Road Rage on the 401, May 21, 2014

Funny isn't it? :)

What is also funny is how the string 'em up crowd would react if they were being tailgated by a car while passing too slowly ... :) I'm sure it would be very courteous and respectful, Not.. :)

So if I blocked someone's way coz he was riding/driving like over 150 km/h and I wasn't fast enough to move away, I deserved to lose my side mirror? Wow you guys are really taking this type of mentality to another level.
OP is a guy with class, and up to this point, he keeps his cool but then he kept getting attacked by your stupid mentality, and he already said that he was passing the truck... is there really a time limit that he has to pass that truck in like 5 seconds or else he deserved to have the side mirror smashed, or you guys watch too many movies?

I even see some posters wishing OP having a painful death? What are you, 12 years old? With that kind of immaturity, you shouldn't even be on the road at all, not even as a pedestrian. If you are just saying that as a joke, sorry you failed, coz joke should be funny, and this is not funny at all.
So if I blocked someone's way coz he was riding/driving like over 150 km/h and I wasn't fast enough to move away, I deserved to lose my side mirror? Wow you guys are really taking this type of mentality to another level.
OP is a guy with class, and up to this point, he keeps his cool but then he kept getting attacked by your stupid mentality, and he already said that he was passing the truck... is there really a time limit that he has to pass that truck in like 5 seconds or else he deserved to have the side mirror smashed, or you guys watch too many movies?

I even see some posters wishing OP having a painful death? What are you, 12 years old? With that kind of immaturity, you shouldn't even be on the road at all, not even as a pedestrian. If you are just saying that as a joke, sorry you failed, coz joke should be funny, and this is not funny at all.

"Biker Boyz: We make our own rules."

Funny isn't it?

What is also funny is how the string 'em up crowd would react if they were being tailgated by a car while passing too slowly ...
I'm sure it would be very courteous and respectful, Not..

Seems to me that I've heard the same group make comments about ball bearings, the nut portion of spark plugs, and the like.
Here's a simple fact for all of the people who are taking shots at the car driver to keep in mind. It's very difficult for even a trained observer to estimate the closing speed of a single track vehicle and no one expects you to be doing 160+ Kmh on public roads. This makes it highly unlikely that the average road user will be able to anticipate what you're doing, or where you'll be in a couple of seconds.

I wasn't planning on doing anymore posting, but this one can partly explain things. When I look in my rear view mirror, I don't stare in it.... it is so to speak a "snapshot". Most people will use their mirrors in that fashion, just a glance and I am clear or not clear. The biker was far enough back to allow me to move into the left lane, BUT, without staring in the mirror, you do not get a sense of the speed he was traveling at. That being said, I was far enough ahead of the bike he could have possibly: 1. gone far right around the truck, or 2, seen I was now in front of him and slowed down enough that he was still a respectful distance back, instead of being right on my tail.
The issue here, is the slowing down in order to teach the tailgater a lesson. If the OP had simply left the car in cruise control, he may still have his mirror. But noooo, he decided to punish the fast rider! He wanted to tick him off, and he was successful. Good job, OP.
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My theory is that there was another delay once the OP had passed the truck, and when the rider moved right to pass the OP, the OP then started moving over to the right - then the rider hit his mirror as he passed.
My theory is that there was another delay once the OP had passed the truck, and when the rider moved right to pass the OP, the OP then started moving over to the right - then the rider hit his mirror as he passed.

Likely. There are 3 sides to every story.
This thread makes me feel like....

So if I blocked someone's way coz he was riding/driving like over 150 km/h and I wasn't fast enough to move away, I deserved to lose my side mirror? Wow you guys are really taking this type of mentality to another level.
OP is a guy with class, and up to this point, he keeps his cool but then he kept getting attacked by your stupid mentality, and he already said that he was passing the truck... is there really a time limit that he has to pass that truck in like 5 seconds or else he deserved to have the side mirror smashed, or you guys watch too many movies?

I even see some posters wishing OP having a painful death? What are you, 12 years old? With that kind of immaturity, you shouldn't even be on the road at all, not even as a pedestrian. If you are just saying that as a joke, sorry you failed, coz joke should be funny, and this is not funny at all.

Please read the entire thread and you'll realize that the OP admitted to purposely slowing down to block the rider so no he wasn't just simply passing. Had he not done that then I assure you 100 percent of us would be on the OPs side. He didn't lose the mirror cause he took too long to execute a pass (courtesy would dictate that he do it as quickly as possible but does in no way justify the riders actions) he lost his mirror cause he purposely decided to be all righteous and entitled and decided he would teach the rider a lesson by slowing down and blocking the lane. And as someone else mentioned, I feel there's another side the OP isn't owning up to (and please don't tell me he's got class and has no reason to lie cause his story changed at least twice from the original one he posted).

And no doesn't make the riders actions right but please don't sit here and make the OP out to be a saint, he brought the riders final actions upon himself with his own self-righteousness.
OP doesn't need a right side mirror, OP will drive slowly in the right lane and save fuel. :lmao:
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OP doesn't need a left side mirror, OP will drive slowly in the right lane and save fuel. :lmao:

I believe he said the rider knocked off his passenger side mirror...
I don't blame OP for doing what he did. Going 120 in the fast lane is fair enough, so long as he's faster than everyone else. If some ********* decides to go 150+, he deserves to be told to relax and slow down, this road doesn't belong to you. I'll admit, I'm guilty of driving like an "idiot" sometimes and if someone were to tell me so, I would take it like a man and accept my faults. It's very cowardly to do damage and take off, man up and go face to face if you have a problem with someone
OP 1st you pulled in front of a faster moving vehicle impeding traffic flow. 2nd you decided to slow down on purpose to piss off the biker. You're luck you only lost a mirror. The road is just like the track SLOW vehicles stay RIGHT.
I don't blame OP for doing what he did. Going 120 in the fast lane is fair enough, so long as he's faster than everyone else. If some ********* decides to go 150+, he deserves to be told to relax and slow down, this road doesn't belong to you. I'll admit, I'm guilty of driving like an "idiot" sometimes and if someone were to tell me so, I would take it like a man and accept my faults. It's very cowardly to do damage and take off, man up and go face to face if you have a problem with someone

The speed of the rider is irrelevant to all this, had the rider been doing 121kms/hr and the OP 120kms/hr the premise of the incident would still have been the same...the OP stopped passing the moment he decided to slow down in the passing lane and therefore he was in the wrong. If it wasn't for the self-righteous actions of the OP he'd still have his mirror.
The speed of the rider is irrelevant to all this, had the rider been doing 121kms/hr and the OP 120kms/hr the premise of the incident would still have been the same...the OP stopped passing the moment he decided to slow down in the passing lane and therefore he was in the wrong. If it wasn't for the self-righteous actions of the OP he'd still have his mirror.

Speed is totally relevant. If I'm doing 120 to pass someone and you decide to ride my ***, sorry buddy, relax and wait your turn and I'll get out of the way once I get a chance to. I get it, you want to fly, but get off my *** because I'm not gonna risk a speeding ticket to accommodate your stupidity.
Funny isn't it? :)

What is also funny is how the string 'em up crowd would react if they were being tailgated by a car while passing too slowly ... :) I'm sure it would be very courteous and respectful, Not.. :)

This ^^

Didn't I just read a long thread about bikers not liking tailgaters. Weaving, brake taps....

If anyone of the OP haters had a tailgater on their bike's back wheel and then he forced his way by and maybe even shared your lane with you....well then its a different story then?
The speed of the rider is irrelevant to all this, had the rider been doing 121kms/hr and the OP 120kms/hr the premise of the incident would still have been the same...the OP stopped passing the moment he decided to slow down in the passing lane and therefore he was in the wrong. If it wasn't for the self-righteous actions of the OP he'd still have his mirror.

In your example above, I would either not have been pulling out to pass because the biker would have been to close for me to safely do so, or I would have pulled out to pass because I had clearance and been passed the truck because our speeds were too close (he wouldn't have caught up to me)
Yes, I admit to being wrong in slowing down.... for that I apologize, but I stand by how I pulled out to pass (and continued to pass, in spite of "slowing" down).
As for you, Trainman, in one of your earlier posts you said you didn't like being trolled, but you seem to be the one doing the trolling.... ;)
Quote: Yes, I admit to being wrong in slowing down.... for that I apologize, but I stand by how I pulled out to pass (and continued to pass, in spite of "slowing" down).

Isn't there a contradiction there? How can you both apologize for AND stand by your actions?

You behaved improperly by slowing down and trying to teach the rider a lesson. Just own that. The rider was wrong for his damage to your property, but understand that it was your action that brought that about. What more do you need to know? I hope you have become aware of a perspective beyond the very self-centric one that you began this thread with.
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In your example above, I would either not have been pulling out to pass because the biker would have been to close for me to safely do so, or I would have pulled out to pass because I had clearance and been passed the truck because our speeds were too close (he wouldn't have caught up to me)
Yes, I admit to being wrong in slowing down.... for that I apologize, but I stand by how I pulled out to pass (and continued to pass, in spite of "slowing" down).
As for you, Trainman, in one of your earlier posts you said you didn't like being trolled, but you seem to be the one doing the trolling.... ;)

I have been an upstanding member of this forum for a long time and I resent that you'd come on here and call me a troll simply because I disagree with your actions.
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Speed is totally relevant. If I'm doing 120 to pass someone and you decide to ride my ***, sorry buddy, relax and wait your turn and I'll get out of the way once I get a chance to. I get it, you want to fly, but get off my *** because I'm not gonna risk a speeding ticket to accommodate your stupidity.

So if the car you're passing is doing 119kms/hr and you are passing at 120 should the whole world have to wait cause you can't go 125 and complete the pass quickly and efficiently? That's why the hwy's are congested cause people pass each other at such slow rates that they cause moving roadblocks.

I never said I condone the riders behaviour in either tailgating nor smashing the mirror. All I've argued against was those who have been defending the OP with the whole poor me and bad rider bs. The OP created the final set of circumstances that led to him losing his mirror but apparently what do I know I'm just a troll.
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