The Bad Drivers of Ontario Thread

"I am running late for work."
This is not an excuse for driving 186km/h in a posted 80km/h zone on Airport RD.
This 33 year old Meaford man will be walking for the next 30 days. ^af
Dufferin County
Town Of Mono
Crime Stoppers of Simcoe Dufferin Muskoka
CMHA Peel Dufferin
Caledon Dufferin Victim Services
View attachment 69612
It never ceases to amaze me how fast some drive/ride on Airport Road. I keep to 20kph over (or less where I know the OPP like to setup) and have been passed by virtually every kind of vehicle you can think of. Just yesterday coming south from 89 there was an unmarked SUV in a driveway near the bottom of that very long and steep hill. Bit of a dick move on his part and I'm wondering if that might have been where this particular person was nabbed.
It never ceases to amaze me how fast some drive/ride on Airport Road. I keep to 20kph over (or less where I know the OPP like to setup) and have been passed by virtually every kind of vehicle you can think of. Just yesterday coming south from 89 there was an unmarked SUV in a driveway near the bottom of that very long and steep hill. Bit of a dick move on his part and I'm wondering if that might have been where this particular person was nabbed.
Surprised you haven't seen them waiting there before. For decades now they've sat at the bottom of that hill and nailed people who let their speed creep up as the came down the hill.
Someone mis-programmed the garage door opener?

I had a second ride in a friend's model S on Saturday and he booted it as we merged onto 427. My head snapped back. He said that was nothing compared to a cold start.

So did a novice driver expect a soft start or???
Honestly, sometimes I wonder why the cops don't just open fire. Less of these idiots on the road the better.

Some dumbass almost just ran me over while I was coming home from dropping the kids off...then he almost got hit by a car as he was going out into traffic from the school...effing moron.

EDIT: From another angle...

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"I am running late for work."
This is not an excuse for driving 186km/h in a posted 80km/h zone on Airport RD.
This 33 year old Meaford man will be walking for the next 30 days. ^af
Dufferin County
Town Of Mono
Crime Stoppers of Simcoe Dufferin Muskoka
CMHA Peel Dufferin
Caledon Dufferin Victim Services
View attachment 69612

This is exactly the speed I was tagged at on Hwy 7 westbound, east of Perth, back in the late '90s. I was also 21, not 33.

Was working temporarily in Ottawa M-F, living in Toronto, and would head back every Friday evening on my Hawk GT (fantastic tourer - tank range of 200km before I tuned it and made it worse). On this particular evening, I'd had a late start, and (unusual for the time) bad traffic getting out of Ottawa. There was also a thunderstorm forecast for Toronto around the time I was due to arrive, which I wanted to beat.

As soon as I cleared the traffic and got into the wide open straight stretches past Carleton Place, I was WFO on the throttle. Before the tune, the Hawk would do an indicated 135 mph (US bike), or roughly 215kmh, no idea about true speed.

So I'm doing my best impression of a cafe racer chasing the ton when I crest a rise to see a line of traffic coming the other way, the usual plug with a slowpoke up front. I roll off the throttle, wary of impatient passers, and just as I pass the pack, I notice a cruiser lurking in the middle, and he flicks on his lights and pulls a U-turn in behind me as I pass. Now I know I'm in trouble.

I did briefly think about doing a runner, but that's not really my style, and I didn't know the area at all. After reaching the obvious conclusion that the odds of that ending much worse for me were astronomically high, I pull over, take the keys out and drop them performatively on the ground, and wait. The cop seems very amused by the whole situation, verging on impressed. He even invites me back to his cruiser to excitedly show me the 186 on the radar, telling me I'm the highest speed he's caught all year. Needless to say, I'm a little less thrilled by the whole thing.

I get a ticket for 50+ over, along with a dangerous driving charge. This is before the street racing hysteria, so I'm allowed to proceed on my way, doing a sheepish indicated 79 kph on the nose for the duration to Toronto. Of course, I get absolutely drenched in that rainstorm.

I ended up hiring an ex-cop paralegal, recommended by a parts guy at an Ottawa dealership I'd gotten to know who had a history stunting tickets. Best money I've ever spent, as he went to court for me three time in Perth, got the dangerous driving ticket dismissed, and had the speeding ticket reduced to 49 over, which meant I could keep my (already very expensive) insurance. This was a big deal for me at the time, as I had no car, only the bike, and losing insurance would have been catastrophic. In exchange, I had to donate $1000 or so to CHEO, the Ottawa children's hospital. I did so happily.

Apologies for the lengthy trip down memory lane, but seeing that photo of the red '186' on the cruiser dash gave me a small chill down my spine. Swap that sh*tbox car with a metallic grey Honda Hawk GT with bar-end mirrors, and that could have been taken 25+ years ago of me...
Honestly, sometimes I wonder why the cops don't just open fire. Less of these idiots on the road the better.

Some dumbass almost just ran me over while I was coming home from dropping the kids off...then he almost got hit by a car as he was going out into traffic from the school...effing moron.

EDIT: From another angle...

And yet if anyone else drove like that around their own kids, they'd flip out. I think that people really need to see video of themselves driving, before being told that it was them. It might wake them up a bit.
Honestly, sometimes I wonder why the cops don't just open fire. Less of these idiots on the road the better.

Some dumbass almost just ran me over while I was coming home from dropping the kids off...then he almost got hit by a car as he was going out into traffic from the school...effing moron.

EDIT: From another angle...

I'm not sure why cop even bothered to have his gun out. What did the driver have to do to trigger a shot? It seems like intimidation by firearm that turned into the driver calling his bluff and realizing he was invincible and the cop was not going to shoot. Brick wall as a backstop, people standing around and driver continuing to try to escape, time for a shot to the chest. Help the country out and save us a fortune in trials.
I'm not sure why cop even bothered to have his gun out. What did the driver have to do to trigger a shot? It seems like intimidation by firearm that turned into the driver calling his bluff and realizing he was invincible and the cop was not going to shoot. Brick wall as a backstop, people standing around and driver continuing to try to escape, time for a shot to the chest. Help the country out and save us a fortune in trials.
I'm sure he took it out to see if the driver thinks about doing another attempt. If the officers took the shot, there's zero chance of them being found guilty of unnecessary force.

That driver is probably out on bail by now, and I hope the cops pay an unannounced visit in civilian clothing.
I'm not sure why cop even bothered to have his gun out. What did the driver have to do to trigger a shot? It seems like intimidation by firearm that turned into the driver calling his bluff and realizing he was invincible and the cop was not going to shoot. Brick wall as a backstop, people standing around and driver continuing to try to escape, time for a shot to the chest. Help the country out and save us a fortune in trials.
I know next to nothing about guns but seeing one and hearing it go off are two different things.

I've often wondered about the effect and risks of a few bullet holes into a engine compartment or electronic dash.

The Jeep was impressive in almost making it over the cruisers. General Lee would have been proud.
I know next to nothing about guns but seeing one and hearing it go off are two different things.

I've often wondered about the effect and risks of a few bullet holes into a engine compartment or electronic dash.

The Jeep was impressive in almost making it over the cruisers. General Lee would have been proud.
It was a ford.

You don't try and shoot hard things. Ricochet's happen and there were cops all over the place that could get injured. If force is justified, center of mass and keep shooting until force is no longer justified.
It was a ford.

You don't try and shoot hard things. Ricochet's happen and there were cops all over the place that could get injured. If force is justified, center of mass and keep shooting until force is no longer justified.
My bad on the make of vehicles.

A centre mass shooting would have been appropriate. Almost escaping gives the driver encouragement to try harder next time. Not only were police lives at risk, innocent bystanders would be in danger in an escape.
Honestly, sometimes I wonder why the cops don't just open fire. Less of these idiots on the road the better.

Some dumbass almost just ran me over while I was coming home from dropping the kids off...then he almost got hit by a car as he was going out into traffic from the school...effing moron.

EDIT: From another angle...

Videos on WhatsApp showing the arrest. *Spoiler* The guy gets tased trying to step out.
Surprised you haven't seen them waiting there before. For decades now they've sat at the bottom of that hill and nailed people who let their speed creep up as the came down the hill.
Oh, I've seen them there many times and that's why I am careful to hold my speed to under 100 all the way down that hill. Apparently the guy from Medford wasn't as aware of this "fishing hole".
Oh, I've seen them there many times and that's why I am careful to hold my speed to under 100 all the way down that hill. Apparently the guy from Medford wasn't as aware of this "fishing hole".
I knew a girl who lived in Hockley Village, who got nailed a couple of times in the school zone there, so I never assume that someone doesn't know what's right around the corner from them when they get nailed ;)
I knew a girl who lived in Hockley Village, who got nailed a couple of times in the school zone there, so I never assume that someone doesn't know what's right around the corner from them when they get nailed ;)
Or what's moving in the opposite direction.;) Several years ago, coming home from the resort via Hockley Road, I was a little over the limit and spotted an OPP cruiser going the other way. He spotted me as well and lit up his lights and pulled a U-turn behind me. As soon as I saw his lights in my mirrors, I pulled over and stopped. I had already dismounted and removed my helmet by the time he pulled up. We had a nice chat about golf, the local area, how long I've lived in Orangeville and then he told me to watch my speed in this area because they had received so many complaints. The next few times I rode through Hockley Valley I saw the same officer and waved to him.
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