An actual woman? It's been a long time, let's just say that. By choice. I could have some real winners living here. Maybe it says something about me and I'll take my lumps if it does. Every woman I've dated after age 30 or so brought nothing to the table except her pussy and a list of wants and desires. It's not so obvious upon a casual perusal but when you really look at it that's what comes down to. Also women can't make me laugh. That's probably the biggy.
Last girl that hit on me was a late 20s something. BTW, I'm not 20s anymore...that was so decades ago. Came to me braless and alone, with baited breath. Mmmmm. Ain't falling for that one - though I was greatly tempted. Those pretty eyes. That long, flowing hair. Those full lips. That little waist. That sweet voice. Those wide hips. Mmmmm. Mmmmmm. A part of our conversation was how badly she wanted kids and how disappointed she was that no other men had manned up that were capable of providing her with the life she'd always dreamed possible. Just to see if she was for real, I asked her for her phone number, which she gave upon request. Coulda...woulda...shoulda tagged a younger hottie. Cursed my knowledge of life and its inner workings for months thereafter. Mmmmm.
The other recent one was an old married flame from days long past and she came under the guise of 'flying into town on a temporary assignment'. Wanted to know if we could get together for 'old time's sake'. Yeah. Shoulda saw through that one coming too...but didn't. Two or three drinks into dinner and she was like, "We can have sex anytime you want back at my hotel." Good thing I know what I'm doing, cause I can just imagine her husband showing up at my abode after finding my number in her phone records during the divorce thingy. She told me enough for me to realize she was trying to trade up. Even took a call from her husband mid-way through dinner...but did it only after walking several feet away. Heard her mention something about having dinner with a girl from work. Not good.
BTW, I'm 'well off', so this is a fairly usual occurrence in my life. It has nothing to do with me. I'm just fortunate enough to have a lot of money. Money brings with it opportunity...and certain well disguised pitfalls.
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