Scarborough shooting

Also don't forget China.. The US has already banned Chinese firearms because Norinco reps were openly selling their new stock to the local gangs.

Guns made in China, hmmm that might be a solution along with matching bullets.
But who are we kidding, they will just improve so let's not go down that road.

How are these guns getting into the country?

We need mandatory minimum standards.
A BIG sign at the border: smuggling guns and drugs = 5 years no questions asked

One State had something like this
5 years caught with illegal gun
10 years used in a crime
15 years shot fired during a crime
25 you shoot someone during a crime
life to death if you kill someone during a crime

Our Politicians are mostly pansies that pander..hey the 3P's Pandering Political Pansies
ok, gotta go TM that.

I stated in a previous post that there was a lot of Police presents at this party. I would put money on two things about you, one, that you are not a cop and two that you were not at this block party, so how can you say that we (the Police) were elsewhere picking our ***** and not at this location? Oh wait, so I am guess you think that the Police should broadcast how many cops were there in plain clothes and undercover? How bout my name and address too?! Listen, we WERE there, I know, because I was less than a block away and guess what…when I got the call about the shooting, I came speeding up there(from Tim Hortons, of course) to see what I could do and surprisingly enough.. you know what I saw?! A whole bunch of other cops there! BY GEORGE, I was shocked. Look, stupid comments get stupid answer, so keep it up J

It's a thankless job. In the case of this shooting, police had been called out for noise complaints. I'm sure the responders had some concerns with the gathering.

I suggested (as others) having a police presence throughout the evening, not just when called upon. Of course, some of the attendees may see this as harrassment and invite more people and escalate things. Possibly even become a riot or worse. The media would blame the police presence as the reason of insighting a riot.

Trying to monitor things at arms length is difficult but, I still believe if there is a constant and active police presence in the community, it helps prevent bad people from doing stupid things in the public. They just end up doing it in less populated areas.

Again, we cannot be everywhere at all times. At least we do our jobs, show up and try to help as much as possible and I can tell you when I have received a robbery report and I show up 20 minutes after it has happened, I go out and try to find the person to get them off the street. I don’t know if the person who robbed you, has a knife or a gun but when I find that person (and most of the time we do), I will be the one approaching the “suspect” and I will be putting my life on the line, to make sure that I get them off the street. Now I cannot keep him off the streets, that is up to the government to make better laws in this country BUT the Police are there. Have you ever called the Police and we didn’t show up?
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I stated in a previous post that there was a lot of Police presents at this party. I would put money on two things about you, one, that you are not a cop and two that you were not at this block party, so how can you say that we (the Police) were elsewhere picking our ***** and not at this location? Oh wait, so I am guess you think that the Police should broadcast how many cops were there in plain clothes and undercover? How bout my name and address too?! Listen, we WERE there, I know, because I was less than a block away and guess what…when I got the call about the shooting, I came speeding up there(from Tim Hortons, of course) to see what I could do and surprisingly enough.. you know what I saw?! A whole bunch of other cops there! BY GEORGE, I was shocked. Look, stupid comments get stupid answer, so keep it up J

Bad day at the office (or radar trap, or whatever it is you're assigned to)?

I would put money on two things about you, one, that you are not a cop and two that you were not at this block party

I see a promotion to inspector in your future.
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It's a thankless job. In the case of this shooting, police had been called out for noise complaints. I'm sure the responders had some concerns with the gathering.

I suggested (and others) having a police presence throughout the evening, not just when called upon. Of course, some of the attendees may see this as harrassment and invite more people and escalate things. Possibly even beome a riot or worse. The media would blame the police presence as the reason of insighting a riot.

Trying to monitor things at arms length is difficult but, I still believe if there is a contant and active police presence in the community, it helps prevent bad people from doing stupid things in the public. They just end up doing it in less populated areas.[/QUOTE

Police presence didn't prevent someone from pulling a gun at Caribana last year.

From the news they arrested a woman after the shooting because she was giving the police that were there to clean up the mess attitude and attacking them.

As it was just supposed to be a family bbq, I am sure if there was more "visible" police presence there the locals would have been mouthing off to them.. cause that's usually the way it goes.

Have to agree with a lot of the comments.. lose/lose for the cops.
So Turbo is married..... :razz:

I understand why the general public has formed an opinion on the “lack” of Police presence at this party, but what I am trying to explain is that there was police there and regardless if people wanted us to be there or not, we were still there. Now just because this party was happening in not the best part of Toronto, does that mean the whole Toronto Police force should send all of us to this one location? The way things work, is that there was plenty of us there, now was there one cop for every person in attendance? Of course not. What I am trying to say is that people (media) try to play the blame game on why this happened (The BLACKS are trying to taking over the world?! There was not enough cops out, they were all eating donuts!) and I can tell you, it is not because there was not enough cops there, this happened because there are WAY too many illegal guns getting into the Canada and into OUR neighborhoods. We should be looking at the boarders and our government(as someone else stated in a previous post) and question, why it is so easy to buy a gun off the street. We should be asking, why are there not harder laws on these people that use guns? The Police can only enforce the law not make new ones.
Of course I have my own cuffs, they are pink and fluffy lol..I also don’t wear panties under my uni..
Ohhh your getting me hot J

As much as I have enjoyed this conversation, I am on my way to work for an afternoon shift.
Ride safe everyone J
I don't think cracking down on hand guns is going to do diddly squat. I think people are right when they say the courts need to start stepping down on these people and imposing tougher sentances.
A thought just occurred to me. If FullMoto can make this cop his *****, we might be able to use her for speed trap intel.
don't know if Vietnam still do it but if you're caught smuggling drugs they'll execute you with a firing squad. So anyone entering the country always make sure they don't accept to carry other people's baggage and carefully guard their own baggage just in case someone slips something in.

Yeah it's a bit barbaric but really what kind of excuse can you give if you're caught smuggling guns and drugs into the country. They should make it even harsher a life sentence for repeat offenders. That will ante up the risk should anyone consider smuggling guns and drugs.

Guns made in China, hmmm that might be a solution along with matching bullets.
But who are we kidding, they will just improve so let's not go down that road.

How are these guns getting into the country?

We need mandatory minimum standards.
A BIG sign at the border: smuggling guns and drugs = 5 years no questions asked

One State had something like this
5 years caught with illegal gun
10 years used in a crime
15 years shot fired during a crime
25 you shoot someone during a crime
life to death if you kill someone during a crime

Our Politicians are mostly pansies that pander..hey the 3P's Pandering Political Pansies
ok, gotta go TM that.
You do know the point of the gun amendment was simply to allow a rapid civilian colonization of the Western United States where the colonizing army could not keep up with expansion / conquest.

Hand guns were a logistical allowance to conquer and oppress Native Americans and the Spanish.

It is not only a barbaric historical crime, but also an antiquated "necessity".

When chief Blaire flapped his exagerating mouth about this being the "worst shooting incident he can recall in North America" he is doing everyone a disservice. Toronto is relatively free of gun crime, with the exception of an imported urban culutre (from the States), not to mention the guns themselves being imports! Blaire not only discredits Toronto's relative safety, but he also exhibits Canada's sad and typical method of vindicating itself, but comparing itself to its neighbour. It is not good enough for Blaire to say, "for Canada, this is unacceptable", no he attempts to put us on the same level of f'n the US or MEXICO!!!!!!! What he is subconciously doing is symptomatic of what those lame "gansters" are doing...looking to the worst elements of American culture to derive self esteem and self importance!

The real problem is largely an American problem, both as a slavery legacy come corrupted sub culture, a colonialization legacy, and purely a logistical supply problem in addition to the culture.

But when it comes to Canada, it is largely a cultural inferiority complex / immitation problem that is actually rampant in all segments and strata of society, from our military, to our politics, to even our poor urban social norms.

Map of US at the time of the second amendment:


When a state is in the midst of conquest but resources are thin, the arming of its citizens and the allowance of militias are tolerated and conquest is promoted on a lawless (self justified) basis. It is precisely this American ("dream") culture that persists today among youths who feel they can acquire fame, respect and resources through violence. This culture is promoted in every level of society in the US. Top that off with the fact that it is extremely difficult to dissarm militias after they have served their purpose, and you have the basis for the gun culture infecting this country.
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@ Everyone blaming CBSA for letting guns across the border, blame yourselves. Voting liberal for decades has reduced our border security to almost a joke. Remember the heinous uproar when Harper began arming the border officers? Yea.

Not to mention budget cuts and layoffs across the board for government jobs, CBSA included. Plus it doesn't help that we have one of the biggest land borders in the world. How can you police every inch of it?
I'm West Indian, my entire family is and now of us have ever been involved in gangs, violence or anything of that sort. So wtf?

Hell's Angels must be full of those West Indians too.

The intensity in which the police and courts went with against the Hell's Angels does not compare with the level used against ethnic organized crime. Civil forfeiture laws were in high gear, seizing HA club houses in a couple of cities whether crimes were committed there or not. I don't hear the MSM reporting Vietnamese grow ops and Tamil identity theft rings are having their property seized under civil forfeiture laws.
@ Everyone blaming CBSA for letting guns across the border, blame yourselves. Voting liberal for decades has reduced our border security to almost a joke. Remember the heinous uproar when Harper began arming the border officers? Yea.

Not to mention budget cuts and layoffs across the board for government jobs, CBSA included. Plus it doesn't help that we have one of the biggest land borders in the world. How can you police every inch of it?

The CBSA is more concerned with regular Canadians bringing in more than their maximum allowed purchases. How much stuff can you bring in a car anyways? Leave the shoppers alone and concentrate on the criminals smuggling illegal guns, illegal immigrants. human smuggling, and bogus refugee claimants.
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