Scarborough shooting

The CBSA is more concerned with regular Canadians bringing in more than their maximum allowed purchases. How much stuff can you bring in a car anyways? Leave the shoppers alone and concentrate on the criminals smuggling illegal guns, illegal immigrants. human smuggling, and bogus refugee claimants.


I have to admit I witnessed them giving this woman (she was black) a hard time and busting on her because she did not declare baby clothes she bought. I was filing out forms and stood 4 feet away from the action. I see 4 CBSA inside dealing with her and another 2 or 3 heading for her car. Hey, maybe these ppl are flagged but I just saw them harping on her for the shoes the little kid was wearing. I did not hear anything about the adults items (not sure hey had any).

So, I am saying to myself and how many guns just rolled in because 6-7 CBSA officers are dealing with BABY SHOES.
I would have to agree with this based on several interviews he has provided thus far.

Yeah and when the cops do grow some balls and kick a few they're up to their a$$cracks in legal issues, eg G20.

Oh yes, what am I saying? Different group of people to deal with here.
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Yeah and when the cops do grow some balls and kick a few they're up to their a$$cracks in legal issues, eg G20.

The G20 protesters were not shooting innocent bystanders and kids. It's real easy for the cops to bully some chick blowing bubbles, its another matter going up against an armed gang.
The G20 protesters were not shooting innocent bystanders and kids. It's real easy for the cops to bully some chick blowing bubbles, its another matter going up against an armed gang.

So hypothetical situation:

16 year old gangbanger pulls a gun and ends up being shot by police. You think that the Star and our other lovely news media won't put their spin on how a troubled young boy from a poor family was gunned down by the police? Get real.
So hypothetical situation:

16 year old gangbanger pulls a gun and ends up being shot by police. You think that the Star and our other lovely news media won't put their spin on how a troubled young boy from a poor family was gunned down by the police? Get real.

Start shooting members of the media until they start reporting the truth?
Gotta make a law so stupid people have to go to jail.
So hypothetical situation:

16 year old gangbanger pulls a gun and ends up being shot by police. You think that the Star and our other lovely news media won't put their spin on how a troubled young boy from a poor family was gunned down by the police? Get real.

Please stop with the what if and deal with the what is.

If the Police Chief can not deal with the city he or she is tasked with managing then they need to go.
Gotta make a law so stupid people have to go to jail.

You don't know how many times I've wished for this! I wish police powers under the MHA extended to stupid people too.
Of course I have my own cuffs, they are pink and fluffy lol..I also don’t wear panties under my uni..
Ohhh your getting me hot J

Now I'm gonna need to see pics

of the cuffs

A thought just occurred to me. If FullMoto can make this cop his *****, we might be able to use her for speed trap intel.

I'm off to to see if they have a dating forum. If I don't come back, put out an ABP on me.

Where did I put my damned handcuff key......ah, I have a safe word. What's the worst that can happen?

The G20 protesters were not shooting innocent bystanders and kids. It's real easy for the cops to bully some chick blowing bubbles, its another matter going up against an armed gang.

^- This.

Sitting at the trail head after a mountain bike ride having a beer w. 2 buds. Wet behind the ears Halton's Finest rookie pulls in gets out, and swaggers up with the "respect my authora-tay" attitude (I've got underwear older than you, son). Everyone get's a yellow added value tax bill (open liquor - out of residence). Answer me why there's 100+ people drinking in the common area of a townhouse complex which is considered out of residence, the cops are already present according to reliable sources (J), and no one get's approached, let alone confronted about it till the gunplay starts.
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Cops are just as lazy as anyone...easy money vs tuff money. They took the easy road with you dudes.
Good point though.

Oh that's great, we got the SPORTS guy coming to speak, when is the Rapper going to stop by.
A large part of the problem facing this community is just about everyone aspiring to be athletes or rappers with no backup plan.
Education and exposure is clearly lacking along with some tough love talk. This is how the world works, out of 10 thousand of you maybe 1 of you will even get a recording contract or make a pro sports team.

Even kids following that stream ends up with nothing in the end because if you follow a professional or trades job and change your mind later down the path or whatever happens, you still were exposed to certain skills and knowledge than can be transferred to almost any other industry.

Solution=Education, Exposure, Environment
Please stop with the what if and deal with the what is.

If the Police Chief can not deal with the city he or she is tasked with managing then they need to go.

In the court of public opinion, police are always the enemy. There's no way to combat that. Better (smarter) policing is a crucial step, but that's not viable. I agree though that step 1 is doing away with the YCJA and YOA
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Although not the best spokesman aesthetically, he is right about the community stepping forward. What's that old saying "It takes a village to raise a child".
I'm liking mr Jam Johnsons attitude. :thumbup:
Please stop with the what if and deal with the what is.

If the Police Chief can not deal with the city he or she is tasked with managing then they need to go.

There is no police chief in this world who could deal with this problem appropriately and keep his/her job. The politicians and special interest groups will not allow it. It is going to take the public to start demanding things be changed before anyone can or will even attempt a serious fix. There is way to much political BS in Toronto.
There is no police chief in this world who could deal with this problem appropriately and keep his/her job. The politicians and special interest groups will not allow it. It is going to take the public to start demanding things be changed before anyone can or will even attempt a serious fix. There is way to much political BS in Toronto.

I hear you.
At the end of the day the POLICE NEED TO SHOW THEY RUN the CITY and not the gangs.
Right now the gangs are in charge.
Eaton Centre shooting - in public during the day
Little Italy - broad daylight on the street

The list can keep going but the point is these guys have no fear.
I believe if the Chief told the public he is going to do x,y,z to stop this crap while he is on the watch...AND DO IT...the Public will be fine.
LEADERSHIP, say what you are going to do AND do what you say.
i just read what you all wrote.....
and laughed....
there is but one solution to
this problem
I love how already the finger-pointing is making its way over to the police ...blah blah why didnt they do more, blah blah why didnt they help us when 99.9% of the time this "community" has nothing but hate for cops...

100s of people at this party and no one knows EXACTLY who the shooters were? Who the big name gang members are in their neighbourhood?

Give me a break... live by the sword, die by the sword.
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