Scarborough shooting | Page 14 |

Scarborough shooting

Jen thank-you for putting your life on the line for us every time you go to work:) It was a brave of you to even tell us you are TPS knowing how much most on this site can't stand cops.

This racist thread is driving me nuts. Criminals come in all cultures, colours, genders and ages. When I was doing loss prevention for the lcbo I arrested everyone from white, black, Asian, from 15 all the way to 84, men and women. There wasn't more of any culture.

This logic of a certain colour of people or culture has more crime tenancies make no sense as that would mean countries with mostly white people would have barely any crime and we all know that isn't true.

I do believe we live in a city full of pussies(this is to the guys and girls) that turn a blind eye or ignore what is going on in front of their eyes and let brats turn into these monsters become the criminals they are today. It isn't just the parents fault it's the community/city as a whole. No body does anything or says anything when little punks are being little punks. If people opened their eyes and mouths when they needed to little punks would be thinking twice about their actions.

Don't get me started on the ridiculous gun laws and making it harder for honest law abiding people to own guns for recreational or for hunting purposes. The problem is the illegal guns brought in and sold.

The problem is, it is the minorities in the communities that are playing the race card when things happen. When you hear of biker violence and crime, do you think of black people or big fat tattoo covered white people being involved? I bet it's white. Is that a racist thing to do? I do not beleive so.

Now when you hear of gang violence in the Jane and Finch area, or any other metro housing community for that matter, what color do you think of? I bet it's male black youths. Is this racist? I do not believe so. I think in both instances it is pretty much fact. It may not always be the case, but it would be the norm.

It is the communities these gangs live in that pull the racial profiling, your picking on us because the police force is racist crap. This needs to stop.
As we have heard in the news and by some on this board there was a police presence at the block party. If there had been more of a visible presence (in uniform) you can bet your last dollar we would have been hearing how the police targeted a kids BBQ and how they are all racist. The cops can't win.

As for the guns.
It's not the guns. Guns don't kill people. People kill people. How are individuals able to walk into a crowded place and open fire? I own firearms, and could never see myself walking into a mall or crowded place and start blasting. I have too much respect for human life. Why do some of the youth of today not have the same respect?
You forgot the fried chicken in that reply or was that your next comment.

and you say you are not a racists...sounds like the same mentality of people in jail, none of them are guilty.

And another racist comment... dont know when to stop eh melon?

Did you hear about the guns and gang cop that got run over and killed last year? His partner was a male. How about the OPP officer that was killed last year? Also man. The York cop that got shot a couple months ago, Yup..male again. Now when was the last time a female Officer was killed in the line of duty?

Please don’t mistaken intelligent answers to your comments as being defensive, because that’s just funny J

Did you take statistics and probability for that degree of yours? Let me give you a hint, what is the percentage of females in the force?
Secondly, What do those cases have anything to do with being overpowered?
Your examples are amusing, im sure you can guess the kind of conclusion that a person could come up with......male cops going above the call of duty and not waiting for backup etc.
No Jen, you are just stronger, faster and a better cop than those heroes.
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@ Cbcanada,

I am a Police Officer and I stand 5’7 and weight in the area of 160-170lbs and I am positive with the training I have, that I am able to take down a guy at 6, feet..again, I know this from experience and before you say, “oh I had a male officer help me out” I didn’t. As a female officer, we have to hold our own, for exactly the ignorant comment you made about size . I am also a visible minority, as I am half white and half black. Granted there are some smaller female officers out there but we all had to do a fit test plus hard training, that would make must of you pass out. I am also, sorry to break it to you but I am well educated from McMaster University and hold a degree in Sociology and a minor in Psychology; I am also currently going for my Masters degree, so no I did not get hired because of the color of my skin. Most of the men I work with are very well built and would intimidate most people and trust me, intimidation is not in the way you look (the bigger you are the harder you fall), it is in how you can make people perceive you. I just got back from Chicago this weekend and I was disgusted on the size of the officers there, because they all were HUGE! They couldn’t ride in Crown Vic, they all had SUV’s lol I was shocked! What area in Toronto do you visit on a regular basis where these tiny cops work? I am interested in knowing.. As for your other argument you made in the “problem starts from”, I would have to agree with you on some points but again the argument is how do we, as a people tell the government we do not like what our country is becoming? I can at least say I try everyday to make this world a better place, weather half the cop haters out here agree or not. I don’t just sit on a computer and spit out ignorant racial comments about rap and gangters and talk the big talk. I am a person of my word and most cops out there and for clearly a thankless job. I get drug dealers off the street, I chase after guys with guns and I get dealers off the corners. So tell me this, how have you help our country fight back against the issues you mentioned?

i wasnt trying to offend anyone and i dont doubt you passed what ever test you passed...

i am sure a few 6'2 220 pound guys also passed the test and didnt get the job. because they didnt "fit the bill"

it is what it is...

this is mot about your feelings... this is about commumity safety. at the end of the day i want the biggest men to protect my streets.

we are in the position we are now... because we started to appease everyone.

my granpa a ww2 vet told me one day that the world started goin down hill the day men stopped wearing hats... i said why... he said cuz you gotta draw the line, you cant do everything to please everyone, today its the hat tomorrow its the tie the year after this its the ither thing...

he used to sit for dinner with a tie on.

what i said is not to take shot at you, it reality and its as some one else mentioned physics

more importantly its perception... thugs are not smart enough to think you are trained or this or that. they only understand their language ...

no offense honestly i said what i said cuz to solve these sory of problems we need to stop appeasing people and do things for the good of the people.

people need to stop gettin offended by what people say, especially when there is a discussion for the greater cause
The problem is, it is the minorities in the communities that are playing the race card when things happen. When you hear of biker violence and crime, do you think of black people or big fat tattoo covered white people being involved? I bet it's white. Is that a racist thing to do? I do not beleive so.

Now when you hear of gang violence in the Jane and Finch area, or any other metro housing community for that matter, what color do you think of? I bet it's male black youths. Is this racist? I do not believe so. I think in both instances it is pretty much fact. It may not always be the case, but it would be the norm.

It is the communities these gangs live in that pull the racial profiling, your picking on us because the police force is racist crap. This needs to stop.
As we have heard in the news and by some on this board there was a police presence at the block party. If there had been more of a visible presence (in uniform) you can bet your last dollar we would have been hearing how the police targeted a kids BBQ and how they are all racist. The cops can't win.

As for the guns.
It's not the guns. Guns don't kill people. People kill people. How are individuals able to walk into a crowded place and open fire? I own firearms, and could never see myself walking into a mall or crowded place and start blasting. I have too much respect for human life. Why do some of the youth of today not have the same respect?

Black people dont care about police racism as much as you would like to believe. When was the last time you actually saw an officer accused in the news of racial profiling? Of hitting a black kid with 32 "warning shots"? Dude its so rare you could serve it at the keg. When was the last protest of police brutality on the street and calls for officer investigations? The SIU is called after a shoot, SIU clears officer, black people keep on keepin on, Racist cop is like being called donut eating cop. Ive seen white boys accuse WHITE officers of discrimination! Dude it just something effed up people say when the cuffs go on to bring the attention of everyone aroound to their plight. In very few circumstances Ive heard of its warranted, but in most cases its just some crackhead trying to setup a police brutality defence in court, simple as that.
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Did you hear about the guns and gang cop that got run over and killed last year? His partner was a male. How about the OPP officer that was killed last year? Also man. The York cop that got shot a couple months ago, Yup..male again. Now when was the last time a female Officer was killed in the line of duty?

Please don’t mistaken intelligent answers to your comments as being defensive, because that’s just funny J

Holy ****.. I missed this post earlier. Please tell me you are joking!! :lol: my goodness

If this isn't more proof of "diversity management" I don't know what is. You went to school?
Did you take statistics and probability for that degree of yours? Let me give you a hint, what is the percentage of females in the force?
Secondly, What do those cases have anything to do with being overpowered?
Your examples are amusing, im sure you can guess the kind of conclusion that a person could come up with......male cops going above the call of duty and not waiting for backup etc.
No Jen, you are just stronger, faster and a better cop than those heroes.

For someone who has 2 Degrees and working on a Masters, the grammar and spelling in her posts wouldn't get her out of the 10th grade.
ahh gotta disagree on this whole female/size thing when it comes to policing....only because I have a few friends on the force in one of the worst areas of Toronto and they all say the same thing.. women are generally useless for a lot of their calls because there's a crap ton of violence.... my one friend even went so far as to say that a lot of the times the cops on his shift are "too afraid" to deal with certain incidents and they call him SPECIFICALLY to deal with the problem because he has the physical presence and um....particular skillset that comes along with it.

Policing in some areas of Toronto is certainly NOT what the general public thinks it is...
I know a few guys (friends and friends of friends) that left the force (most were not Toronto) after they graduated from traffic duty. Why, because on traffic it was all good size wise, no worries. Once they started real policing they just found that they were out muscled far too many times and were no longer comfortable with the situation and their safety (couple got picked up and tossed a good distance). Yes they had guns and training--but they are not allowed to use the gun..., the other guy had adrenalin, size, anger and narcotics--and maybe even better training. BTW, these were men not women.

There is something to say for size, not to say there are not roles for all sizes. Fighting gang bangers with physical force etc. might be best served by large male OR female cops.

Not trying to be sexist here but sometimes there is a right "tool" for a very specific job.
There is a reason why 99% of bouncers at 99% of the clubs fit a certain description...

reason #1
the club does not have mandate to hire bouncers based on gender and ethnicity

reason #2
all things being equal the bigger bouncer will do a better job in doing the job and intimidating would be trouble makers

size matters.... otherwise football linemen would be 5'6 160 pounds. not 6'6 300 pounds
There is a reason why 99% of bouncers at 99% of the clubs fit a certain description...

reason #1
the club does not have mandate to hire bouncers based on gender and ethnicity

reason #2
all things being equal the bigger bouncer will do a better job in doing the job and intimidating would be trouble makers

size matters.... otherwise football linemen would be 5'6 160 pounds. not 6'6 300 pounds

In short what you are trying to say is

THIS vs. That

It's not the guns. Guns don't kill people. People kill people.

This is like saying drunk driving doesn't kill people - cars do. The reality is that violence will increase with access to weapons that give perpetrators an opportunity to commit crime with very little impunity. It is a lot more difficult to kill someone by stabbing them or physically assaulting them without putting yourself in harms way i.e. close proximity, and at risk of being identified by several witnesses and caught. A shooter can spray bullets into a crowd without anyone even being able to tell who did it.
This is like saying drunk driving doesn't kill people - cars do. The reality is that violence will increase with access to weapons that give perpetrators an opportunity to commit crime with very little impunity. It is a lot more difficult to kill someone by stabbing them or physically assaulting them without putting yourself in harms way i.e. close proximity, and at risk of being identified by several witnesses and caught. A shooter can spray bullets into a crowd without anyone even being able to tell who did it.

What??? no.

If you don't understand comparisons, please don't try and make them on your own. Ask an adult to help you. I bet you have 3 Degrees.

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