Shooting in Connecticut

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These kinds of comparisons are constantly touted, and essentially meaningless. Why? because the social demographics are completely different. Different countries, different societies.

Try comparing homicide rates between Canada or the USA with third world countries with extremely strict anti-gun laws, and I'm sure you'll find some shockingly very high non-firearm homicide rates.

PEOPLE kill people. Plain and simple.

people with guns can generally kill more people than those without.....that's simple too.
bombs are ridiculously easy to make and can kill a lot more people at once than a single handgun. Look at Iraq. Look at the Taliban and their IED's. Look at Timothy McVeigh.

attempts to stop this problem by getting rid of guns (an impossibility) will fail, because it doesn't address the problem. As others have already pointed out: similar atrocities happen in countries with strict gun control.

Even IF you get rid of the guns, this kind of crime will continue to happen. So by banning all guns, you will have achieved nothing.

Similar atrocities, but does any "civilized" country in the world come close to the USA in terms of the amout of these attacks on innocents? It certainly doesn't appear that way.

I don't pretend to have all the answers, and for the record, I do NOT believe in taking away all guns as if its the miracle cure... I just think that when you have in almost all of these cases, people who just "snap"..... and there is a readily available weapon capable of killing so easily, well, it just ups the body count and frequency. Obviously, if there is REAL fore thought, planning, strategy.... any one who is determined and sick enough stands a good chance of doing what they set out to do. I cannot argue that. I can argue that the joe blow sicko who pops his top (I don't know if that is the case in this particular incident) will grab the nearest available weapon (his trusty 9), not take the time and effort to order 2 tons of ammonium nitrate, rent a van, and rig whatever detonator is required, and blow himself to bits.

I believe in stricter gun control, which as pointed out, will not SOLVE, but will certainly MITIGATE the frequency... its just straight numbers. Any measure, as long as it reduces the amount of innocent lives lost, is a step in the right direction.
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bombs are ridiculously easy to make and can kill a lot more people at once than a single handgun. Look at Iraq. Look at the Taliban and their IED's. Look at Timothy McVeigh.

attempts to stop this problem by getting rid of guns (an impossibility) will fail, because it doesn't address the problem. As others have already pointed out: similar atrocities happen in countries with strict gun control.

Even IF you get rid of the guns, this kind of crime will continue to happen. So by banning all guns, you will have achieved nothing.

Not sure that's strictly true. Bombs made by amateurs aren't the most stable things in the world.
Not sure that's strictly true. Bombs made by amateurs aren't the most stable things in the world.

Plenty of those IEDs blow up in the bomb makers faces.... or never blow up at all. A simple pipe bomb is easy to make I'm sure, but doesn't come close in terms of killing effectiveness as a competent shooter with a handgun and 50 rounds. This isn't IRAQ, finding skilled bomb makers and the proper components/explosives to create bombs simply isn't on the same level of ease as buying a gun from a store and walking into a mall and going postal.
lol @ everyone who uses this "the gun is a tool" or "if not a gun, a van full of explosives"

name ONE weapon out there that is more effective, more efficient, and EASIER to use to kill MULTIPLE PEOPLE AT ONCE?

Especially when it's retardedly easy to acquire LEGALLY?

Pulling a trigger is probably a LOT easier than hacking some one's head off or disemboweling 20+ people. Making bombs? Probably a little more work than the average person who just snapped will go through, when oh lookie here, right in my bed side table is my semi automatic handgun that can kill as fast I pull the trigger.

seriously, how can people argue that guns (which their SOLE PURPOSE in design is to KILL) AREN'T a big part of the problem?

Timothy McVeigh killed 168 people and injured over 800 with a bomb made from diesel and fertilizer... both of which canadian tire sells... they will even sell you the containers to mix it in and store the diesel... 19 of those 168 were children.
Plenty of those IEDs blow up in the bomb makers faces.... or never blow up at all. A simple pipe bomb is easy to make I'm sure, but doesn't come close in terms of killing effectiveness as a competent shooter with a handgun and 50 rounds. This isn't IRAQ, finding skilled bomb makers and the proper components/explosives to create bombs simply isn't on the same level of ease as buying a gun from a store and walking into a mall and going postal.

it is quite easy, i remember kids in highschool making gunpowder. diesel fertilizer bombs are quite stable, their users are not
Timothy McVeigh killed 168 people and injured over 800 with a bomb made from diesel and fertilizer... both of which canadian tire sells... they will even sell you the containers to mix it in and store the diesel... 19 of those 168 were children.

Try buying that amount of ammonium nitrate now, and see how fast the FBI or RCMP are knocking on your door.

He was also ex-military with explosives training.

If making bombs is so easy, why aren't people blowing up schools and churches and malls instead of shooting them up?

The argument that if we take guns away, everyone's going to turn into the Unibomber is ridiculous.
Try buying that amount of ammonium nitrate now, and see how fast the FBI or RCMP are knocking on your door.

He was also ex-military with explosives training.

If making bombs is so easy, why aren't people blowing up schools and churches and malls instead of shooting them up?

The argument that if we take guns away, everyone's going to turn into the Unibomber is ridiculous.

not quite, unfortunately.

people use guns now, yes because they are available. If they weren't they may start using fertilizer/diesel bombs. they may start using katanas or machete's. it's what's available. the bottom line is to vilify gun ownership after such a tragedy is an emotional knee jerk reaction because it's more tangible. the solution is simply not more regulation.

a lot of these rampage killers, what they do is actually thought out. they're methodical. they know what they're doing. Look at Mark Lepine, Columbine, Dawson College, the shooting in Germany, the shootings in the UK.

unfortunately, they're not quite the raving mad lunatics we like to think of them as being.
not quite, unfortunately.

people use guns now, yes because they are available. If they weren't they may start using fertilizer/diesel bombs. they may start using katanas or machete's. it's what's available. the bottom line is to vilify gun ownership after such a tragedy is an emotional knee jerk reaction because it's more tangible. the solution is simply not more regulation.

a lot of these rampage killers, what they do is actually thought out. they're methodical. they know what they're doing. Look at Mark Lepine, Columbine, Dawson College, the shooting in Germany, the shootings in the UK.

unfortunately, they're not quite the raving mad lunatics we like to think of them as being.

just because they are insane doesn't make them stupid, just dangerous
Try buying that amount of ammonium nitrate now, and see how fast the FBI or RCMP are knocking on your door.

He was also ex-military with explosives training.

If making bombs is so easy, why aren't people blowing up schools and churches and malls instead of shooting them up?

The argument that if we take guns away, everyone's going to turn into the Unibomber is ridiculous.

I don't think you understand the argument. So what if you can't make large amounts of ANFO anymore? A creative mind can easily craft a destructive device out of something else. They won't bother looking at what is not available to them, they will simply to look as to what IS.
just because they are insane doesn't make them stupid, just dangerous

But that's just it: these guys we call "nut jobs" aren't exactly "insane". Emotionally disturbed, yes. Insane, no. They have not lost their grip on reality. They know what they're doing is wrong and are doing it anyways. They have chosen a horrific and incomprehensible course of action, but they do so methodically, knowing full well what they are doing.

Honestly, I find that more chilling.

why does that propaganda say West Germany? That hasn't existed since what.... 1989?

Look at all those countries and what do they have in common? They are MUCH more socialist than the States. Gun, gun, gun.... it's the society that produces those numbers. How many are gang related? I would hazard to guess easily in the 90% range. Also, what are the population numbers for each country in comparison?
There were 52,447 deliberate and 23,237 accidental non-fatal gunshot injuries in the United States during 2000.[4] The majority of gun-related deaths in the United States are suicides,[5] with 17,352 (55.6%) of the total 31,224 firearm-related deaths in 2007 due to suicide, while 12,632 (40.5%) were homicide deaths

Firearm Homicides per capita 100,000

USA - 2.98 = 9,368 population 311mil
Canada - 0.76 = 258 pop 34mil
Japan - 0.02 = 25 pop 128mil
Switzerland - 0.58
France - 0.06
New Zealand - 0.17
GB - 0.03
Germany - 1.10

Accidental gun deaths
US - 0.27 = 840
Can - 0.22 = 75
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US has 8000 firearm murders
Canada 170
It seems like those laws certainly reduce the chances though.

Dig a little deaper.......Detroit has the highest murders by far, its because of social issues, high unemployment, drugs, gangs etc etc.
Some cities in the usa are similar to Canadian cities. Places like Detroit tend to skew results for the whole country.
There is 1 gun for every 3 canadians in this country. Are you paranoid about walking around here as well?
In general normal people don't go on shooting sprees. This kid wasn't all there. This could have just as easily happened in canada.

We are not immune to crazy people, remember the guy on the greyhound? Danzing shooting this summer? Eaton center? All in a country where you cannot carry a gun, yet crazy people and criminals do not care.

Simple minds blame guns, those who have a little more brain capacity understand its a much deeper issue with many variables. But pointing at an object and screaming "evil" isnt going to solve anything

What are you talking about? Pulling your 'facts' out of you know where?

Yes, that 'kid' was not a friend with his head a bit. But yes, there were guns in the house, which he had free access to.
odd that both 9mm handguns and the .223 assault rifle were all registered to the shooters mom, who was killed at the scene.
Dig a little deaper.......Detroit has the highest murders by far, its because of social issues, high unemployment, drugs, gangs etc etc.
Some cities in the usa are similar to Canadian cities. Places like Detroit tend to skew results for the whole country.

Shhhh.... it's only because of guns, nothing else.
If all you banners keep calling for everything to be done away with all the time you won't have a motorcycle. It's a slippery slope to argue what others need and dont need. Before the ban solution I wish they would start arming teachers and see if that works as a deterrant to these kinds of massacres. An armed society is generally a polite society and I doubt people like this would prey on the weak if they knew someone was there ready to blast back.
There were 52,447 deliberate and 23,237 accidental non-fatal gunshot injuries in the United States during 2000.[4] The majority of gun-related deaths in the United States are suicides,[5] with 17,352 (55.6%) of the total 31,224 firearm-related deaths in 2007 due to suicide, while 12,632 (40.5%) were homicide deaths

Firearm Homicides per capita 100,000

USA - 2.98 = 9,368 population 311mil
Canada - 0.76 = 258 pop 34mil
Japan - 0.02 = 25 pop 128mil
Switzerland - 0.58
France - 0.06
New Zealand - 0.17
GB - 0.03
Germany - 1.10

Accidental gun deaths
US - 0.27 = 840
Can - 0.22 = 75

Guns in in the US are used defensively between 100,000 and 2.5 million times a year depending on which statistic you believe. That is far greater than the death toll.
I don't believe arming teachers is the answer. But I do know that security in our schools needs to be addressed. I have worked building/renovating schools for the past 20 years or so, all over Ontario. Some school boards have tighter security than others, but overall its a mess. Generally, teachers and support staff are not trained in what to do in emergency situations. The code red programs that some boards have in place are a complete joke.
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