Shooting in Connecticut

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So they have about 100 complaints a year. While I have to agree that the methods of investigation and punishments are ineffective, that's less than 1 in 1000 teachers being investigated. We have over 120,000 teachers and ECE's. Did you know that 1 in 10 Canadians has a Criminal record? All in all, teachers are doing a lot better than general population :cool:

P.S. Don't come back to me with the "one is one too many" bs.. Every segment of the population has its share of delinquents

That's it!!!!!! Off with all their heads....... death to ALL teachers!!!!

Wow, some bad apples out of how many? Please, I'm not sticking up for teachers, in the other thread about them they have ****** me off big time for this latest crap. They are well compensated for the job, but it is not that easy. I couldn't do the job without being allowed to lay some beat downs to some of those kids in my kids classes.
You're statistics are somewhat biased, seeing as many of the numbers are provided by a gun control organization.

Also, I think you need to eliminate the suicides, as they will likely have resorted to other means if a gun wasn't available. Their inclusion really muddies the waters

What you really want to check, I believe, is per capita homicide rates by country, and see if this is at all in line with number of firearms. Having said that, I still stand by my assertion that factors beyond simple firearm numbers account for homicide rates.

I checked another wikipedia page listing homicides per capita worldwide and the USA is quite far down the list (ranked 108 globally), at about 4.2 per captia. Canada is a further down the list, at 1.6.

At the top of the list are some horrific numbers with the top 20, ranging from 26 to 91 homicides per capita
So they have about 100 complaints a year. While I have to agree that the methods of investigation and punishments are ineffective, that's less than 1 in 1000 teachers being investigated. We have over 120,000 teachers and ECE's. Did you know that 1 in 10 Canadians has a Criminal record? All in all, teachers are doing a lot better than general population :cool:

P.S. Don't come back to me with the "one is one too many" bs.. Every segment of the population has its share of delinquents


.” Yet in Canada, teacher incompetence prompts so few administrators to pursue termination that the Ontario principal insisted that not even the name of her school board be published, because it would almost certainly identify her. According to Barrie Bennett, a professor at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, the dismissal process is so onerous, the risk of reprisal from teachers’ unions so great, that “most principals find it’s not worth the effort.” Instead, they approve transfers, or hide struggling teachers where their deficiencies can go unnoticed. The result however, is this: a system that keeps incompetent teachers in the classroom.

The fact that more bad teachers aren’t being fired is “a problem that nobody wants to talk about,” says Menuey, who authored a 2007 study on the subject. Despite research indicating that about five per cent of every workforce is incompetent, he uncovered a truth about his district he describes as “scandalous”: less than one-tenth of one per cent of tenured teachers were being dismissed annually for poor performance. When viewed through this lens, the Canadian numbers are even more damning. Of the roughly 200,000 educators licensed by the Ontario College of Teachers to teach, only 27 have been terminated due to poor performance since 2004—an annual average of just 0.002 per cent. In the past five years, not a single permanent teacher has been dismissed for incompetence in the largest school boards in Montreal and Winnipeg; Saskatoon Public Schools has terminated just one; and in Edmonton Public Schools, says a spokeswoman, “very few if any” have been let go.’s-so-hard-to-fire-bad-teachers/

Seriously, where else is a Bachelor of arts graduate going to get something like this? They are supposed to be profesionals , why the need for a union ? Actually Its kinda obvious.
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...and this is where the "arm everyone" argument goes in the crapper. People are largely stupid. You can say they "should" take certain precautions as much as you want. But when it's your wife or kid who, God forbid, gets hit by an accidental shot, your attitude changes fast.

everyone should take precautions when it comes to guns as well as many other things in life.
you don't leave the keys to your car around if your kid isnt all there
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im ashamed to say this, but a member of my family actually said to me "what if the gun arms itself and shoots", i was speechless.

Every family has its share of "geniuses".. I have a cousin who got drunk, stole a police cruiser, went on a police chase, crashed the cruiser in the creek and escaped on foot :cool:
You're statistics are somewhat biased, seeing as many of the numbers are provided by a gun control organization.
I checked another wikipedia page listing homicides per capita worldwide and the USA is quite far down the list (ranked 108 globally), at about 4.2 per captia. Canada is a further down the list, at 1.6.

At the top of the list are some horrific numbers with the top 20, ranging from 26 to 91 homicides per capita

You can't seriously want to me compare
Africa and the US?
take out all African and S&C American countries(mostly 2nd and 3rd world). The US is back to the top.
You can't seriously want to me compare
Africa and the US?
take out all African and S&C American countries(mostly 2nd and 3rd world). The US is back to the top.

Because socioeconomically they are heading in that direction. Guns don't have anything to do with it. The disappearing middle class and the huge divide between the rich and the poor would explain their homicide rate.
Because socioeconomically they are heading in that direction. Guns don't have anything to do with it. The disappearing middle class and the huge divide between the rich and the poor would explain their homicide rate.

Absolutely, the divide has something to do with it. I've never said it isn't. The US is slowly dying just like every Super-power before it.

Guns, directly, have nothing to do with it. It is their lack of gun control and gun education. And when you have a nation that has no gun control or firearm education and a whole lotta guns per capita... 12,000 firearm related deaths a year is what happens. (6-10+ times more than any other "civilized" nation)
Because socioeconomically they are heading in that direction. Guns don't have anything to do with it. The disappearing middle class and the huge divide between the rich and the poor would explain their homicide rate.

I question if it's rich versus poor or more the attitude cultured into the American mind that one is entitled to six cars, three pickup trucks, twelve guns, four dogs, two dollar a gallon gas and a BBQ the size of a ping pong table. When they don't get what they think they deserve they pull out the guns.
I question if it's rich versus poor or more the attitude cultured into the American mind that one is entitled to six cars, three pickup trucks, twelve guns, four dogs, two dollar a gallon gas and a BBQ the size of a ping pong table. When they don't get what they think they deserve they pull out the guns.

Those types aren't even a blip on the statistical radar.. Most of the gun homicides involve people born into poverty, who can't expect for any jobs they can get into to afford them food, shelter and healthcare, not to mention retirement, so they turn to crime as a way out of it. There are a lot of those down there than here and those are the types to take up violent crime - got nothing to lose.
9-4? Try again. While school is in session they are usually about 8 hrs a day, then test time or report card time or parent teacher time and that jumps to 10 to 14 hrs a day.

While IMO they are well compensated for the job they do, it is by no means a walk in the park.

time numbers for illustrative purposes only.

tell me how many people you know who have a job that's a walk in the park?
mine certainly isn't, and neither are my friends'. Most people I know work more than 40 hours a week and take work home some nights and weekends too.

if was fun, it wouldn't be "work"

either way, we digress.

my comment was just in reply to CruisinGirl, who said they don't make a decent wage. It looks pretty decent from where I'm standing.
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You can't seriously want to me compare
Africa and the US?
take out all African and S&C American countries(mostly 2nd and 3rd world). The US is back to the top.

I'm very serious. It illustrates the far greater impact of socio-economic concerns.

You can't pick and choose the data you want to include just to support your position.

Remember, Switzerland is armed to the teeth and their homicide rates are far lower than the USA's (for those that don't know, every household in Switzerland is by law required to keep and maintain a pistol, a rifle and/or machine gun). Compare their number with Honduras (also lax gun laws) which has a per capita of 91 homicides. The USA with their lax gun laws number only 4 to 5.

Clearly the problem goes well beyond the number of guns or even the type in a country, which is why the belief that greater restriction is going to stop such horrors from occurring is completely misguided.

Personally, I wouldn't have an issue with regulation if it weren't for the anti-gun camp screaming to completely disarm the population (law abiding citizens) en-mass

And with all due respect, SFer, these arguments and numbers are and have been hashed back and forth, over and over already. We're not bringing up any new information and we're not going to agree so we might as well leave it at that.
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Switzerland also has more hot blondes per capita than the US has obese people per capita. That makes a huge difference. Who wants to go on a killing spree when there are hot blondes around you???
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