Road Rage on the 401, May 21, 2014

Reading this thread actually makes me feel that there is hope lol there seems to be a lot of people who get it. Too bad there are so many who don't. I have tried to reason with these people in the past and thry are just too dumb or stubborn to understand proper lane usage and driving etiquette.

I try to abide by the golden rule that if I cause someone to alter their course or hit their brakes, then I'm the one at fault not them. Again within reason assuming they arent being a jackass.

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I agree we should avoid causing others to hit their brakes, but wouldn't the same be true for trying to pressure someone to hit the gas by tailgating them?
I agree we should avoid causing others to hit their brakes, but wouldn't the same be true for trying to pressure someone to hit the gas by tailgating them?

Why would anyone be in the fast lane and not be on the gas? Are you just coasting? I find that in Toronto far too many drivers seem to think they are fine to saddle the driver next to them and feel it's their right to sit there. These drivers only get the point when you apply a little pressure, and even then only a fraction understand that it's nothing personal.
I have written this before on another forum, people misinterpret the lanes name.

Take for example a 3 lane highway like the 400.

The far right lane is the driving lane. This is the lane that people should be in if they are not in the process of passing or letting traffic merge.

The center lane is called the truck passing lane. Trucks are not allowed to be in the far left lane and use this lane to pass slower moving traffic. This lane is also used for the average motorists to pass.

The far left lane is called the EMERGENCY lane. There is NO reason why anyone should be crusing in this lane. This lane can also be used to pass slower moving traffic but should remain clear for emergency vehicles.

personally I am a right laner. I stay to the right UNLESS im passing.

Also if I am traveling 100km/hr on cruise control I have no issues passing people on the right. I maintain my lane and if your going slower then I am in the far right you should be in the far right.

I had originally posted along these lines because a member had stated its his right to be traveling 100km/hr in the fast lane as he is not breaking any laws and 100 is the speed limit.
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I have written this before on another forum, people misinterpret the lanes name.

Take for example a 3 lane highway like the 400.

The far right lane is the driving lane. This is the lane that people should be in if they are not in the process of passing or letting traffic merge.

The center lane is called the truck passing lane. Trucks are not allowed to be in the far left lane and use this lane to pass slower moving traffic. This lane is also used for the average motorists to pass.

The far left lane is called the EMERGENCY lane. There is NO reason why anyone should be crusing in this lane. This lane can also be used to pass slower moving traffic but should remain clear for emergency vehicles.

personally I am a right laner. I stay to the right UNLESS im passing.

Also if I am traveling 100km/hr on cruise control I have no issues passing people on the right. I maintain my lane and if your going slower then I am in the far right you should be in the far right.

I had originally posted along these lines because a member had stated its his right to be traveling 100km/hr in the fast lane as he is not breaking any laws and 100 is the speed limit.
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Everyone always forgets about the "impeding the flow of traffic" unicorn ticket that never gets issued, so people assume doesn't exist anymore.
Why would anyone be in the fast lane and not be on the gas? Are you just coasting? I find that in Toronto far too many drivers seem to think they are fine to saddle the driver next to them and feel it's their right to sit there. These drivers only get the point when you apply a little pressure, and even then only a fraction understand that it's nothing personal.

The level of entitlement and selfishness in drivers around the GTA is astronomical.
I have written this before on another forum, people misinterpret the lanes name.

Take for example a 3 lane highway like the 400.

The far right lane is the driving lane. This is the lane that people should be in if they are not in the process of passing or letting traffic merge.

The center lane is called the truck passing lane. Trucks are not allowed to be in the far left lane and use this lane to pass slower moving traffic. This lane is also used for the average motorists to pass.

The far left lane is called the EMERGENCY lane. There is NO reason why anyone should be crusing in this lane. This lane can also be used to pass slower moving traffic but should remain clear for emergency vehicles.

personally I am a right laner. I stay to the right UNLESS im passing.

Also if I am traveling 100km/hr on cruise control I have no issues passing people on the right. I maintain my lane and if your going slower then I am in the far right you should be in the far right.

I had originally posted along these lines because a member had stated its his right to be traveling 100km/hr in the fast lane as he is not breaking any laws and 100 is the speed limit.
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AMEN Brother!!!

When my son was 2 or 3 I got a frantic call from my wife that that he tripped and split his head open on the radiator in our living room. It was bad, very bad. She had already called 911. I raced home as fast as I could and I will never forget the son of a fudging bee who took it upon himself to drive faster than me to cut me off as I was about to easily and cleanly pass him. I was in the slow lane and he was in the middle lane because the fast lane was full of zombies. He sat in my way for minutes as a joke, as I passed he gave me the finger. I wish I knew who he was because I would like to explain why he should not have assumed that I was not in a legitimate hurry. The point is Mind your business and don't be a control freak.
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My son will always have a scar across his forehead. I arrived at my home after the paramedics and ultimately drove my son to the hospital in our car behind a full siren, lights flashing SPEEDING ambulance.
When my father was teaching me to drive (20 odd year long haul trucker) he told me that you never know why the other guy is drving crazy, so it's always best to just let him go.
When my father was teaching me to drive (20 odd year long haul trucker) he told me that you never know why the other guy is drving crazy, so it's always best to just let him go.


On top of that, it's just not your job/responsibility to teach the other guy a lesson. You're escalating the situation and making it worse, and increasing the likelihood of a bad/unfortunate outcome.
When my father was teaching me to drive (20 odd year long haul trucker) he told me that you never know why the other guy is drving crazy, so it's always best to just let him go.

Wise advice that some just have to learn the hard way, thinking of the OP here.
Why would anyone be in the fast lane and not be on the gas? Are you just coasting? I find that in Toronto far too many drivers seem to think they are fine to saddle the driver next to them and feel it's their right to sit there. These drivers only get the point when you apply a little pressure, and even then only a fraction understand that it's nothing personal.
"Hit the gas" is an idiomatic phrase that means to accelerate. And as stated over and over in this thread, the guy in the car was already passing the other car when the biker latched on to his rear bumper (no actual latch was used; learn your idioms).
"Hit the gas" is an idiomatic phrase that means to accelerate. And as stated over and over in this thread, the guy in the car was already passing the other car when the biker latched on to his rear bumper (no actual latch was used; learn your idioms).
I know who the idioms are.
I have written this before on another forum, people misinterpret the lanes name.

Take for example a 3 lane highway like the 400.

The far right lane is the driving lane. This is the lane that people should be in if they are not in the process of passing or letting traffic merge.

The center lane is called the truck passing lane. Trucks are not allowed to be in the far left lane and use this lane to pass slower moving traffic. This lane is also used for the average motorists to pass.

The far left lane is called the EMERGENCY lane. There is NO reason why anyone should be crusing in this lane. This lane can also be used to pass slower moving traffic but should remain clear for emergency vehicles.

personally I am a right laner. I stay to the right UNLESS im passing.

Also if I am traveling 100km/hr on cruise control I have no issues passing people on the right. I maintain my lane and if your going slower then I am in the far right you should be in the far right.

I had originally posted along these lines because a member had stated its his right to be traveling 100km/hr in the fast lane as he is not breaking any laws and 100 is the speed limit.
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Sorry the lanes of the 401 are more like this ;

Far right lane is for people scared to be on the 401 in the first place, and do 80km/h. Or for ****** off truck drivers that dont want to let people merge onto the highway.
Middle lane is for truck drivers with no traffic around them at all, to do 105 in and see all the ****** off drivers passing them on left and right sides. It is also for weenies who want to do 100 km/h in the middle lane and just cruise there all day. Or for truck drivers to jam up on your ***, so they cant attempt a 10 minute pass on another truck.
Far left lane is either "GET the **** out of my way lane" or " ill just cruise here at 115 km/h and wonder why your flashing your lights at me for the last 10 kms"


Do go on, you're entitled to it. Bottom line is rider was a dick

maybe....maybe the rider was singing in their helmet?
Sorry the lanes of the 401 are more like this ;

Far right lane is for people scared to be on the 401 in the first place, and do 80km/h. Or for ****** off truck drivers that dont want to let people merge onto the highway.
Middle lane is for truck drivers with no traffic around them at all, to do 105 in and see all the ****** off drivers passing them on left and right sides. It is also for weenies who want to do 100 km/h in the middle lane and just cruise there all day. Or for truck drivers to jam up on your ***, so they cant attempt a 10 minute pass on another truck.
Far left lane is either "GET the **** out of my way lane" or " ill just cruise here at 115 km/h and wonder why your flashing your lights at me for the last 10 kms"

The Theory:

Right Lane - driving straight at a given speed
Centre Lane - cars and trucks passing vehicles in the right lane
Left Lane - vehicles going fast enough to pass vehicles in the centre lane

The Reality:

Right Lane - fast moving traffic
Centre Lane - trucks bogging down all surrounding traffic
Left Lane - drivers who are texting or making phone calls, who can't be bothered to watch out for other traffic, and figure everyone else should go around them
All Lanes, Including On-Ramps - drivers who are trying to do 140 Kmh by weaving, cutting off others, and generally being turds

The Practical Solution, Where traffic Density is High:

Right Lane - for use by traffic getting on and off the highway, and vehicles moving out of the centre lane for faster traffic
Centre Lane - for driving straight at a given speed, except when yielding to fast moving trucks coming up behind
Left Lane - Passing lane
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