Shooting in Connecticut

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again, you support my point again: it's not the guns per se, but the people (socio-economic factors).

I agree however, my point is also valid...where there is evidence of a lack of respect and regard for safety then it falls upon an exterior agency to enforce regulations (and perhaps more severe regulations than in other countries). Look at the statistics...the gun culture in the US is simply mismatched with the regulations (or lack of) in place. As you point out, the Swiss have shown they need less regulations in order to keep a civilised armed society. Interesting point by the way...the Swiss gun suicide rate is very high...but again that is due to access and suicide is generally a one (major) victim event.

Funny that you assumed I am "scared of them", it would be like me saying people like you who own big guns have "big gun, little man sydnrome"

and you really did not answer my questions, you just tried to attack me personally, which is even more funny.

I can't deal with these retarded arguments on every ****en level!

Are you that much of a ****** driver that you need a suv instead of a regular honda civic?
Are you that much of a ****** rider that you need a motorcycle over 125cc?

Anti gun people, especially ones that come out of the boonies after a tragedy like this, know nothing about guns. They throw out buzz words they hear on the news such as "assault rifle" "semi-automatic" "automatic" "high-powered rifle" around like children.

Look up the meaning before you make retards out of yourselves.

"Why does someone need to own a gun like that?"

A gun like what? One that looks oooooh so scary? First off the choice for ammo for hunting isnt a .223, most would go with a .308 or .30-06. Get this, a BIGGER round, that causes a lot more damage!

What do you think, people are gonna go hunting with a .22?

Second a lot of these scary looking "assault rifles" as mentally ill people like to call them are just that, scary looking.

Let me show you how:


The "ASSAULT RIFLE" on the right that no one needs for hunting is actually IDENTICAL to the one on the left. Strip the plastics and wood from both guns and its the same gun!!! You can even dress the other one up to look exactly like the one on the right and then it will be "ZOMG SCARY ASSAULT" rifle capable of firing 100000000000000 rounds per second.

And both are semi-auto .22s by the way. Semi auto to slow people and the media somehow means FULL AUTOMATIC.

People run around with misinformation and things they heard from "friends" that are inaccurate and try to pretend like they are the smartest beings on earth, meanwhile know jack **** about what they're talking about. A lot like motorcycles hahahahahaah

You wanna know why .223 are popular ammo choice for shooters? Cause they're half the price of a .308 and that adds up when you're target shooting! You know, at the RANGE!
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I can't deal with these retarded arguments on every ****en level!

Are you that much of a ****** driver that you need a suv instead of a regular honda civic?
Are you that much of a ****** rider that you need a motorcycle over 125cc?

Anti gun people, especially ones that come out of the boonies after a tragedy like this, know nothing about guns. They throw out buzz words they hear on the news such as "assault rifle" "semi-automatic" "automatic" "high-powered rifle" around like children.

Look up the meaning before you make retards out of yourselves.

"Why does someone need to own a gun like that?"

A gun like what? One that looks oooooh so scary? First off the choice for ammo for hunting isnt a .223, most would go with a .308 or .30-06. Get this, a BIGGER round, that causes a lot more damage!

What do you think, people are gonna go hunting with a .22?

Second a lot of these scary looking "assault rifles" as mentally ill people like to call them are just that, scary looking.

Let me show you how:


The "ASSAULT RIFLE" on the right that no one needs for hunting is actually IDENTICAL to the one on the left. Strip the plastics and wood from both guns and its the same gun!!! You can even dress the other one up to look exactly like the one on the right and then it will be "ZOMG SCARY ASSAULT" rifle capable of firing 100000000000000 rounds per second.

And both are semi-auto .22s by the way. Semi auto to slow people and the media somehow means FULL AUTOMATIC.

People run around with misinformation and things they heard from "friends" that are inaccurate and try to pretend like they are the smartest beings on earth, meanwhile know jack **** about what they're talking about. A lot like motorcycles hahahahahaah

You wanna know why .223 are popular ammo choice for shooters? Cause they're half the price of a .308 and that adds up when you're target shooting! You know, at the RANGE!

Best post I've read on this forum for over a year at least.

This is my signature

ZOMG someone call the army in! Here's a .22 with a 10000000 round magazine CLIP BELT FED MAGAZINE CLIP and a scope that enables you to kill for up to 40 miles!
We don't need to. We can buy evil "assault rifles" here in good old canada, and many of us do own them, and will continue to own them regardless of whether people like you are too scared of them or not.

I'm going to guess you are talking about the AR-15. Which in this country is a restricted weapon. Which means that you have been educated and assessed many times(whether you know it or not)
When you got your RPAL, when you purchased the firearm, and when you applied for your ATT, an multiple times between and over the years.
Now due to your education I am guessing that you know and follow the rules and laws which means the AR is locked in a safe when at home(for 99.9% of the time) and that when you transport it it is locked in an opaque transportable safe and that the ammunition is locked separately from the firearm.
And once at the range you have a beautiful AR that has a 5 or 10(?) round clip and not a 30 or 40 round clip like you can purchase in some states.

And I, as a gun owner, am totally ok with you owning that gun.
Because the government has put safety measures to REDUCE the chances that, god forbid, you or me or someone we know could harm a mass amount of people with that weapon in a short amount of time.
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I can't deal with these retarded arguments on every ****en level!

Are you that much of a ****** driver that you need a suv instead of a regular honda civic?
Are you that much of a ****** rider that you need a motorcycle over 125cc?

Anti gun people, especially ones that come out of the boonies after a tragedy like this, know nothing about guns. They throw out buzz words they hear on the news such as "assault rifle" "semi-automatic" "automatic" "high-powered rifle" around like children.

Look up the meaning before you make retards out of yourselves.

"Why does someone need to own a gun like that?"

A gun like what? One that looks oooooh so scary? First off the choice for ammo for hunting isnt a .223, most would go with a .308 or .30-06. Get this, a BIGGER round, that causes a lot more damage!

What do you think, people are gonna go hunting with a .22?

Second a lot of these scary looking "assault rifles" as mentally ill people like to call them are just that, scary looking.

Let me show you how:


The "ASSAULT RIFLE" on the right that no one needs for hunting is actually IDENTICAL to the one on the left. Strip the plastics and wood from both guns and its the same gun!!! You can even dress the other one up to look exactly like the one on the right and then it will be "ZOMG SCARY ASSAULT" rifle capable of firing 100000000000000 rounds per second.

And both are semi-auto .22s by the way. Semi auto to slow people and the media somehow means FULL AUTOMATIC.

People run around with misinformation and things they heard from "friends" that are inaccurate and try to pretend like they are the smartest beings on earth, meanwhile know jack **** about what they're talking about. A lot like motorcycles hahahahahaah

You wanna know why .223 are popular ammo choice for shooters? Cause they're half the price of a .308 and that adds up when you're target shooting! You know, at the RANGE!

I would suggest then why buy the gun on the right if it is the same as the gun on the left other than to look all badass and rambo if it just perpetuates the stereotype. I do somewhat agree with you though that the function should be the issue not the form.

This is where clip limits should be playing a roll. If you are going to the range why does anyone need a huge clip, are they that lazy regarding reloading? Storage is the next item, in the US too many people think they need to be armed (carry) and they need to have their gun quick at hand for when the boogeyman comes. Now these guns are easily accessible to the wrong people as well.

If we take a look at the tragedy here. Yes if the mother had no guns this would not have happened, but skip this (and I do not think a ban is the answer).

A small clip limit would have at least slowed him down a little and may have saved some lives. There was no one there to stop him (armed) but according to reports he killed himself when the cops got there. Simple logic, if he got off less shots in the time frame there would have been fewer children shot.

Storage is likely the biggest factor here. Although we do not have all the details on how she kept her guns most reports (and pretty much common in the US) is they were pretty easy at hand. So if they were in a safe/locked up like here he may never have got his hands on them. Although he was not known to authorities for violence it appears she had her concerns based on her instructions to baby sitters in the past and even comments she made to friends. So there is a culture fail here as well, she had an idea he had issues but kept them accessible anyways. Forcing people to do otherwise is a step in the right direction.

So bans will likely not work but clip limits will have a benefit, proper security and storage will have a bigger impact. Gun laws should focus here to start. Then also address the culture of everyone needing to be armed. That same culture is why someone would buy the gun on the right not the left and that same culture is why people want huge clips, both in case the boogeyman comes or to feel like a superstar at the range.
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This is so lame its not even worth responding too, so go out to your RANGE and Target shoot to your hearts content.

I can't deal with these retarded arguments on every ****en level!

Are you that much of a ****** driver that you need a suv instead of a regular honda civic?
Are you that much of a ****** rider that you need a motorcycle over 125cc?

Anti gun people, especially ones that come out of the boonies after a tragedy like this, know nothing about guns. They throw out buzz words they hear on the news such as "assault rifle" "semi-automatic" "automatic" "high-powered rifle" around like children.

Look up the meaning before you make retards out of yourselves.

"Why does someone need to own a gun like that?"

A gun like what? One that looks oooooh so scary? First off the choice for ammo for hunting isnt a .223, most would go with a .308 or .30-06. Get this, a BIGGER round, that causes a lot more damage!

What do you think, people are gonna go hunting with a .22?

Second a lot of these scary looking "assault rifles" as mentally ill people like to call them are just that, scary looking.

Let me show you how:


The "ASSAULT RIFLE" on the right that no one needs for hunting is actually IDENTICAL to the one on the left. Strip the plastics and wood from both guns and its the same gun!!! You can even dress the other one up to look exactly like the one on the right and then it will be "ZOMG SCARY ASSAULT" rifle capable of firing 100000000000000 rounds per second.

And both are semi-auto .22s by the way. Semi auto to slow people and the media somehow means FULL AUTOMATIC.

People run around with misinformation and things they heard from "friends" that are inaccurate and try to pretend like they are the smartest beings on earth, meanwhile know jack **** about what they're talking about. A lot like motorcycles hahahahahaah

You wanna know why .223 are popular ammo choice for shooters? Cause they're half the price of a .308 and that adds up when you're target shooting! You know, at the RANGE!
This is so lame its not even worth responding too, so go out to your RANGE and Target shoot to your hearts content.

so if its not even worth responding to then why did you respond with NOTHING added? lol

fact is you dont know how to respond to what i wrote, because the MISINFORMATION you've been spewing has finally been corrected.

go turn on cnn and pick up some more buzz words and then you can come back with another attempt at this
OH POOR IGNORANT ME, Thanks for setting me straight, I will sleep at night now that I know real men like you are keeping society safe from harm.

so if its not even worth responding to then why did you respond with NOTHING added? lol

fact is you dont know how to respond to what i wrote, because the MISINFORMATION you've been spewing has finally been corrected.

go turn on cnn and pick up some more buzz words and then you can come back with another attempt at this
First off I would like to say that I think we all as a society need to re-think our approach to funding mental health awareness and detection of these disorders. Help parents with troubled children not just shuffle them around until they explode.

The calibre of the gun isn't the issue it is the high capacity mags and I agree there is no legitimate reason for citizens to have large capacity magazines and access to body armour. Its not about preventing all killing as you can't but there is no need to make it easier. Just look at the example in China where children were attacked with a knife due to strict gun laws and no one died. Guns don't kill people but they sure make it easier to kill people.

More guns isn't the solution but neither is a total gun ban. I rather like our gun control in Canada and fee the States should adopt a similar approach. The vetting process for potential gun owners is more sound and for many weapons it is a very strict process. A good thing. I like that it keeps lazy gun owners out of the system as much as possible. The fact is that most of these tragedies come out of the lax attitude towards guns and gun culture that many Americans have. Lax attitudes to storage and lax attitudes to restricting who can have a gun and who shouldn't. If you have someone with a psycological disorder maybe having an armory of weapons in the house isn't in the best interest of society. Maybe having gun fairs without any tracking and vetting of the purchaser isn't a good idea. Online sales of para military gear to civilians isn't a good idea. These questions need to be discussed without the NRA or 'no gun of any type' rhetoric. There is a very acceptable middle ground here.

I wish people would lose this fantasy that having more guns makes you safer. It simply isn't true. The shooters mother had a well stocked gun collection and thousands of rounds and that didn't keep anyone safer. Most gun owners never ever fire their gun to save their lives. Lets be honest here.
I'm going to guess you are talking about the AR-15. Which in this country is a restricted weapon. Which means that you have been educated and assessed many times(whether you know it or not)
When you got your RPAL, when you purchased the firearm, and when you applied for your ATT, an multiple times between and over the years.
Now due to your education I am guessing that you know and follow the rules and laws which means the AR is locked in a safe when at home(for 99.9% of the time) and that when you transport it it is locked in an opaque transportable safe and that the ammunition is locked separately from the firearm.
And once at the range you have a beautiful AR that has a 5 or 10(?) round clip and not a 30 or 40 round clip like you can purchase in some states.

And I, as a gun owner, am totally ok with you owning that gun.
Because the government has put safety measures to REDUCE the chances that, god forbid, you or me or someone we know could harm a mass amount of people with that weapon in a short amount of time.

+1 Great Post!
I'm going to guess you are talking about the AR-15. Which in this country is a restricted weapon. Which means that you have been educated and assessed many times(whether you know it or not)
When you got your RPAL, when you purchased the firearm, and when you applied for your ATT, an multiple times between and over the years.
Now due to your education I am guessing that you know and follow the rules and laws which means the AR is locked in a safe when at home(for 99.9% of the time) and that when you transport it it is locked in an opaque transportable safe and that the ammunition is locked separately from the firearm.
And once at the range you have a beautiful AR that has a 5 or 10(?) round clip and not a 30 or 40 round clip like you can purchase in some states.

And I, as a gun owner, am totally ok with you owning that gun.
Because the government has put safety measures to REDUCE the chances that, god forbid, you or me or someone we know could harm a mass amount of people with that weapon in a short amount of time.

I would like to point out that AR-15 style rifles are more or less arbitrarily designated as restricted firearms. For comparison, most types of SKS and Ruger Mini 14s are non-restricted, but fire similar carbine catridges, are semi-auto, etc. Specifically the Mini 14 fires 5.56, the exact same cartridge used by the AR-15.

Also, all the ATT system really does is heavily discourage you from constantly carrying a restricted weapon in your vehicle. For first-degree murders with registered weapons, it has no impact.
Not sure why anyone's getting their knickers in a twist about Canadians it seems things are more or less OK here, and most people seem to agree with that....our neighbours to the south have shown though that many of them can't be trusted to keep a peashooter let alone a firearm in their house.

However, if your argument is to have similar regulations to our rather trigger happy and rather fearful, paranoid cousins then there's plenty to squabble about as we're seeing all to well what happens then.

For me personally I'm perfectly fine with things in Canada as if I bump into a disagreeable drunk redneck in a bar here I may have to worry about a broken bottle at some states of the US I'm now going to worry if the guy has seen too many Dirty Harry movies.
Everyone should be armed to the teeth at all times. This way if someone tries to pull something you can defend yourself. It'll also prepare you for the impending zombie apocalypse.
Every govt would love to disarm their citizens .

The constitution is worded to protect the citizens against a potentially oppressive federal government.

Considering that the US was founded with the purpose of escaping from an overlording, oppressive government, it does not seem unreasonable to me that the Constitution was worded with such an intent.*

One of the first things a conqueror does is try and disarm the people to prevent uprisings/hostilities. Iraq is a good example.
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Every govt would love to disarm their citizens .

Gun regulations is not the same as disarming a population. We have lots of guns in Canada but they are regulated. If the U.S. wants to be a society where every person no matter how messed up is entitled to access a firearm then they can sleep in the bed they made (or are currently). I think the people of the US are tired of it and want to discuss a responsible approach.
Every govt would love to disarm their citizens .

The constitution is worded to protect the citizens against a potentially oppressive federal government.

Considering that the US was founded with the purpose of escaping from an overlording, oppressive government, it does not seem unreasonable to me that the Constitution was worded with such an intent.*

One of the first things a conqueror does is try and disarm the people to prevent uprisings/hostilities. Iraq is a good example.

There's a really interesting geopolitical map of the US at the time of the writing of the constitution that's floating around. Let's just say things were a lot different then than they are now. There's tons of things that used to be done that were thought sensible at the time that we no longer think are such good ideas...burning witches for instance.
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