Scarborough shooting

All right, the Mandarin incident was conjecture on my part. I strike it from my record.

Nevertheless, this video shows what I meant.

I see people mulling about, I see a poor excuse for a single file line, I even see people who aren't black, u know the only thing I don't see, an actual fight! Dude help me out here, im not seeing how this strengthens your case about a particular group of people, unless u meant mandarin eaters. And why exactly is it crazy that people would line up like that for free food? Look at the lineups when mcd's has their free coffee week, people are spending more as it is anytime someone offers anything for free u gotta expect people will jump on it, especially poor people. Just because a majority of us are able to put food on the table and go out for a meal once and awhile doesnt mean we all can, black, white, yellow or brown, to some people that's the only time they get to go out. That's why people of all cultures are lined up for blocks outside of honest eds for a free turkey.

You keep making these points like your going to show me of a poorly done YouTube vid of 3 minutes outside of a mandarin and I'm going to all of a sudden be cool with u saying all black people messed up a sh***y free meal at mandarin. It's like me saying that all white boys will rape a kid, but I wouldn't because I don't believe it and it would be doing a disservice to white people who try to catch these *****. As I stated before, all cultures have their points of contention, but don't call out a whole race based on the actions of a few. otherwise I'll start posting up threads every time some other "particular group" f***ks it up for everybody else. Surely my account will get banned, but on principle alone I don't GAF.
just be glad you dont live in detroit.

they currently sit at 184 murders to date this year.

they be professional gangsta's, yo !
Yeah I didn't form a well-thought out case with the Mandarin thing, I admit it. I regretted it and wanted to move on. On the other hand, if a respected leader of the West Indian community goes on the air and says outright that there's a problem with his people who else is there to blame?
This could have happened anywhere.The media (and the powers that feed the media) make the news imho.
However having said that...i (and my brother and 2 sisters) told my Mom and Dad 13 yrs ago NOT to buy a condo on Ling Rd. We knew something like this would happen under their 12th floor balcony!
Meanwhile, port dover goes off without a hitch every year, yet they spend millions policing it for nothing.

Yeah but PD13 sucks donkey balls, but a free liquor party would have to be hell of a good time (up until someone pulls the trigger). Can't compare the two.
Solution = Giant Magnets and hookers
Yeah I didn't form a well-thought out case with the Mandarin thing, I admit it. I regretted it and wanted to move on. On the other hand, if a respected leader of the West Indian community goes on the air and says outright that there's a problem with his people who else is there to blame?

I'm West Indian, my entire family is and now of us have ever been involved in gangs, violence or anything of that sort. So wtf?

Hell's Angels must be full of those West Indians too.
Stop the endless social assistance and force people back to work, gradually, by putting an end date on the cashflow from we the tax payer.

Gradually increase the "rent" in co-op and government housing to force people to strive for more and look for gainful employment.

Lol, good luck with that in a province where even the doctored unemployment figures are approaching 10% and rising.. And those 10% don't include those who can only find part time hours and not make enough to feed themselves. (I've been there and those employment assistance programs were unwilling to help me find full time work because I wasn't an unemployment statistic - barely getting 15hrs and mostly on the sales that I generated, but couldn't sign off on projects) Ontario has been an industrial province, but the industry's in China now. We wanted to make up for that by having a strong service sector, but it's in India now. That's why the yokels from the prairies wanna cut us off like a gangrenous leg, you know, the one that brought them to where they are now - Third World paradise.

By the way, I've heard the same "get a job" b.s. coming from people in countries with 40% unemployment rates. Yeah, I'll wave my magic wand and everybody will be able to find a job they can live off :rolleyes:
they are man enough to take guns and shoot each other (which is good, because that's one way of getting rid of them) but not man enough to take care of the bastard kids, which are being paid by our tax money. I am sorry but this single mom thing is just retarded (for those who take advantage of it)
By the way, I've heard the same "get a job" b.s. coming from people in countries with 40% unemployment rates. Yeah, I'll wave my magic wand and everybody will be able to find a job they can live off :rolleyes:

I did not say "get a job", my approach is such that those who recieve government money may feel more motivated to find a job if they knew that money would not be there forever.
Doesn't anyone wonder why the Police had no cruisers there.
We all know you will have some lug head wanting to fight since they might be drunk.
The Police KNOW that they have gang members there yet they decided not to park some cruisers as a deterrent.
They had no problems when they needed to bait people by leaving their marked cruiser in the middle of the road during the G20 protests.

All I see is the Police Chief patting himself about how fast they responded blah blah.
You think these punks see him as a strong as some old Grandpa.

If you are going to address the gangs and the public have the ETF and a squad of uniformed Police standing around you.
Show them your machine guns. Tell them you are coming to get them.

The POLICE KNOW who most of these punks are.
They have a GUNS and GANGS unit.

Start asking the Police where were they?
I did not say "get a job", my approach is such that those who recieve government money may feel more motivated to find a job if they knew that money would not be there forever.

I think a better approach would be for them to have options to get a job and be able to make a decent life for themselves and their families on an 8hr day. Ain't happening. Things are gonna get a lot worse before they get better. The only thing preventing Toronto from turning into Detroit are those social nets and a less inequitable society. Remember that we've always been an industrial province. Now it's over and we don't have the service industry to fall back on. The only thing we can do is emulate Alberta, but use Crown corporations to exploit our natural resources 100% of 60% (lowball efficiency estimate for a Crown corporation compared to a private corporation) is better than 15% of whatever the private corporation can't shelter from taxation. That money can be invested in job-creating infrastructure improvement projects and subsidizing local industries. Of course, I don't see that happening as long as our next door neighbor has enough of a military clout to force us to emulate their economic model.
Some very valid and insightful views.
You do realize that if these problems go away so do A LOT of Public Sector jobs.

Guns come in at the border, let's start with them.
What are they doing?

A big sign makes things clear, got guns or drugs turn around now to freedom or spend the next 10 years of your life in this prison cell.
* prison cell in NWT or NFLD
This actually happens fairly often...except usually shots are fired and people scramble. Most people with a gun don't ever intend on actually shooting someone. Even just last year, I was at a rouge beach party and these guys pulled out guns after getting into a scuffle. And it wasn't even a gangster crowd, or anything.

Missing dad = machismo overcompensation. 2 of my cousins went through a gangster phase. One of them still thinks he's a goon and his assault/weapon charges just messed up a job opportunity for him even though he's trying to get his act together.

There's actually a lot of research in black child and community development - I can pull some stuff up if anyone's interested.
they are man enough to take guns and shoot each other (which is good, because that's one way of getting rid of them) but not man enough to take care of the bastard kids, which are being paid by our tax money. I am sorry but this single mom thing is just retarded (for those who take advantage of it)

You do realize that women get more money if theyre single parents, right? And I guess no other race has deadbeat dads? It's not always about the father leaving, the women get more money per child, but I guess all women are such good people, they'd never do stupid things for money.....or would they?

Wow to say I'm surprised by alot of the attitudes in this thread is a complete understatement. I see alot of "opinions" disguised as fact but little of anything else. What makes me so up on this particular subject u may ask....well the fact that my father has been working in the black community for years and has received numerous awards for his work, like this he was also the recipient of the Harry Jerome awards, one of the highest awards in recognition of work done in the black community. He also goes all over the world, helping everyones people thru education on addictions and mental health. Knowledge, unless you have google search that can trump 25 years of actual boots in the community, than u dont have a horse in this race. Google searching some quacks "scientific opinion" doesn't qualify as researching a whole race of people, or maybe I can find some "research" on why Asians can't drive, or some "research" on why south Asians love "honor killing" their spouses, or maybe some "research" about just anything I can put my mind on, as any idiot with a keyboard can find something on the Internet supporting any dimwitted belief. Or, you can do it the old fashioned way like my dad does, through long hours of hard work and dedication to a cause, or like I did, volunteer your time with the African Canadian Heritage Association and mentor kids for ten years. Or do it like Knowledge, go to, and type in the first thing you think of with "black development" in the search. I usually don't go off on people like this, but I can't believe some of dimwitted, uneducated responses in here. In the end I'm grateful, some of you have been closet racists hiding how u truly feel, at least I know now where u stand. Seems like slamming a whole race is ok with the majority of u, despite having evidence clearly refuting your positions. Either put your money where your mouth is and get involved in the situation, or stay here and hope that posting thinly veiled racist rants will somehow change the community.
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Mostly stupid lazy immature ignorant little boys/men with guns and a bad attitude = killings
Blame society ya that's the answer.
Bad *** is is for its too hard and you only get poor wages when your lazy and stupid.
Lookin for witnesses to come forth...ya right...hold a whole neighbourhood hostage great stuff.
Black white green brown yellow...whatever...the hammer is gotta come down hard.
Only problem is the ding bats think jail is cool too. Human beings are somethin else
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