You do realize that women get more money if theyre single parents, right? And I guess no other race has deadbeat dads? It's not always about the father leaving, the women get more money per child, but I guess all women are such good people, they'd never do stupid things for money.....or would they?
Wow to say I'm surprised by alot of the attitudes in this thread is a complete understatement. I see alot of "opinions" disguised as fact but little of anything else. What makes me so up on this particular subject u may ask....well the fact that my father has been working in the black community for years and has received numerous awards for his work, like this he was also the recipient of the Harry Jerome awards, one of the highest awards in recognition of work done in the black community. He also goes all over the world, helping everyones people thru education on addictions and mental health. Knowledge, unless you have google search that can trump 25 years of actual boots in the community, than u dont have a horse in this race. Google searching some quacks "scientific opinion" doesn't qualify as researching a whole race of people, or maybe I can find some "research" on why Asians can't drive, or some "research" on why south Asians love "honor killing" their spouses, or maybe some "research" about just anything I can put my mind on, as any idiot with a keyboard can find something on the Internet supporting any dimwitted belief. Or, you can do it the old fashioned way like my dad does, through long hours of hard work and dedication to a cause, or like I did, volunteer your time with the African Canadian Heritage Association and mentor kids for ten years. Or do it like Knowledge, go to, and type in the first thing you think of with "black development" in the search. I usually don't go off on people like this, but I can't believe some of dimwitted, uneducated responses in here. In the end I'm grateful, some of you have been closet racists hiding how u truly feel, at least I know now where u stand. Seems like slamming a whole race is ok with the majority of u, despite having evidence clearly refuting your positions. Either put your money where your mouth is and get involved in the situation, or stay here and hope that posting thinly veiled racist rants will somehow change the community.