Am in the top 10% of income and asset holders in the US, so will never marry nor live with a woman again. Way too much to lose - and am far happier with my freedom than I ever was with a woman. Don't want to end up one of those rich guys that gets married and then gets taken to the cleaners by some lying gold digger. Not going to happen. Will gratefully die alone. Did it in the past, but was po then. Was divorced/broked up relatively po too, so it didn't count. Having a lot of experience, am now immune to life's illusions and enchantments (aka - marriage/love).
Unsurprisingly, there are blue-pill men in the thread, donning their white knight uniforms, insisting that men should quiver with joy at the idea of marriage - else immature/unmarriageable/cowards/small pee-pee/etc (common shaming tactics). Hilarious. Those are the future divorce rape suckers right there, ladies. Have at 'em. The womenz love their blue-pillers.
Only women benefit from marriage - despite what the lying stories in women's magazines and liberal news articles say (muh empowerment articles). Tis because they have the babies and need a body guard - which is why the vast majority of the dangerous, potentially life threatening jobs are done by men and manly lesbians and why we have a male-only draft in the lower 48. Tis also why women are given probation and suspended sentences while men are shuffled off to prison post-haste.
If I were a woman - given how the deck is heavily stacked in my favor - I'd have no problem with marriage. However, being a man, you'd have to pay me big bucks to even consider the notion - and I'd still be all like "nah". Marriage only benefits women and the state (taxes and new tax slaves). Men are just tricked into it via blue-pill preachers (one or two here) wanting to maintain the status quo and loving that forced wealth and power transfer from men to women and the state. Tis why the vast majority of alimony, asset division and child support flows from men to women (talking the US), why single men with no children have to have maternity coverage (and whatever other coverage they used to not pay for thanks to Obamacare) and why the majority of state and federal spending on health, education and welfare goes to women - even though men pay the majority of taxes and always have.
Tis a woman's world. Marriage only benefits women. Men that do it are just brain dead suckers like I once was. You have two choices: (1) get married and have your life ruined like tens upon tens of millions of men before you, which is why men commit suicide so often, or (2) stay single and free and take no ***** from nobody. Having done both, I feel pretty dang dumb ever having selected option (1) - which is why I'm the WisestManOnEarth and a firm believer in option (2).