Road Rage on the 401, May 21, 2014

OP says it took a total of about 30 seconds to overtake the truck. Am I the only one who thinks that this is an INSANE amount of time taken to pass? 8-10 seconds tops, or stay the **** out of the passing lane.
Of course, you are right, the middle lane is also a passing lane.
I have a problem with the left lane being called the fast lane because speed is irrelevant. What is relevant is traffic in the right and middle lanes.
IMHO what matters is if you are passing somebody. I usually travel ~ 120 km/h on the 400 series hwy, if there is nobody I'm in the right lane. I will only go into the middle or left lane to pass somebody and then promptly move over again. If the vehicle I'm passing is only doing a couple of clicks less than me I will speed up a bit, just to pass a bit quicker. Then I move over, I don't wait for another vehicle to catch up to me before I do so.
As I mentioned before, I grew up and learned to drive on the other side of the pond and trust doesn't matter how fast you're going in Germany, you sit in that left lane and you will have somebody right on your ***.
So it's just the way I was taught and brought up to drive.

Just my kind of a guy ... I wish everyone in Ontario be like you, our world would be a much nicer place.
OP says it took a total of about 30 seconds to overtake the truck. Am I the only one who thinks that this is an INSANE amount of time taken to pass? 8-10 seconds tops, or stay the **** out of the passing lane.

No, of course you are not the only one .... imagine how the OP must have been enjoying those 30 seconds beside the large rig .... how much fun would that be, if the rig's tire popped at the same time or something loose came off ..... tens of reasons why to get out of there as safely and quickly as possible. But people in Ontario focus so much on speed number and whether anyone wants to pass them .... ridiculous if you ask me.
When it comes to rigs and especially if I'm on the bike I wait until I have a clear shot and click it to pass one. Hate the wind from them and someone I know was killed by a tire coming off one and landing on her car at speed.
2. Why are you still trying to make a pass on a vehicle if you notice someone is traveling at a higher rate of speed than you? If you do not feel comfortable reaching up to those speed, would you not agree it'll be safer if you let the vehicle behind you pass both cars before you changed lanes?

+1. Nobody thinks like this in the GTA and this is the problem. Selfishness. I often wait for faster vehicles to pass before moving out to pass myself. Within reason obviously or you'll never get a chance, depends on traffic.

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Also, people boxing me beside a truck is a huge pissoff.. its dangerous, ever seen a tire blow out?? Again, selfishness, not thinking of others.

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If I'm passing somebody, going 120 and someone comes up my *** doing 130+, that person is gonna have to relax and wait until I can get out of the way. I will not go faster for anyone and risk getting a ticket so that person can get by. As for the 407, I don't know what happens there since I rarely go on it.

Are you serious, nobody has ever gotten a ticket in this scenario!, tell the cop why you sped up (it was safer to do so). I have never received a ticket that I didnt deserve. People are making a lot of **** up in this thread.

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Are you serious, nobody has ever gotten a ticket in this scenario!, tell the cop why you sped up (it was safer to do so). I have never received a ticket that I didnt deserve. People are making a lot of **** up in this thread.


Wouldn't common sense tell you that the guy riding your *** would get the ticket if one were to be issued?
I would have agreed with you pre HTA 172. I can see a over zealous cop giving a fast passer a lot of grief. Imagine you are coming up to a vehicle which is doing 120. You decide to pass and to pass quickly(safely). Very easy to get over 150 in this situation. You get a ticket under 172 and bingo, no vehicle. Even if you somehow manage to defend yourself in court you still are screwed for a week.

Are you serious, nobody has ever gotten a ticket in this scenario!, tell the cop why you sped up (it was safer to do so). I have never received a ticket that I didnt deserve. People are making a lot of **** up in this thread.

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Making the speed limit 140 isn't the answer. There are already enough people driving that can't handle doing 100 let alone 140
I would have agreed with you pre HTA 172. I can see a over zealous cop giving a fast passer a lot of grief. Imagine you are coming up to a vehicle which is doing 120. You decide to pass and to pass quickly(safely). Very easy to get over 150 in this situation. You get a ticket under 172 and bingo, no vehicle. Even if you somehow manage to defend yourself in court you still are screwed for a week + towing and storage fees

I would have agreed with you pre HTA 172. I can see a over zealous cop giving a fast passer a lot of grief. Imagine you are coming up to a vehicle which is doing 120. You decide to pass and to pass quickly(safely). Very easy to get over 150 in this situation. You get a ticket under 172 and bingo, no vehicle. Even if you somehow manage to defend yourself in court you still are screwed for a week.

Ok. within reason obviously. I often speed up in order to not impede traffic but if someone is going 150 they will have to wait for me!

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Reading this thread actually makes me feel that there is hope lol there seems to be a lot of people who get it. Too bad there are so many who don't. I have tried to reason with these people in the past and thry are just too dumb or stubborn to understand proper lane usage and driving etiquette.

I try to abide by the golden rule that if I cause someone to alter their course or hit their brakes, then I'm the one at fault not them. Again within reason assuming they arent being a jackass.

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Reading this thread actually makes me feel that there is hope lol there seems to be a lot of people who get it. Too bad there are so many who don't. I have tried to reason with these people in the past and thry are just too dumb or stubborn to understand proper lane usage and driving etiquette.

I try to abide by the golden rule that if I cause someone to alter their course or hit their brakes, then I'm the one at fault not them. Again within reason assuming they arent being a jackass.

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Yes yes and absolutely yes. A little courtesy goes a long way.
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'When you are dead, you don't know that you are dead. It is difficult only for the
others. It is the same when you are Stupid'
And, in my experience at least, those who demand courtesy of others are the least likely to give it in return.

Lead by example, I can't expect people to drive courteously if I'm driving like a jack ***. I give courtesy because I am aware of my surroundings, driving in Toronto would be a more enjoyable experience if people if more people drove in such a manor. Oh and a sorry goes a long way too if you mess up and do something wrong, cause yea no one is perfect.

I also practice this as a pedestrian as well. I don't start walking before the light turns green so right turners can turn. I don't jay walk if it's going to make cars break for me to cross.

The problem is people believe their getting from A to B is more important then the next guy going from A to B. People need to be less selfish and think about the next guy.
Fully agree with the above post. Act like a douche and get treated like one. Drop the entitled bs and be a normal human being like everyone else and the gta would be a better place. Sadly most of the jackasses driving their don't look past anything hut their entitled selves and that's why Toronto sucks
Are you serious, nobody has ever gotten a ticket in this scenario!, tell the cop why you sped up (it was safer to do so). I have never received a ticket that I didnt deserve. People are making a lot of **** up in this thread.

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Lol, it's that simple, just tell the cop that I was going fast because the other car was going faster. That's gotta work, for sure he's gonna say oh ok, have a nice day. Even if you have a "legit" reason, your still getting a ticket. And even if you have a fighting chance in court, no thanks, I have better things to do.
In all seriousness ... I get exclusively irritated by hesitant and very slow drivers. It's never the fast guys who want to go faster then I am willing to go who would frustrate me. Faster drivers almost never bother me, I actually like their presence since they are becoming the fastest object around and therefore easily draw attention should there be revenue seeking officer.
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