Shooting in Connecticut

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Those types aren't even a blip on the statistical radar.. Most of the gun homicides involve people born into poverty, who can't expect for any jobs they can get into to afford them food, shelter and healthcare, not to mention retirement, so they turn to crime as a way out of it. There are a lot of those down there than here and those are the types to take up violent crime - got nothing to lose.

Even the poorest everywhere seem to have television so they can see all the stuff they can't have. It doesn't help when the state cuts school bus routes in rural areas to balance budgets.
The role models are millionaire sports figures. One chance in 100,000 for success? Instead of middle class trade / commerce role models at 1 chance in 1.1 of being a success? Ban TV not guns.
I'm very serious. It illustrates the far greater impact of socio-economic concerns.

You can't pick and choose the data you want to include just to support your position.

Remember, Switzerland is armed to the teeth and their homicide rates are far lower than the USA's (for those that don't know, every household in Switzerland is by law required to keep and maintain a pistol, a rifle and/or machine gun). Compare their number with Honduras (also lax gun laws) which has a per capita of 91 homicides. The USA with their lax gun laws number only 4 to 5.

Clearly the problem goes well beyond the number of guns or even the type in a country, which is why the belief that greater restriction is going to stop such horrors from occurring is completely misguided.

Personally, I wouldn't have an issue with regulation if it weren't for the anti-gun camp screaming to completely disarm the population (law abiding citizens) en-mass

And with all due respect, SFer, these arguments and numbers are and have been hashed back and forth, over and over already. We're not bringing up any new information and we're not going to agree so we might as well leave it at that.

Switzerland may be armed to the teeth but the yearly education and laws (permits etc)mitigate the chances of things such as school shootings from happening.

I'll go back to what I originally posted back on page 4.

You reduce the amount of accessible guns out there and there will be less deaths d/t firearms. That is a fact.

In Canada it takes a weekend. Most people are to lazy to bother = less firearms per household
In Canada you cannot own silencers or large clips or automatic firearms = less change of mass violence

My firearms aren't just hangin out in my drawers and closets. Laws force me to lock up all my firearms and my restricted are only accessible with my fingerprint = nobody can just stop by and grab a couple of my firearms = less chance of violence

There is no doubt mental health is a huge part of the problem but if someone snaps and has no easy access to firearms then they grab a bat or a knife and injure not kill.

Linking one off multi casualty incidents doesn't really say much. Of course it could happen anytime, anywhere but in countries with tighter gun laws it happens way way less.

I own firearms and I would never give up my right to own them. But I have no problem with the tight controls the government has out in place to keep our society safer than the Great USA.
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one of the families have a facebook page for a fund to help them take time off work and for funeral expenses. The facebook page was up within hrs of the shooting. These people are going to profit from the death of their child, that is disgusting. If they need money to help for funeral expenses that's fine, but to take time off work. Any extra money from funeral expenses should be donated to a childrens fund.

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one of the families have a facebook page for a fund to help them take time off work and for funeral expenses. The facebook page was up within hrs of the shooting. These people are going to profit from the death of their child, that is disgusting. If they need money to help for funeral expenses that's fine, but to take time off work. Any extra money from funeral expenses should be donated to a childrens fund.

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1) The average American does not have a lot of money.
2) You're already six years in to building your life around your kids. The very reason you have a job, is probably your kids. Then that life is taken from you in this manner.

Doesn't seem unreasonable to me.
1) The average American does not have a lot of money.
2) You're already six years in to building your life around your kids. The very reason you have a job, is probably your kids. Then that life is taken from you in this manner.

Doesn't seem unreasonable to me.

Profiting off a dead child is deplorable. There are 19 other parents that lost a child, they aren't trying to profit from it.

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Profiting off a dead child is deplorable. There are 19 other parents that lost a child, they aren't trying to profit from it.

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I'm not sure how you could look at this situation and see the family as opportunists, nor how anything that they could receive be considered a profit.
I would hope their employers allow them to take off however much time they need to grieve and to try to make sense of what just happened to their families.

I would also hope that the government or the NRA or the powerball winners send all families a couple million. It will no way replace the loss of child but it will make the rest of their life just that little bit easier. Hopefully.

There is no way I would think of any of those families as opportunistic.
[h=5]I don't want anyone to think I'm trying to lessen the horror of the shooting in Connecticut, but please do take just a moment to think about our complicity and disregard for the thousands of children which have died in Afghanistan and Iraq as a direct result of our wars against them. There's no need to decide which was the greater evil, just remember which of the two we as citizens have the power to stop, if we just got involved in our own governance.[/h]
Teachers start at 40k and can make up to 90-97k depending on experience and education

To get a teaching position it used to be 4 years of uni + 3 years on a teaching degree. Not sure what it is now, but that's a lot of schooling.

40k to start doesn't seem unreasonable for the position. Some one with a 3 year tech college course can make more.
I'm not sure how you could look at this situation and see the family as opportunists, nor how anything that they could receive be considered a profit.

I said, if they cover funeral expenses with the funds, that's good, but any extra money should go to a children's charity. people lose loved ones every day to murder, why would this family deserve something no one else gets. He was plugging the Facebook page on CNN. The page was started only hrs after the shooting, the poor Childs body was still in the school, that's messed. How about taking possession of the child's body, grieving, having the funeral, then worry about money, time off work ect. This is opportunistic nothing else. Even if they use money raised to help the other 25 families with funeral expenses, but if they end up with hundreds of thousands in donations, and they will, possibly even hit the million mark, and keep it all, then they are scum. The key part of this is the fact it was only hrs. after the shooting that the page was up disturbs me.

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I said, if they cover funeral expenses with the funds, that's good, but any extra money should go to a children's charity. people lose loved ones every day to murder, why would this family deserve something no one else gets. He was plugging the Facebook page on CNN. The page was started only hrs after the shooting, the poor Childs body was still in the school, that's messed. How about taking possession of the child's body, grieving, having the funeral, then worry about money, time off work ect. This is opportunistic nothing else. Even if they use money raised to help the other 25 families with funeral expenses, but if they end up with hundreds of thousands in donations, and they will, possibly even hit the million mark, and keep it all, then they are scum. The key part of this is the fact it was only hrs. after the shooting that the page was up disturbs me.

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Are you talking about the page for the Emilie Parker Fund? The one set up by friends of the family, and not the family themselves?
Are you talking about the page for the Emilie Parker Fund? The one set up by friends of the family, and not the family themselves?

Yes, but he was plugging it on CNN,.when he was suppose to be taking about his daughter. If my 6 yr old was just murdered, the last thing i would be concerned with is money, especially only hrs after the killing. To be honest, if it was me I would tell my friends to take it down, I definitely would not be plugging it while being interviewed about losing my child. Do you really believe they did it without input from the family. I'm sure the pics came from the family. I can't say it enough, it was only hrs after the shooting, the little child's body was still in the school, how can anyone think about money at that time. It really makes me sick. His 6 yr old daughter's body with multiple gunshots wounds is laying in a school and a Facebook fund is setup to collect money, and he is plugging it in a television interview, maybe I'm different, but it just seems so wrong to me.

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Yes, but he was plugging it on CNN,.when he was suppose to be taking about his daughter. If my 6 yr old was just murdered, the last thing i would be concerned with is money, especially only hrs after the killing. To be honest, if it was me I would tell my friends to take it down, I definitely would not be plugging it while being interviewed about losing my child.

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Are you referring to this, at 4:28? I hope it isn't. I frankly find the speed and willingness that you've chosen to judge this family with to be disgusting and repulsive.
Are you referring to this, at 4:28? I hope it isn't. I frankly find the speed and willingness that you've chosen to judge this family with to be disgusting and repulsive.

That's exactly what I'm talking about. He said to raise money for Emilie, they aren't raising money for the child, she's dead for Christ sakes, so they are raising money for themselves. This would be more acceptable after recovering the body, after grieving, after the funeral, and realizing financially the funeral was to much for them, not hrs after the murder. I don't see any of the other families doing this. You haven't explained why you feel this is acceptable.

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1) The average American does not have a lot of money.
2) You're already six years in to building your life around your kids. The very reason you have a job, is probably your kids. Then that life is taken from you in this manner.

Doesn't seem unreasonable to me.

That neighbourhood was fairly well off.
Teachers start at 40k and can make up to 90-97k depending on experience and education

To get a teaching position it used to be 4 years of uni + 3 years on a teaching degree. Not sure what it is now, but that's a lot of schooling.

40k to start doesn't seem unreasonable for the position. Some one with a 3 year tech college course can make more.

3 years of teachers college huh? Might want to double ckeck your facts before posting.
3 years of teachers college huh? Might want to double ckeck your facts before posting.
Looks like its now a one year program plus the regular education requirements (ba, bsc, etc for the field) tech teachers need 5 years experience in their field and must prove they are adept.

Meanwhile to be a cop the minimum requirements are secondary school (yes I'm aware that these days you probably will need a little bit more to be hired, but we are comparing minimums).
I'm not sure what the rate of pay is across the board but th opp start at 45k with bonuses of up to 15k per year depending on location.
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