Scarborough shooting

Jen thank-you for putting your life on the line for us every time you go to work:) It was a brave of you to even tell us you are TPS knowing how much most on this site can't stand cops.

This racist thread is driving me nuts. Criminals come in all cultures, colours, genders and ages. When I was doing loss prevention for the lcbo I arrested everyone from white, black, Asian, from 15 all the way to 84, men and women. There wasn't more of any culture.

This logic of a certain colour of people or culture has more crime tenancies make no sense as that would mean countries with mostly white people would have barely any crime and we all know that isn't true.

I do believe we live in a city full of pussies(this is to the guys and girls) that turn a blind eye or ignore what is going on in front of their eyes and let brats turn into these monsters become the criminals they are today. It isn't just the parents fault it's the community/city as a whole. No body does anything or says anything when little punks are being little punks. If people opened their eyes and mouths when they needed to little punks would be thinking twice about their actions.

Don't get me started on the ridiculous gun laws and making it harder for honest law abiding people to own guns for recreational or for hunting purposes. The problem is the illegal guns brought in and sold.
Does it make you feel better the color of the person committing the crime?

If you are standing with a knife plunged into your chest with blood running down...
Does it make you feel better seeing the person holding the knife is the same color as you?
If he was out on bail for a weapons charge at the time, a minimum sentence/no bail law would have effectively had the result of the suspect not being at the scene to begin with.

Of course the DEFENCE is going to agree. Duh.

Start by firing that judge. I said START by. We have an Attorney General. Start at the top and wipe the place clean of the Hug-a-Thug Liberal idealists that infest the present system.

1. Was he out because he had a sentence that was below the mandatory minimum? if not. it doesn't matter. you want to prove that its about the judiciary, support it with facts.
2. Why would the defence care how long someone is put away, they aren't paid for success. and when the Crown and the bench also agree, that pretty much means anyone who understands the situation agrees.
3. Brainwashed much?
@ Cbcanada,

I am a Police Officer and I stand 5’7 and weight in the area of 160-170lbs and I am positive with the training I have, that I am able to take down a guy at 6, feet..again, I know this from experience and before you say, “oh I had a male officer help me out” I didn’t. As a female officer, we have to hold our own, for exactly the ignorant comment you made about size . I am also a visible minority, as I am half white and half black. Granted there are some smaller female officers out there but we all had to do a fit test plus hard training, that would make must of you pass out. I am also, sorry to break it to you but I am well educated from McMaster University and hold a degree in Sociology and a minor in Psychology; I am also currently going for my Masters degree, so no I did not get hired because of the color of my skin. Most of the men I work with are very well built and would intimidate most people and trust me, intimidation is not in the way you look (the bigger you are the harder you fall), it is in how you can make people perceive you. I just got back from Chicago this weekend and I was disgusted on the size of the officers there, because they all were HUGE! They couldn’t ride in Crown Vic, they all had SUV’s lol I was shocked! What area in Toronto do you visit on a regular basis where these tiny cops work? I am interested in knowing.. As for your other argument you made in the “problem starts from”, I would have to agree with you on some points but again the argument is how do we, as a people tell the government we do not like what our country is becoming? I can at least say I try everyday to make this world a better place, weather half the cop haters out here agree or not. I don’t just sit on a computer and spit out ignorant racial comments about rap and gangters and talk the big talk. I am a person of my word and most cops out there and for clearly a thankless job. I get drug dealers off the street, I chase after guys with guns and I get dealers off the corners. So tell me this, how have you help our country fight back against the issues you mentioned?

Its simple physics im afraid:

Can you tell us about your partner?

And why are you disgusted by Chicago Ploice officers exactly?
I don't need to know the individual facts - the law was clear - be caught in possession of a loaded gun, and face the consequences of doing so. There is no if's, and's, or but's.

The issue is that this judge somehow felt this person "deserved another chance", when by design the 3 year minimum was a summary offense - get caught with a loaded weapon, it's a summary offense. No argument, no liberal hug-a-thug wiggle-room behind it. I don't need to know the facts, to know that handing out a 'get out of jail free' card isn't the correct ruling to make, on the part of the Judge, in ruling it unconstitutional. Nowhere in the Charter of Freedoms and Rights does it state that there is a freedom to bear arms, nor is there a clause that states that "Thou shalt be entitled to a get out of jail free card on first offense", therefore there is no wiggle-room for the defendant to state that his punishment is cruel and unusual. Don't do something that is explicitly illegal, with explicit consequences, and you don't face the explicit punishment.

Cruel and Unusual punishment being a 3 year sentence for possessing a loaded hand-gun, when the consequences of doing so is well known? Give me a break. By extension, you might as well say that being a first time offender and losing your drivers license for a year after driving drunk and being caught, is cruel and unusual punishment to his right to earn a living if he or she can't drive anymore to get to work. Might as well just hand the driver his keys back, and buy him the first round for his troubles, eh? After all, what are the chances that he's going to drive drunk again?

The consequences of breaking a law is meant to not only be a punishment to the offender, but also a deterrent to others. If there is no consequence, or there is a reasonable chance of being thug-hugged as in this case, then the law of the land is toothless.

As i said earlier - it's the Judicial system that is flawed in this province. It's high time to clean house, and remove these tainted judges who coddle these offenders (first time in front of the Courts, or not) in cases like these, at the expense of the law-abiding general public.

I don't know what the heck you mean by "The consequences of his action is a life sentence" .. so i'll not comment on that beyond saying that if you mean that by being simply convicted (with no mandatory minimum) that the offender is now marked for life by the conviction, is punishment enough, is just liberalistic poppy-cock. It's the offenders choice to carry an illegal, unlicenced, loaded firearm - not society's choice.

I prayed in school (Lord's Prayer) and also sung the National Anthem every morning (In public school, GASP!), and to my knowledge none of my classmates blasted a cap in anyone's ***, or ended up in Warkworth Pen over the years since. There is something to be said in part about the declining morals in Canadian society over the years, since these morning rituals were removed in the interests of multiculturalism and Political Correctness. I'm certainly not religious, but these morning rituals did instill a sense of moral right and wrong, as well as community pride at a young age. Thanks for bringing that up!

I'd certainly be interested to know your stance on this morning's news, that the Ontario Attorney General has renewed calls to ban ALL hand-guns in Ontario..

Don't like it. move, I am not going to waste my time on someone who types walls of text about how facts don't matter.
i am all for beat cops too... if anything they make the citizens "feel" safe

but the problem with that is (not sure what age bracket you are in) the cops these days just dont look like the cops of old... i am downtown daily looking at these new cops and without any exageration the cops are gettin smaller and smaller. i see cops that are literally 5'2 130 pounds. they are being hired based only on gender and ethnicity...

I think you're exaggerating a bit, but what you're seeing is the result of ******** affirmative action. Police forces (and many other government agencies) are hiring visible minorities and women in greater numbers to 'better represent the public'.
I don’t just sit on a computer and spit out ignorant racial comments about rap and gangters and talk the big talk. I am a person of my word and most cops out there and for clearly a thankless job. I get drug dealers off the street, I chase after guys with guns and I get dealers off the corners. So tell me this, how have you help our country fight back against the issues you mentioned?

You get paid, don't you? What more do you want, postcards and presents?

Nobody thanks me for my hard work at the end of the day either, and I bet more people die in my industry than in policing. You're a cop, you have a mandate.. do your job, collect your paycheque and be happy you're working. Many who wanted your job never made it all the way. My 2 cents.
Don't like it. move, I am not going to waste my time on someone who types walls of text about how facts don't matter.

I ain't moving - this province is my home, and Canada is my ancestral home since 1698. It's in my interest to advocate for change, and justice for the better for all, rather than for the special interests of the minority (in every sense of that word) few, who would perceive themselves as downtrodden and blameless for their own actions, and the consequences that come from piss poor personal decisions like slinging lead from illegal firearms into crowds. This is apparently something that you would consider acceptable.

I see no facts in your argument, or logic in this Charter decision. I see only your liberalist opinion.

feel free to point out how this person would have been deterred or was somehow not deterred by a judicial decision. The consequence of his action is a life sentence, how the hell does a mandatory minimum change the deterrance factor? it doesn't, and guess what, a large majority of the bar, Crown and Defence, as well as the Bench, agree with this view.

Defense is only looking for a pay-day and a judgement in favor of the defendant. It's to their benefit to argue an assinine charter defense argument if it gets their client off.

The Prosecution is charged with prosecuting a case if it has merit. They have no role to play in a Judge ruling that a case is a charter argument and strikes down a conviction. It's a black-eye to the prosecution, if the defendant walks on technical or legal grounds.

The Judge has unilaterally decided that this is a charter argument. This decision is on his shoulders alone. The only one happy with this sort of decision, is of course the defendant who gets to walk, and perhaps find another illegal gun to play with.

Don't wish to read the wall of text or can't comprehend the wall of text and refute with a reasonable argument in return, you lose the argument. Simple.

Have a nice day.
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@ Murf

Well on my shift we don’t have assigned partners. So I can be matched up with another female officer or a male officer or be on my own. If you are implying that because I am a female officer I would need to have a male officer to keep me safe, I find that amusing. If I had the mentality that I need back up or a partner at all times and couldn’t handle myself in certain situations, I wouldn’t make a very good cop. Do the physics you quote have the effect of adrenaline on the body? Such as the “fight or flight” response? Hmmm, I didn’t think so. Again, some of the people on this sight blow me away with their percentages that they found a google searches. I don’t need to quote anything, I live it. And if the physics you quoted were true all the times, then my funeral would have been broadcasted a long time ago on CTV.

As for why I was so disgusted with the cops in Chicago, is because being an Officer, you should be in good physical sharp for your own safely. I’m sure you knew that, so that is all I will say on that one. Anymore questions? I am always willing and able to answer. J

What if they just hired the visible minority because they were smarter than the white guy? No? not possible eh? lol
Are you denying that affirmative action exists in the hiring process of police forces and government agencies?
@ mmmmnaked.

Yup, I would like some flowers, sunflowers are my favorite. And yes, I get paid VERY well J What industry are you in? I am not complaining, I am stating a fact that I have to deal with guys like you everyday who think I got my job on my looks and not my education and that the job I do IS thankless. But don’t you worry, when someone is getting attached and I happen to be driving by and I put the guy on the ground and cuff him, it’s the same guys like you that thank me for saving there ***** J :P
As for why I was so disgusted with the cops in Chicago, is because being an Officer, you should be in good physical sharp for your own safely. I’m sure you knew that, so that is all I will say on that one. Anymore questions? I am always willing and able to answer. J

Oh, THAT kind of huge... Well that's in tune with the general population then.
@ mmmmnaked.

Yup, I would like some flowers, sunflowers are my favorite. And yes, I get paid VERY well J What industry are you in? I am not complaining, I am stating a fact that I have to deal with guys like you everyday who think I got my job on my looks and not my education and that the job I do IS thankless. But don’t you worry, when someone is getting attached and I happen to be driving by and I put the guy on the ground and cuff him, it’s the same guys like you that thank me for saving there ***** J :P

Nah, you're getting it twisted. I merely recognize the realities of our society, and especially the realities of the way our government agencies conduct business. I have nothing against cops.. I've never needed your help, nor do I hope to ever need it. I can handle myself fine. In fact, if I ever get attacked at my house, I'll be afraid to call the police for fear of being arrested and charged myself... but that's another discussion.

You don't have to deal with guys like me every day. I don't know you or your qualifications, or how you got your job... so there's no need to get defensive. But if you're sitting here and denying that affirmative action is the name of the game when it comes to government hiring, you're out to lunch. What if I call it "diversity management", is that better? Does that take place? Whether you like it or not, 'diversity management' got your name a notch or two higher on the list of candidates when you were going through the hiring process. Does it make you unqualified? No.

People are hired onto the Police force that can better serve their community. So if you live in Brampton, should all cops be white and not understand what the community is sayin? Again, that is an immigration issue(I am just using that as an example) I am just stating that you need to be able to help and understand certain issues. Um can you look back oh, I don’t know about 25 years and tell me how many visible minorities were on any force in Canada? Look, so people need to start facing the facts, if I am smarter then you and more qualified for the job, stop crying that I only got hired cause I am black…I am just smarter then you..gez! lol

And FYI the majority of Police Officers in Canada are white, so your safe ;)
JW - I'm sure stolen registered guns have been used in crimes, but that use is insignificant compared to imported and illegal guns.

off topic - did you grow up in the Jane and Trethewey area, and is that your "porn" name

Ive lived all over TO, I cant really say I grew up anywhere in particular cuz I moved around ALOT. But it gave me a unique opportunity to gain a perspective on life that not too many experience. I didnt have a conventional upbringing, my parents were around(but they were never togerther), but I was raised by my grandparents, its confusing, I know, try being me. Ive known alot of people living the gangster life in my day, La familia, Latin Browns, LA boys, La Cruz, Tiny Toons, Boyz n Blue, VR Trooperz, not that I was involved personally with these gangs, but living amongst them long enough you get to know the players. I got alot of respect wherever I went cuz people who knew me knew I wasnt about being a gangster, but just about being a person they knew from around the way. Alot of them had no business pretending to be something they were not, because later on you come to find out some of these "gangsters" dont live anywhere near the ghetto! They get 100 dollar weekly allowances and go spend it on x, coke, dope and guns. I know people arent gonna want to hear this, but I say it so u are aware and dont pretend that this couldnt happen to your kids.

There are kids out there who have both parents who love them and still have all day coke habits. I went to Sir Wilfred Laurier for a time in Guildwood, I cant begin to tell you how many times I went to house parties near Catalina drive (sorry, ppl familiar with the neighbourhood can tell u this is a pretty well to do area) and alot of these kids are doin rails!! Parents? Idk, some gone on vacations and leave the house to the kids, some were even leaving money for the kids to get "party favors", all i know is, i saw some pretty rich kids hitting alot heavier **** than I ever saw living in the ghetto in my day. I run into a few now and then, u know what theyre doin, still living off their rich parents cuz they bought them nice condos and snorting even more coke! This can be your kids. The suburbs are being used for the production of narcotics, the ghetto is a base for city redistribution back to those same rich and poor kids in the hallways at school. Its a perpetual machine that just keeps running itself.

My wife grew up at 3171 Eglinton and Markham rd., shes now a mortgage analyst working at first canadian. We once tried to figure out what it was that made us want nothing but to get the hell away from the places we lived, the only answer we could come up with was this. Some people take adversity, and use it as an excuse to give up and turn to easy ways out like drugs or crime, or a crutch to say"Oh the world effed me over, so it owes me something"and sit around doin nothing waiting for the universe to give em a break. Others will take it and use it as motivation to want something better. My father and my mom werent always there with me, but I know they tried their best to be there for me. They made their mistakes and karma gave them what they'd been giving. I believe theyve made this realization and theyve been trying to make up for it so I give em a break. They werent the greatest of parents at times, but nor was I anything close to the perfect son. I resented them for not being together, I resented the people they chose to be with, I even resented the fact that both of them went on to have families and have kids with other people and chose to stay with the parents of their other kids and left me feeling alone in a room of family. But that to some can be a powerful motivator, and I always said I would never allow myself to make a mistake of having a child and not being in his life 24/7, or married to a woman I didnt want to devote my entire life to. Alot of the motivation I had is lost on kids that have both parents and everything laid out for them. Some parents really believe just because both of them are there after school and you have meals to eat and a PS3 that there parenting role is complete. Kids need support, but they also need some sort of adversity and a dash of hardship to overcome and realize their potential. Just because you have the money to give your kid their own car doesnt mean you should just hand them the keys, let your kids work for it! Let them think you had to spend every last cent you had to get it, dont ever let them realize you got enough money to make their wishes happen on a whim. Its a hard balance cuz as parents you naturally want your child to want for nothing, but its the want that drives most people. It has to be properly nurtured to send you child in the right direction in life, to make them want to be good citizens, not do drugs and contribute to the local crime economy.

All I can say, as a 33 year old product of the ghetto, not all of us are out there trying to kill everything that moves, some of us want exactly what middle and upper class people want, just to be better off and have a piece of something to call our own, and we're doing it everyday more and more, its just that ghetto people working hard trying to rub to pennies together doesnt make for a riveting news story. Gangsters want something to call their own too, its just that you have it, they dont, theyre armed, youre not. All gangsters know that, just ask the Yakuza, the Mafia, the Taliban, Tamil Tigers, the IRA, the Russian grupperovka, the HA, the Vagabonds, the Bandidos, or the Bloods and Crips.

Lmao, porn? Not with my herniated back, it'd be like watchin a sex tape of Jerry Stiller! :lmao:I got the name from Eddie Murphy's 3rd best movie IMO, Beverly Hills Cop 2(2.Coming to America, 1.Trading Places, Jamie Lee is all i can say)[video=youtube;JCnZaM2qKYE][/video] Sorry it took so long to holler back, I had this all typed out and forgot to "post quick reply" and sorry if I wrote a whole novel here.
@ mmmmnaked.

Yup, I would like some flowers, sunflowers are my favorite. And yes, I get paid VERY well J What industry are you in? I am not complaining, I am stating a fact that I have to deal with guys like you everyday who think I got my job on my looks and not my education and that the job I do IS thankless. But don’t you worry, when someone is getting attached and I happen to be driving by and I put the guy on the ground and cuff him, it’s the same guys like you that thank me for saving there ***** J :P

So true, same jerks I deal with. One minute snikering about my uniform, the next crying to me for help with their lost child, stolen crap or been assaulted.

I do however, understand why some hate cops so much and it has to do with the few with an authority complex. I've experienced it first hand with their interactions with my father. I believe had to do with the fact he speaks with a heavy accent so they thought they could treat him like a peice of ****. Also, just a few days ago told off a cop who was speaking rudely to me for no reason.
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