that evening as my GF and I were going at it on the couch, stairs, kitchen table, pretty much every room of the house I thought to myself, self, this takes a lot of effort. I wish instead of this any place any time rodeo sex we have I could instead just climb on my wife after the kids were asleep and slowly, quietly have sex in the dark in her smashed out kid cannon. I mean, at least it would only be a few nights a month and the same thing so there would be no effort on my part at all.

Yes, every time we are sitting around at work talking about the exotic countries we visited and the amazing things we have done whilst on vacation I am always secretly jealous of three times divorced guy who came back to Canada and sat in his small appt. watching hockey and drinking cheap beer instead. Such simplicity. Always knowing exactly what is going to happen day after day.

So, don't call me selfish. In reality I want what you have married people. I just never got that far in life and I'm miserable. Crying myself to sleep on my bed made of money. I mean, I have so much of it now, never having to spend it on diapers and grocery sucking food disposal units or putting it away for 4-7 years of paying for 1-3 post secondary educations that won't add any letters to my name....that it's piling up.

Maybe I'll rent a warehouse to keep it all in. Meh, too much effort. I think I'll just pay someone to rent one for me.


This man gets it.

I go home, see my married with children friends... Driving the same beat up old car that they can't afford to replace when it dies, too busy to come out and do anything fun aside from the splash pad at the end of the street, and they ***** and moan about not having the time and disposable income I have... Well, I only hear them bitching when they aren't dealing with their kids.

I do have one set of married friends, with 3 kids that actually have a life I almost envy. Nice home, the kids are well behaved and mature (and haven't been spoiled) and they get out and do cool stuff as a family, it's stuff that all of us actually get together and do. They don't just bend over for their kids, and it is pretty awesome. But that is very rare.

I enjoy freedom. I enjoy how stable my life is and that the only real problems I'll encounter are the ones I bring on myself, and those that do bring issues in to my life are easily replaced.
As I got in my M3 the other day to try out my latest unnecessary and extremely expensive modification I thought to myself, self, I wish instead of this awesome but impractical sports car I had a minivan so I could spend money on putting stick figure characters, DVD players and child seats in it instead.

As I drove over to the dock to check up on my 32 foot Donzi that was being detailed and filled with premium, as I upgraded the two already massive high HP engines to even bigger ones I thought to myself, self, look at that fat balding guy with the screaming kids arguing with his equally fat wife about the price of a rental boat. I wish I could let myself go like that and not worry about image and expensive clothes. The freedom of wearing ill fitting Walmart wear that is child vomit resistant seems so easy. Buy a general size, throw it on, done. No need to worry about current styles. I also wished I had a wife like that with a strong opinion of everything I want to spend my money on who also didn't care how she looked.

Later on that day as I was pounding $5 a pop .338 Lapua Magnum rounds down range one after the other like they were going out of style I started thinking, what if instead of this really expensive high power rifle with it's equally expensive scope that I bought one day on a whim I had a room full of musical instruments and sports equipment that were used for a week then discarded by my children who don't understand what money is but want want want and cry cry cry for every trend they (or their friends) encounter. Wouldn't that be grand?

Later on that evening as my GF and I were going at it on the couch, stairs, kitchen table, pretty much every room of the house I thought to myself, self, this takes a lot of effort. I wish instead of this any place any time rodeo sex we have I could instead just climb on my wife after the kids were asleep and slowly, quietly have sex in the dark in her smashed out kid cannon. I mean, at least it would only be a few nights a month and the same thing so there would be no effort on my part at all.

Yes, every time we are sitting around at work talking about the exotic countries we visited and the amazing things we have done whilst on vacation I am always secretly jealous of three times divorced guy who came back to Canada and sat in his small appt. watching hockey and drinking cheap beer instead. Such simplicity. Always knowing exactly what is going to happen day after day.

So, don't call me selfish. In reality I want what you have married people. I just never got that far in life and I'm miserable. Crying myself to sleep on my bed made of money. I mean, I have so much of it now, never having to spend it on diapers and grocery sucking food disposal units or putting it away for 4-7 years of paying for 1-3 post secondary educations that won't add any letters to my name....that it's piling up.

Maybe I'll rent a warehouse to keep it all in. Meh, too much effort. I think I'll just pay someone to rent one for me.


No pictures, no proof.
No its not.

I see so many parents forget what makes them happy just to do what their kids want.
I'm not saying don't please your kids, but people need to please themselves too, it keeps everyone sane.
My friends with the awesome family basically do what they want and bring the kids, and the kids enjoy it and are pretty well adjusted and mature for their age simply because they are brought up in an "adult" world and not the bubble wrapped kid version.

I'm not saying people can't be happy with a family life, I can understand how it would be a good feeling, but so many people put so much in to their kids lives that they forget to live a bit of it for themselves too... You know those bitchy people you see in public that are angry at everything with 3 kids tagging along? Those are the people that forget to enjoy life for their own enjoyment every so often.

Parts of me want kids, but there is a whole other aspect in dealing with another adult for that long a period of time that is the issue for me. I wouldn't want to have kids in a broken home like I was in, I want that duo team to do it right, but it sure isn't easy finding someone you can trust and rely on 100% for the next 20+ years. That's where my issue with having a family life comes in.
I'm not saying people can't be happy with a family life, I can understand how it would be a good feeling, but so many people put so much in to their kids lives that they forget to live a bit of it for themselves too... You know those bitchy people you see in public that are angry at everything with 3 kids tagging along? Those are the people that forget to enjoy life for their own enjoyment every so often.

So true... It's about maintaining a balance between your own identity and your role as a parent.

I also agree that planning to have kids is more about whether or not you find yourself in a context that's ideal to have them - i.e. secure environment, lots of support, strong partnership, maturity, stability. etc. though these are ideals, and a lot of this is beyond your control. If it happens great! If not... enjoy your money in other ways. lol.
Truth is truth and if it's juicy and sells newspapers, it's print worthy. Religious scandals, Church cover ups, Hypocrisy...come on, this is what today's media LIVE for! No one is untouchable.

Let's take Joe Paterno. He died before Sandusky was convicted. Before this trial/scandal, the people of Pennsylvania held Paterno in a similar regard as Catholics hold Mother Theresa (don't believe, do some research on Paterno). Evidence comes out after his death, he knew about Sandusky's actions and did nothing... IMMEDIATE RETRACTION, countless press articles on this issue. The same would have happened with our good Nun if there was real evidence of her scandals, cover ups & hypocrisy.

My point is the media don't care who you are so long as they can prove it. No one in the credible media has the goods on her nor would stake their reputations on it either.

Smearing a good woman's memory just because you have a hate on for Christians (which Hitchens clearly had if you look at his other works) is just sad tabloid journalism.

Hitchens hated hypocrisy, that's all. He's actually very erudite and engaging in his books. As for Teresa , the media don't want to touch that, same way they shy away from pope rattie's national socialist youthful dalliances.
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