Was divorced very young - but whilst waiting outside the court room, had a conversation with a more mature man sitting next to me. He asked me about my divorce and I told him that we were just 'getting divorced' and that neither of us had anything of value but our jobs and that we didn't have children. Well...then he told me his story. Wow. Just wow. His wife cheated on him with some dude, had a drug habit, they had two kids and he was facing alimony, child support, paying for her drug treatment, all of the court costs and she would likely get the house, car and everything else. He lost his cool and put his fist through a door in the house at some point - so he was under a restraining order and couldn't even speak to her or the kids or he'd go to jail.
I know. I know. Anecdotal. Fellas...lemme splain how life in modern times works: (1) Man bad. (2) Woman good. That's it. That's all you gotta know. That's how the world works. All of civilization was built by men. All of the money to finance civilization was born off the backs of men's blood, sweat and tears. All of the rights and privileges women have over men today were bought and paid for through the exploitation, usury, disposal and trafficking of men for women's advancement, by women and the state.
There's only one rule you have to remember, so listen up: Never give a woman or the state any level of legal, emotional, financial, physical or spiritual power over your life, because if you do, they will surely make you pay and pay dearly.
Women make the babies, boyz. All that ***** you hear about men ruling the world? Subterfuge. Psychobabble. Women have always ruled the world. Why? Men are born naive and foolish. Women are born cunning and crafty. It's just the way things are. You can fight it...or learn to work around it. Your choice.