Road Rage on the 401, May 21, 2014

Your scenarios are irrelevant here. You keep making up scenarios with differences of 1km/h which nobody would notice. And chances are, if somebody came within 5 ft of my rear bumper, while im already going 120, there is no way in hell I'm getting out of his way by speeding up, if he wants to be a dick, then I'll play the game. No need for that crap at all, it's not a race track.

Everyone knows, 90% of the time you will not get pulled over for doing 120. Anything above that, you're taking a risk which I wouldn't do for a tailgater

I hear this all the time, "i'm doing 120 km/h and this guy is still on my ***". Why did you put yourself in a compromising position in the first place? If this is a recurring event, you need to revisit your driving habits.

If people want to enforce their imaginary 120km/h speed limit, enrol in Police Foundations and join the Force.

I personally don't care if the passing lane speeds are +140km/h; I see OPP (no lights, sirens) and other cars travel at those speeds on the 407 in the hammer lane everyday.


If there was any semblance of lane discipline in Ontario, we wouldn't even have this discussion. Everyday I see cars merging on to the highway and swing over 4 lanes just to occupy the passing lane with their cruise-control.

In heavy traffic, the far left lane is the 'slowest' because you have similar ego/characters driving bumper-to-bumper, accelerating and hammering their panic-brakes... trying to make sure no one in the neighbouring lane can merge in.

If you look at the far right lane, there's always huge gaps... pace is also good, most of the time you never touch brakes and coast through heavy traffic.

I hear this all the time, "i'm doing 120 km/h and this guy is still on my ***". Why did you put yourself in a compromising position in the first place? If this is a recurring event, you need to revisit your driving habits.

If people want to enforce their imaginary 120km/h speed limit, enrol in Police Foundations and join the Force.

I personally don't care if the passing lane speeds are +140km/h; I see OPP (no lights, sirens) and other cars travel at those speeds on the 407 in the hammer lane everyday.


If there was any semblance of lane discipline in Ontario, we wouldn't even have this discussion. Everyday I see cars merging on to the highway and swing over 4 lanes just to occupy the passing lane with their cruise-control.

In heavy traffic, the far left lane is the 'slowest' because you have similar ego/characters driving bumper-to-bumper, accelerating and hammering their panic-brakes... trying to make sure no one in the neighbouring lane can merge in.

If you look at the far right lane, there's always huge gaps... pace is also good, most of the time you never touch brakes and coast through heavy traffic.

If I'm passing somebody, going 120 and someone comes up my *** doing 130+, that person is gonna have to relax and wait until I can get out of the way. I will not go faster for anyone and risk getting a ticket so that person can get by. As for the 407, I don't know what happens there since I rarely go on it.
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I agree that there are people who camp out in the fast lane but just who is to decide what is "too long" to take, when completing a pass? Thirty seconds doesn't sound like an outrageous amount of time given that the sort of behavior that was once recommended will now see your car impounded for a week, with a license suspension for good measure. Take a look at the video I posted, back in post #81. Did I take too long to pass two vehicles, that were spaced about as far apart as a semi? The total video is 27 seconds long. When I shoulder checked to move back over, without cutting off the car that I had just passed, I found a truck's bumper maybe 6 inches from my foot and in my own lane. It's not a whole lot different than the posted scenario, minus the 'lesson teaching' aspect.

As long as you keep passing cars on your right by a healthy margin you are doing fine by my book. The problem is that many people are not, they go barely any faster than cars on their right, hence the passing (if you can call it that way) is taking forever and they put mainly themselves in the harm's way by being stubborn only people in Ontario seem to know. Remember, they have a choice ... and the choice is to stay in the right lane should they feel not going over certain speed limit they have set in their mind. Yet somehow they always choose the trip to the left lane, even though the continue to travel much slower than rest of the cars in the left lane .....

The two scenarios are way too different in my view, because of the teaching aspect (this is the Ontario mentality) and I also get the feeling that you were passing the cars by a higher difference in speed than the OP was.

Of course coming up on someone's bumper that close is very unsafe and uncalled for under any scenario.
There is the issue. The general misconception that the left lane is 'the fast lane', it is not, it is 'the passing lane'.

I don't think so ... the left lane is supposed to be the fast lane on the hwy and should be treated as such, with respect. The middle lane is passing lane as well, to the people who travel in the very right lane and have a need to pass.

Why do you have a problem with left lane being treated as a fast lane?? Just curious?
there's one point nobody's mentioned yet. There are too many cars for the size of the roads. The highways are full most of the time.

how can you keep the left lane a passing lane when the middle lane is full? There would be no room to complete the pass. Once you enter the "passing lane" you'd be passing everyone until you get to your exit which you would miss because you couldn't get back to the middle lane.

Our roads have evolved into a choice of three identical paths.

albeit when traffic is light... people are suppose to automatically switch to passing lane etiquette?
who chooses when everyone is suppose to do that?
In heavy traffic, the far left lane is the 'slowest' because you have similar ego/characters driving bumper-to-bumper, accelerating and hammering their panic-brakes... trying to make sure no one in the neighbouring lane can merge in.

If you look at the far right lane, there's always huge gaps... pace is also good, most of the time you never touch brakes and coast through heavy traffic.

sssssssshusssh!! You're giving away the secret of driving on the 400 ;-)
OP 1st you pulled in front of a faster moving vehicle impeding traffic flow. 2nd you decided to slow down on purpose to piss off the biker. You're luck you only lost a mirror. The road is just like the track SLOW vehicles stay RIGHT.

lol. The road is just like the track?

The street is nothing like the track, sit down kid.

Thinking the same thing... Lol

carbons1000rr refer to this video:

I don't think so ... the left lane is supposed to be the fast lane on the hwy and should be treated as such, with respect. The middle lane is passing lane as well, to the people who travel in the very right lane and have a need to pass.

Why do you have a problem with left lane being treated as a fast lane?? Just curious?

Of course, you are right, the middle lane is also a passing lane.
I have a problem with the left lane being called the fast lane because speed is irrelevant. What is relevant is traffic in the right and middle lanes.
IMHO what matters is if you are passing somebody. I usually travel ~ 120 km/h on the 400 series hwy, if there is nobody I'm in the right lane. I will only go into the middle or left lane to pass somebody and then promptly move over again. If the vehicle I'm passing is only doing a couple of clicks less than me I will speed up a bit, just to pass a bit quicker. Then I move over, I don't wait for another vehicle to catch up to me before I do so.
As I mentioned before, I grew up and learned to drive on the other side of the pond and trust doesn't matter how fast you're going in Germany, you sit in that left lane and you will have somebody right on your ***.
So it's just the way I was taught and brought up to drive.
Of course, you are right, the middle lane is also a passing lane.
I have a problem with the left lane being called the fast lane because speed is irrelevant. What is relevant is traffic in the right and middle lanes.
IMHO what matters is if you are passing somebody. I usually travel ~ 120 km/h on the 400 series hwy, if there is nobody I'm in the right lane. I will only go into the middle or left lane to pass somebody and then promptly move over again. If the vehicle I'm passing is only doing a couple of clicks less than me I will speed up a bit, just to pass a bit quicker. Then I move over, I don't wait for another vehicle to catch up to me before I do so.
As I mentioned before, I grew up and learned to drive on the other side of the pond and trust doesn't matter how fast you're going in Germany, you sit in that left lane and you will have somebody right on your ***.
So it's just the way I was taught and brought up to drive.

Its the Torontonian driving habits and mentality - that is all. Anywhere like an hour outside of the city, driving habits and respect for the passing lane are greatly improved. When the weekend comes around, all the people that are used to driving on the left lane to work (from congestion) continue to do that everywhere else....
Its the Torontonian driving habits and mentality - that is all. Anywhere like an hour outside of the city, driving habits and respect for the passing lane are greatly improved. When the weekend comes around, all the people that are used to driving on the left lane to work (from congestion) continue to do that everywhere else....

I wish I could share that observatio. I.e. last Sunday we were coming back from Detroit, there was a minivan doing ~ 100 km/h in the left lane regardless of any other traffic. I see it all the time all over the hwy's :rolleyes:
On a lighter note...back in the day when Daimler Benz bought Chrysler the Chrysler engineers couldn't understand why it ABS brakes, Traction, and Stability controls were important...and the Daimler engineers couldn't understand why you had to have 6 cup holder in the vehicle ;)
OP is wrong for trying to teach a "lesson".
Should have just kept on passing and minded his business.
It's not his job to teach people what he believes is reasonable.
That's not for him to decide. I'm sure it's the lesson teaching that en-raged the biker.
The biker is worng for tail-gating. That's on him.
2 knob met on the highway and some stupid crap goes down.
Now whether the OP wants to admit that his "lesson" had a part in the bikers rage against him is up to the OP to figure out. But by the sound of it the OP wants to live in denial.
Oh well.

I will say this I can't stand bikers that camp in the fast lane also.
I don't care if you're in a parade with all your buddies hogging the left lane because it's a group ride.
It's still not cool. Get out of the way.
I wish I could share that observatio. I.e. last Sunday we were coming back from Detroit, there was a minivan doing ~ 100 km/h in the left lane regardless of any other traffic. I see it all the time all over the hwy's :rolleyes:
On a lighter note...back in the day when Daimler Benz bought Chrysler the Chrysler engineers couldn't understand why it ABS brakes, Traction, and Stability controls were important...and the Daimler engineers couldn't understand why you had to have 6 cup holder in the vehicle ;)

Exactly, it was a Sunday :P
I speed up if someone is in a hurry to pass me and I'm in the passing lane out of courtesy. How do you know that he wasn't racing to save a family member in trouble, etc.. Why are people such control freaks when people want to pass them? You get no sympathy from me.
I've been reading this thread and I keep wondering why someone would care about a bike tailgating them. Sure, I realize if I had to brake hard they'll run into the back if me. But what's the likelihood that a wall will suddenly appear and stop me dead in my tracks. Something will happen, and I'll slam on the brakes, then the bike will run into the back of me and award me with a new bumper or paint job or something.

I drive 100 in the right lane and am always amused by the hotheads that tailgate me.
Gov't has limited trucks to 100Km/hr.. Sounds like its time to limit everything to 100Km/hr. That would solve the problem...
Gov't has limited trucks to 100Km/hr.. Sounds like its time to limit everything to 100Km/hr. That would solve the problem...

At the rate things are going, it wouldn't surprise me if they put mechanical limits in place. Would deal with one extreme but not with the other (don't see how it's possible to enforce a minimum speed)
At the rate things are going, it wouldn't surprise me if they put mechanical limits in place. Would deal with one extreme but not with the other (don't see how it's possible to enforce a minimum speed)

Like Quebec... enforce a minimum speed limit. Our 400 series hwy's should be at least 140... 100km as the highway speed is old and should be reviewed. That's another topic though.
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