Jen thank-you for putting your life on the line for us every time you go to workIt was a brave of you to even tell us you are TPS knowing how much most on this site can't stand cops.
This racist thread is driving me nuts. Criminals come in all cultures, colours, genders and ages. When I was doing loss prevention for the lcbo I arrested everyone from white, black, Asian, from 15 all the way to 84, men and women. There wasn't more of any culture.
This logic of a certain colour of people or culture has more crime tenancies make no sense as that would mean countries with mostly white people would have barely any crime and we all know that isn't true.
I do believe we live in a city full of pussies(this is to the guys and girls) that turn a blind eye or ignore what is going on in front of their eyes and let brats turn into these monsters become the criminals they are today. It isn't just the parents fault it's the community/city as a whole. No body does anything or says anything when little punks are being little punks. If people opened their eyes and mouths when they needed to little punks would be thinking twice about their actions.
Don't get me started on the ridiculous gun laws and making it harder for honest law abiding people to own guns for recreational or for hunting purposes. The problem is the illegal guns brought in and sold.
The problem is, it is the minorities in the communities that are playing the race card when things happen. When you hear of biker violence and crime, do you think of black people or big fat tattoo covered white people being involved? I bet it's white. Is that a racist thing to do? I do not beleive so.
Now when you hear of gang violence in the Jane and Finch area, or any other metro housing community for that matter, what color do you think of? I bet it's male black youths. Is this racist? I do not believe so. I think in both instances it is pretty much fact. It may not always be the case, but it would be the norm.
It is the communities these gangs live in that pull the racial profiling, your picking on us because the police force is racist crap. This needs to stop.
As we have heard in the news and by some on this board there was a police presence at the block party. If there had been more of a visible presence (in uniform) you can bet your last dollar we would have been hearing how the police targeted a kids BBQ and how they are all racist. The cops can't win.
As for the guns.
It's not the guns. Guns don't kill people. People kill people. How are individuals able to walk into a crowded place and open fire? I own firearms, and could never see myself walking into a mall or crowded place and start blasting. I have too much respect for human life. Why do some of the youth of today not have the same respect?