Road Rage on the 401, May 21, 2014

I don't think this particular rider needed any fuel in order to rage.
That is the key point.

In this age of entitlement one has to adjust. It doesn't matter whether it's a bike or a M-B flashing headlights when the lane in front of him is jammed and everyone is stuck, traveling at the same speed.

Travelling by road is getting to be less fun every year because of corruption.

Corrupt riders with over inflated egos, corrupt legal systems allowing left lane stooges, HTA 172's, incompetent government policies adding to the general stresses, corrupt driving schools faking documentation, small town road tests, insurance rip offs etc.

Car drivers continue to get the worst of it, having to deal with cell phone zombies ignoring Don't Walk signals, E-bikes and their kin, uninsured, unlicensed and untrained, road workers with poorly placed pylons, bike lanes, etc.

Throw in the effect of trucking deregulation and the general deterioration of the quality of the vehicles and drivers. The race to the bottom. Listen to older drivers from the regulated days and weep.

It will get worse.
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