Scarborough shooting

I love how already the finger-pointing is making its way over to the police ...blah blah why didnt they do more, blah blah why didnt they help us when 99.9% of the time this "community" has nothing but hate for cops...

100s of people at this party and no one knows EXACTLY who the shooters were? Who the big name gang members are in their neighbourhood?

Give me a break... live by the sword, die by the sword.

I don't believe the 14 year old little girl that DIED entered into that agreement nor did the young guy that was trying to become a Police Officer (working on his Masters Degree according on the profile piece).
maybe they shouldn't have attended Gang Fest 2012 without donning their kevlar vests first

also seems like interesting company to keep as an aspiring law enforcement officer

read that reddit page posted - it sounds like 14 year old is affiliated with gang members too. Was she the intended target? no. did she deserve to die? no.... but why was she even there in the first place? Its all speculation on that page but it seems as if she knew people there, she's "well connected", etc... Bet you dollars to donuts she has many friends who are also criminals and gang bangers...

What was a 14 year old girl doing at a blocko party with "free hennesy" advertised by known gang bangers? When luxury car after luxury car started rolling up with G'd up from their feet up ballers start rolling in... alarm bells aren't going off in the non-gang affiliated peeps heads?

Give me a break, in high school I knew who the 'bad kids' were, the ones you don't mess with, the ones who were shady, the ones you would avoid at all costs... would you catch me in the middle of a frigging gangster reunion where its KNOWN that at least a few characters in this crowd are SERIOUS gang bangers? Even at 14 I had more sense to put myself into a situation like that. But then again, being whitey, I was gifted with having loving parents in a loving home where I was instilled with proper values on how to be a decent human being (for the most part).. so it is easy for me to play arm chair quarter back from the safety of my non-bullet hole ridden dwelling.
maybe they shouldn't have attended Gang Fest 2012 without donning their kevlar vests first

also seems like interesting company to keep as an aspiring law enforcement officer

read that reddit page posted - it sounds like 14 year old is affiliated with gang members too. Was she the intended target? no. did she deserve to die? no.... but why was she even there in the first place? Its all speculation on that page but it seems as if she knew people there, she's "well connected", etc... Bet you dollars to donuts she has many friends who are also criminals and gang bangers...

What was a 14 year old girl doing at a blocko party with "free hennesy" advertised by known gang bangers? When luxury car after luxury car started rolling up with G'd up from their feet up ballers start rolling in... alarm bells aren't going off in the non-gang affiliated peeps heads?

Give me a break, in high school I knew who the 'bad kids' were, the ones you don't mess with, the ones who were shady, the ones you would avoid at all costs... would you catch me in the middle of a frigging gangster reunion where its KNOWN that at least a few characters in this crowd are SERIOUS gang bangers? Even at 14 I had more sense to put myself into a situation like that. But then again, being whitey, I was gifted with having loving parents in a loving home where I was instilled with proper values on how to be a decent human being (for the most part).. so it is easy for me to play arm chair quarter back from the safety of my non-bullet hole ridden dwelling.

Sounds like you had the "Leave it to Beaver" type of childhood.
Not everyone is so fortunate.

I don't make excuses for people that treat intelligence or the pursuit of it like having leprosy.
In the end we all have to deal with this one way or another.
While some people may discriminate and hate bullets don't.

So who of the self righteous and fortunate are going to volunteer some of your time in that area to as you say" teach them right from wrong".
Sounds like you had the "Leave it to Beaver" type of childhood.
Not everyone is so fortunate.

Only in that my parents loved me and raised me properly and I didn't live in poverty... still went to school with quite a few kids that ended up dead due to gang/drug violence...the appeal of easy money and thug-life is there, no matter where you grow up.. my fear of being beaten/stabbed/shot/killed/jailed just happened to override any desire to be thug life and forced me to work legit jobs and put myself through school...won't be driving any flashy cars or owning any bling but i realized a long, long time ago that life isn't a rap video

So who of the self righteous and fortunate are going to volunteer some of your time in that area to as you say" teach them right from wrong".
It may conflict with the soup kitchen duty I want to sign up for.
It may conflict with the soup kitchen duty I want to sign up for.

personally i prefer reading stories to the elderly at the old folk's home
really, because these guys are totally the people that are getting the minimum sentences? Blaming the judiciary has got to be the weakest argument I have ever heard.

I fail to see why it's a weak argument. Even gang-bangers gotta start somewhere with their first gat's, sometime. A minimum sentence is meant to be a deterrent. It doesn't matter at whom the deterrent is aimed at .. the gun toting noob with no previous record, or the hardcore punk who's used to slangin' dope and slinging lead. If a minimum mandatory sentence would deter someone from picking up a weapon in the first place, then it's one less illegal gun in the hands of a potentially murderous punk down the road sometime. It's a legal warning that illegal guns are in a no-grey zone, as far as the offences and penalties go.

It's a better stance to take, than this liberalistic Hug a Thug Judicial ruling is. It's certainly a more cruel and unusual punishment for any victim to be taken out permanently by a stray bullet by someone who thinks that the law of the land is a joke, if that could have been avoided by a firm Judicial hand on this issue, beforehand.
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...the appeal of easy money and thug-life is there, no matter where you grow up..

I think it comes down to money ......since the lifestyle is nothing without it.

Turn off the money supply and the incentive is gone ......I'm talking a legal alternative for their wares.

I know it's not that simple but it's at the root of the problem
What about bringing back beat cops? When arrested with gun, how about 10 years for having the gun, a year for each bullet in the gun a two for every shot fired, plus whatever other charges are laid?
Didn't work in the USA.

The usa has mandatory military service?
Were murder rates higher before the death sentence was introduced?
People keep mentioning increasing the time in jail for gun crimes, but nobody wants to pay the 100K a year for each convict.......death sentences look like a viable alternative. Not to mention a criminal cannot get a decent job after release because of their criminal record.
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Good morning all!

I am always interested to see all the different views when it comes to these types of discussion’s.

@Stevex, I am happy you grew up in a great home with loving parent as I was fortunate to grow up in a similar household and I did learn right from wrong, but don’t get me wrong I was a little hell raiser at times. But it is not that some of the parents of these kids don’t care, because I have seen that a lot of the parents do care and want the best for their kids, they just don’t understand how to go about it. That is no excuse but there is no manual for how to raise children, I know. Also, no matter where you grow up whether it be in the ghetto or in a place like Oakville where I grew up, there has always (or for as long as I have been alive) been gangs and drugs, the only difference is in a place like Oakville, mommy and daddy have enough money to hire a good lawyer to make sure there baby doesn’t go to jail or even see the inside of a court room, and again I speak from what I KNOW and not what I have read or watched on TV. I cannot tell you how many times I have seen people OD in Oakville and no one hears about it. Or the kid that took their daddy’s SUV and smashed it in a million dollar house in DT Oakville and again, no news feeds are there reporting the story but heaven forbid if those same things happened in a not so privilege neighborhood in TO and it happened to be a black kid that crashed the car, it would be on every 6’0clock news cast.

Now I am not playing the race game, I am playing the “that’s just the way the world works” game. As I have said before, there is only so much the police can do and yes, you have a good point, common sense goes a long way and I know I would NEVER let my children participate in an event such as the one that was going on when the shooting happened, but I am a proactive parent and not everyone is like me, again I have seen some rich mommy’s in very nice neighborhoods that have passed out from too much liquor or oxy’s and their baby drowns in the pool, or gets hit by a care because no one locked the door and the kids went wondering out on the street, again, those two things never showed up on the news.

I think the best way to deal with these type of issues is to look at our government and our local counselors in our neighborhoods and bring back active after school programs, educate the children, regardless of the neighborhoods, about the danger of gangs, drugs etc. And the border patrol, these guns are coming in from other countries and they are crossing the borders! Again, the government needs to hire not just more bodies but educate the people that they hire and train them to know what to look for.

That’s just my piece.
I fail to see why it's a weak argument. Even gang-bangers gotta start somewhere with their first gat's, sometime. A minimum sentence is meant to be a deterrent. It doesn't matter at whom the deterrent is aimed at .. the gun toting noob with no previous record, or the hardcore punk who's used to slangin' dope and slinging lead. If a minimum mandatory sentence would deter someone from picking up a weapon in the first place, then it's one less illegal gun in the hands of a potentially murderous punk down the road sometime. It's a legal warning that illegal guns are in a no-grey zone, as far as the offences and penalties go.

It's a better stance to take, than this liberalistic Hug a Thug Judicial ruling is. It's certainly a more cruel and unusual punishment for any victim to be taken out permanently by a stray bullet by someone who thinks that the law of the land is a joke, if that could have been avoided by a firm Judicial hand on this issue, beforehand.

feel free to point out how this person would have been deterred or was somehow not deterred by a judicial decision. The consequence of his action is a life sentence, how the hell does a mandatory minimum change the deterrance factor? it doesn't, and guess what, a large majority of the bar, Crown and Defence, as well as the Bench, agree with this view.

The fact that a judge found that the mandatory minimum is excessive in another case where YOU DON'T KNOW THE FACTs does nothing for your argument. Unless that person became a gangster, you have no point.

You might as well have blamed the fact that we don't pray in schools anymore and god could nip gansterism in the bud when they are 4.
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What about bringing back beat cops? When arrested with gun, how about 10 years for having the gun, a year for each bullet in the gun a two for every shot fired, plus whatever other charges are laid?

i am all for beat cops too... if anything they make the citizens "feel" safe

but the problem with that is (not sure what age bracket you are in) the cops these days just dont look like the cops of old... i am downtown daily looking at these new cops and without any exageration the cops are gettin smaller and smaller. i see cops that are literally 5'2 130 pounds. they are being hired based only on gender and ethnicity...

i am 100% for a multicultural police force and agree that we need one but cant we hire some average size minorities? if none are applying then wait for some to apply dont just conform and give in and hire anyone..

a friend came from michigan came up and told me "whats with your cops they re so small"

when i grew up in scarboro,, these dudes were big MEN that come and tell us they are gona kick our ass .

some of these new cops are smaller then the kids they are trying to arrest

back to the OP.. i think everyone here has valid points... you, retro grouch, tom, dick and harry. there is not one single reason that makes crimes like this take place. if it ones one thing then it would be easier to stop

the problem starts from

-guns manufactured
-laws being soft
-crime pays makes jobs for many sectors
-jails cost money to make. and maintain. our jails are ful and when dud we ladt build one in ontario
-white people are racist
-black people are racist
-brown and chinese are
- ths country became too multicultural too fast without giving a chance for people of different races to gel together
- furthermore the politiciams bend over and grab their ankles for anyone and anything if it means getting vote
- WEAK judicial system
- everyone blames everyone else and doesnt want to admit is everyones fault.

my point is the problem is so deep.
i think "smart" folks like us taking time to discuss is a start... most people dont discuss they just live their lives in ignorance.

i am just prayin and teachin my kid the right things and hope that everone else will do the same.. seems thats bout all i can control up in this **** anymore.
Well said dude, one thing I gotta say too about retro grouch is that he may have some beliefs I don't necessarily agree with, but he owns them and makes no effort to mask them and still manages to make time for other peoples beliefs, so to that I gotta tip my hat to him, its a very rare trait.
The fact that a judge found that the mandatory minimum is excessive in another case where YOU DON'T KNOW THE FACTs does nothing for your argument. Unless that person became a gangster, you have no point.

Please enlighten us.
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