Scarborough shooting

It was meant to show that it not always a guy walking out on his kid, that in fact sometimes women are fully capable of keeping a baby from a father as easily as a boy could leave one. Clearly her husband was fooling himself by thinking that baby was his. That his wife did that to him twice shows she was clearly not interested in having the childs father around, otherwise she wouldnt still be with him.

Here is a part of the story to show that these victims were not gangsters, in fact the guy didnt want to be there, it keeps getting sadder take note of the fact that the gentleman was not black, not from that 'hood and a contributor to his community by volunteering in malvern. The young girl was an aspiring athlete. This problem effects everybody, sitting around complaining how bad its getting in the ghetto is not gonna cut it anymore. Its either everyone involved or everyone loses
How does your example video of a guy stepping up and taking care of the kid help your argument?
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Here is a part of the story to show that these victims were not gangsters

WTF? I thought this thread was about cross-eyed gangstas that pull out their guns and shoot everyone but each other.

I give up. Queue the Robert Downey Jr. pics.

And real gangsters tap you twice in the back of the head in deep the woods so you fall into the shallow grave they made you dig yourself. Idiots spray bystanders at BBQs.
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This could have happened anywhere.The media (and the powers that feed the media) make the news imho.
However having said that...i (and my brother and 2 sisters) told my Mom and Dad 13 yrs ago NOT to buy a condo on Ling Rd. We knew something like this would happen under their 12th floor balcony!

Its been 13 years since you asked your family to not move there, which is one street down from the crime scene, 13 years ago....and this is the only major event that has occured in that neighbourhood since that youve taken notice of? Look, Im not knocking your choice, if I had to make it with my loved ones I would want them a far from trouble as I possibly could but finding a "safe" neighbourhood is like a four bedroom condo downtown, non existent. Im only pointing out that there are hoods that have alot more major incidents transpiring much more frequently, hell drive five minutes from that neighbourhood over to Kingston/Galloway and see how fast you run back to danzig to feel safe! if someone wants what you have, theyre coming to forest hill, theyre coming to richmond hill, and you better believe theyll come to thornhill too. Postal code no longer dictates how safe your neighbourhood will be. Just ask Joel maitlin, president of AlarmForce who had an attempted break in at his own home I believe is on the Bridal Path while he was in florida.
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Just ask Jonathan Carroll, president of AlarmForce who had an attempted break in at his own home I believe is on the Bridal Path while he was in florida.

Not in the context that no neighbourhood is safe from crime. It was meant to show that the president of a firm that handles nothing but security could have men at his front door looking to barge in and tie him up and take all hes worth. Living somewhere worth alot of money doesnt guarantee you wont be affected by major crime, why do you think all those mansions have alarms and gates setup? Its not for the girl guides or J. Witnesses
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I had to, with all the talk of baby daddies i couldnt resist. The beauty of the maury example is the abundance of footage of all of our people at their "finest" moments, lmao, it was meant as a John 8:7 moment
Really... did you really just reference the Maury Povich show???
I think we need more rap songs about how hard life is in Toronto. Then these gangbangers can smoke weed, chill & reflect on just how hard life in Toronto is.

To live and die in T.O.

WOW. Reading some of the post are rather insulting and some of the most ignorant things I have read in a long time. I am willing to bet that more than half of you that have posted certain comments about race, ‘gangstars” and single mothers are not Police Officers and in actuality have no clue on what actually happens and who the shooters are in this incident (cause if you have any information on who the other shooters are, you should call the police and give names). I am pretty sure that all the information you have gathered on this incident is from the media, who always tell event as they happen, right?! First I would like to say that I am half black and half white and grew up in a lovely white collared town called Oakville. I am well educated, have a fantastic job and I also happen to be a single parent (and FYI, I know who the father is, his name is Chris, who happens to be my ex husband) and I provide very well for my family, so the comment about black single mothers (even tho you did not say the race, it is very clear what you were insinuating) is WAY off base. In the job I do, I interact with many different people of all different races and economic backgrounds and I can tell you, ignorance has no color, clearly. I am also a registered gun owner and as another person commented banning bullets is NOT going to solve any problems because it is not the responsible registered gun owners who are committing these crimes. Now to be fair, stereotypes come from somewhere and yes, there are a lot of young black men who are committing these crimes for reasons that are truly unknown, maybe they want to make a name for themselves and they are just pure idiots, but there are a lot of other races that commit similar crimes so the question shouldn’t be “why are these black kids doing this” and ganging up on one race , it should be why are PEOPLE committing such stupid acts of violence and how can we stop it?. The only opinion I can offer is that our government creates a better way to prevent illegal guns to come into Canada and that the penalty of carrying or using an illegal weapons are high, because some of the laws in Canada are joke and I can’t tell you how many times, I have arrested someone in the evening and by noon the next day they are out doing the same thing! As for the low income and co op comment, I don’t know if you have been in that area but again, I work in that area and there are just as many white people as there are black people (along with many other races) that are in that community. At the end of the day these acts of violence are done by punks, that when they get cuffs on them, they usually wet themselves and ask to talk to their mom’s (or dad’sJ) through sobbing and tears, so if we have discussion such as this thread ,it should stay on solution on how we as a society can help educate the younger people that are coming up to prevent things like this from happening and not play the blame game on certain races.
That will keep the sheep feeling safe and happy. :agave:

PS> Bill Blair is a giant pussy and doesn't have enough street sense to be a police chief.

Bill Blair has to act like a politician, just like everyone else employed in that position. I mean, look at the knee-jerk defensiveness even in this thread! It's a no-win situation for the police.
That will keep the sheep feeling safe and happy. :agave:

PS> Bill Blair is a giant pussy and doesn't have enough street sense to be a police chief.

Their logic is ban hand guns because there is over 700,000 registered and by taking away those 700,000 it will limit the access criminals have to handguns. Hand guns are nothing more than killing machines and serve no purpose. They full out admit that only 1/3 of illegal hand guns are obtained domestically and 2/3 are smuggled from the states.

How about you stop harssing gun owners who went through the pain staking process of obtaining a license and a fire arm legally.
Their logic is ban hand guns because there is over 700,000 registered and by taking away those 700,000 it will limit the access criminals have to handguns. Hand guns are nothing more than killing machines and serve no purpose. They full out admit that only 1/3 of illegal hand guns are obtained domestically and 2/3 are smuggled from the states.

How about you stop harssing gun owners who went through the pain staking process of obtaining a license and a fire arm legally.

LOL, even in their own article they state that the majority of these handguns come across the border illegally. How about we start harping on a border crackdown and break up these gun rings? No no, let's just copy and paste the same lame articles calling for a ban.....
You do realize that women get more money if theyre single parents, right? And I guess no other race has deadbeat dads? It's not always about the father leaving, the women get more money per child, but I guess all women are such good people, they'd never do stupid things for money.....or would they?

Wow to say I'm surprised by alot of the attitudes in this thread is a complete understatement. I see alot of "opinions" disguised as fact but little of anything else. What makes me so up on this particular subject u may ask....well the fact that my father has been working in the black community for years and has received numerous awards for his work, like this he was also the recipient of the Harry Jerome awards, one of the highest awards in recognition of work done in the black community. He also goes all over the world, helping everyones people thru education on addictions and mental health. Knowledge, unless you have google search that can trump 25 years of actual boots in the community, than u dont have a horse in this race. Google searching some quacks "scientific opinion" doesn't qualify as researching a whole race of people, or maybe I can find some "research" on why Asians can't drive, or some "research" on why south Asians love "honor killing" their spouses, or maybe some "research" about just anything I can put my mind on, as any idiot with a keyboard can find something on the Internet supporting any dimwitted belief. Or, you can do it the old fashioned way like my dad does, through long hours of hard work and dedication to a cause, or like I did, volunteer your time with the African Canadian Heritage Association and mentor kids for ten years. Or do it like Knowledge, go to, and type in the first thing you think of with "black development" in the search. I usually don't go off on people like this, but I can't believe some of dimwitted, uneducated responses in here. In the end I'm grateful, some of you have been closet racists hiding how u truly feel, at least I know now where u stand. Seems like slamming a whole race is ok with the majority of u, despite having evidence clearly refuting your positions. Either put your money where your mouth is and get involved in the situation, or stay here and hope that posting thinly veiled racist rants will somehow change the community.

like i said, for those who take advantage of it! not all of 'em!!! you know f it, it's not gonna change anything, it keeps getting worse and worse. I am gonna go for a ride :)
unless they come up with something like a death penalty, nothing is going to work. this hand gun banning thing is just stupid and the politicians know it!
Bottom line is, if the police had a visible presence at the party, no one would pull a out a gun.

If there was no police at PD13 or any other organized event, there would be shootings and criminal activity.
Bottom line is, if the police had a visible presence at the party, no one would pull a out a gun.

If there was no police at PD13 or any other organized event, there would be shootings and criminal activity.

I wrote that a few posts back.
Why isn't the media asking WHERE WAS THE POLICE to begin with?

1. street party
2. possible hundred of people
3. gang area
4. alcohol
5. young punks
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