The Bad Drivers of Ontario Thread


Half of people in Ontario say they break traffic laws.

The other half are lying.

I admittedly do break traffic law. I speed. I also do speed appropriate to the situation (unlike the guy who pulled out in front of me and did 40 Kmh in a 70 zone, this morning), stop fully at stop signs before proceeding, make turns into the same lane that I was in before making the turn, stop at amber lights if not unsafe to do so, and pay attention to right-of-way.

Half of people in Ontario say they break traffic laws.

The other half are lying.

I admittedly do break traffic law. I speed. I also do speed appropriate to the situation (unlike the guy who pulled out in front of me and did 40 Kmh in a 70 zone, this morning), stop fully at stop signs before proceeding, make turns into the same lane that I was in before making the turn, stop at amber lights if not unsafe to do so, and pay attention to right-of-way.
I thought it was just me. So you're the other guy. :)
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Sign of the times. I went on a little morning walk, because the heat isn't oppressive yet. I walked along one of the Brampton creeks and then back along residential side streets. In that time I saw exactly two moving cars (Sunday on a long weekend, so nothing out). One car cuts the corner tight while making a left. The other barely slows for the stop sign and rolls through when making a right. Almost collide.
Saw some good ol fashioned road rage today on the 401 on my way to work. Small Mazda3 taking on an older 2-door Tundra. Don't think I'd be brake checking a truck like that, but hey...why not.

They went at it for a good 5-10km as each tried to outdo the other...even forcing each other into the shoulder and then getting away.

Cat and Mouse the entire time. I reported them both to OPP. Doubtful anything would happen...but who knows.

Here's a few nuggets...

I wish they would change that. If the opposing car enters on red, they should be 100% at fault imo. On yellow, I am OK with both taking the insurance ass-kicking.
I'm thinking that the law as it stands is because it's a 'he said she said' scenario the majority of times. There has only been an explosion of dashcams in recent years which change that.

The fact is the left turner should have clearly seen that car not slowing down...and NOT started the turn until the roadway is clear, which is the law currently.
I'm thinking that the law as it stands is because it's a 'he said she said' scenario the majority of times. There has only been an explosion of dashcams in recent years which change that.

The fact is the left turner should have clearly seen that car not slowing down...and NOT started the turn until the roadway is clear, which is the law currently.
Yes, along with the stipulation that you should not enter the intersection unless you can safely clear it. This, of course, is now a patently stupid stipulation given the state of today's roads and how people think that an amber light means "go faster", not "stop if safe to do so."
The fact is the left turner should have clearly seen that car not slowing down...and NOT started the turn until the roadway is clear, which is the law currently.
Probably but maybe not. We aren't sure how many vehicles were in Lane 2 which could substantially impair sight lines to Lane 3.
Probably but maybe not. We aren't sure how many vehicles were in Lane 2 which could substantially impair sight lines to Lane 3.
Agreed. But they should inch across and ensure the path is clear.

Someone on Reddit posted that it’s their sister that turned left, and got charged with reckless or careless driving.
Update from the family member…

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Good. I wonder how much brain power cops are willing to use. If left-turner had a dashcam, it may show that they entered on green but turned left on red. Unfortunately, there is no way the CRV could see that specific light (although the opposing red should have been visible at the same time). I don't know if cops see red on one side and are willing to assume that it was also red in the other direction. Even a rear camera on the left-turning car probably doesn't capture the opposing direction lights. Do we need the google streetview camera or Insta360 on our roofs now?
Agreed. But they should inch across and ensure the path is clear.

Someone on Reddit posted that it’s their sister that turned left, and got charged with reckless or careless driving.
And it will likely be plead down to "turn not in safety." That's S.O.P..

***Never mind. Just read the update.
Agreed. But they should inch across and ensure the path is clear.

Someone on Reddit posted that it’s their sister that turned left, and got charged with reckless or careless driving.

Do you know where I can find a demographic breakdown of the people involved in motor vehicle accidents?
E.g. breakdown by gender, age groups, race etc?

Would insurance companies have something like this?
Grrr. Get drunk and kill people, get caught driving while prohibited multiple times, courts just add another stacked prohibition. F that. Cut off his bleeping arms.

When you're already banned and breach conditions like that, resulting in a death, you need to spend some serious time behind bars. He has already proved that he's "at serious risk to re-offend" by re-offending. At that point it becomes a wilful act.
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