Well-known member
Funny isn't it? 
What is also funny is how the string 'em up crowd would react if they were being tailgated by a car while passing too slowly ...
I'm sure it would be very courteous and respectful, Not..

What is also funny is how the string 'em up crowd would react if they were being tailgated by a car while passing too slowly ...

So if I blocked someone's way coz he was riding/driving like over 150 km/h and I wasn't fast enough to move away, I deserved to lose my side mirror? Wow you guys are really taking this type of mentality to another level.
OP is a guy with class, and up to this point, he keeps his cool but then he kept getting attacked by your stupid mentality, and he already said that he was passing the truck... is there really a time limit that he has to pass that truck in like 5 seconds or else he deserved to have the side mirror smashed, or you guys watch too many movies?
I even see some posters wishing OP having a painful death? What are you, 12 years old? With that kind of immaturity, you shouldn't even be on the road at all, not even as a pedestrian. If you are just saying that as a joke, sorry you failed, coz joke should be funny, and this is not funny at all.