Teachers start at 40k and can make up to 90-97k depending on experience and education
To get a teaching position it used to be 4 years of uni + 3 years on a teaching degree. Not sure what it is now, but that's a lot of schooling.
40k to start doesn't seem unreasonable for the position. Some one with a 3 year tech college course can make more.
In Ontario it is a four year degree (pretty much any degree) and then another one year of teacher's college for the BEd. Other provinces have a four year BEd that you do straight out of high school, no other degree first.
The above will get them that base paying job/pay grade more or less (pay in the 40s to start). There is another lower pay grade for teachers with no degree, that one is not open to new applicants but is a grandfathered in one for teachers that started prior to the degree requirement. There are also some education exceptions with respect to teachers of high school trade classes.
There are 10 steps within each pay grade, pay grade is based on education level only. You move up one step per year until you hit the top. There are 5 pay grades, A to A4 (some boards use a different naming convention but it is all the same deal). A is for the above mentioned no degree grandfathered in teachers. A1 is the lowest and A4 is for a teacher with the equivalent of a Masters Degree, to move up in pay grade you have to take AQs (additional qualifications) or you can enter in at whichever grade your education rates (for example if you have a masters the day you are hired you start at the bottom of A4). The only way to move to a higher pay grade is more education.
The top end pay is mid 90s, that is for someone that is in the A4 pay grade and has 10 years+ experience. The pay is slightly higher for high school vs elementary teachers. There are also special coordinating teaching positions that may pay a little more (breaking the 100K mark).
The pay is based on a 10 month contract, meaning you are only "payed" for 10 months. Now in the old days they were actually only payed during the 10 months and there was an option to have it spread over 12. They do not let them collect unemployment over the two months off. The government now pays everyone over 12 to save money (interest etc.), but it is 10 months pay spread over 12 months. So simple math, A4 pay corrected for the above (if it was actually 12 months pay) would be around 115K per year (that is not what they get, it is what the equivalent pay would be for an entire year).
So at the very top one way to look at this is that it is a lot of money (either 90s the actual pay or the ~115 12 month equivalent), another way is that is not a lot of money for anyone with a masters and 10 years+ experience, it is actually pretty low for anyone with that much education and experience.
When the government is saying teachers are getting X% increase per year they are averaging everyone's increases. Those increases are the contract increases in the pay, the people moving up to a higher step within their pay grade AND teachers moving to higher pay grades through AQs.