Road Rage on the 401, May 21, 2014

Quote: Yes, I admit to being wrong in slowing down.... for that I apologize, but I stand by how I pulled out to pass (and continued to pass, in spite of "slowing" down).

Isn't there a contradiction there? How can you both apologize for AND stand by your actions?

You behaved improperly by slowing down and trying to teach the rider a lesson. Just own that. The rider was wrong for his damage to your property, but understand that it was your action that brought that about. What more do you need to know? I hope you have become aware of a perspective beyond the very self-centric one that you began this thread with.

You misunderstand by my "standing by how I pulled out".... as far as I was concerned, I was clear to pull out, seeing as the biker was a long way back, so it was safe to go into the left lane to pass. It is THAT action I stand by. I do "own" the slowing down, and I do believe I apologized for that. The fact, which was not apparent at the time of my going left, was that the biker was going like a bat out of somewhere. That was quickly evident by how soon he was on my tail.
I'm sure most drivers, bike and car, have wondered "Where in the heck did they come from" or "how did they get here so fast".... it was one of those moments.
I have been an upstanding member of this forum for a long time and I resent that you'd come on here and call me a troll simply because I disagree with your actions.

I'm glad you have been an upstanding member and you have raised some valid points. I never called you a troll until this last post, but you seemed to call me one back in post #119....why do you get to call me a troll because I disagree with your thoughts?
So if the car you're passing is doing 119kms/hr and you are passing at 120 should the whole world have to wait cause you can't go 125 and complete the pass quickly and efficiently? That's why the hwy's are congested cause people pass each other at such slow rates that they cause moving roadblocks.

I never said I condone the riders behaviour in either tailgating nor smashing the mirror. All I've argued against was those who have been defending the OP with the whole poor me and bad rider bs. The OP created the final set of circumstances that led to him losing his mirror but apparently what do I know I'm just a troll.

Your scenarios are irrelevant here. You keep making up scenarios with differences of 1km/h which nobody would notice. And chances are, if somebody came within 5 ft of my rear bumper, while im already going 120, there is no way in hell I'm getting out of his way by speeding up, if he wants to be a dick, then I'll play the game. No need for that crap at all, it's not a race track.

Everyone knows, 90% of the time you will not get pulled over for doing 120. Anything above that, you're taking a risk which I wouldn't do for a tailgater
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I'm glad you have been an upstanding member and you have raised some valid points. I never called you a troll until this last post, but you seemed to call me one back in post #119....why do you get to call me a troll because I disagree with your thoughts?

Troll (Internet)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Trolling" redirects here. For other uses, see Troll (disambiguation).
For a Wikipedia essay on the topic, see meta:What is a troll?

In Internet slang, a troll (/ˈtrl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people,[SUP][1][/SUP] by posting inflammatory,[SUP][2][/SUP]extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a forum, chat room, or blog) with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[SUP][3][/SUP] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.[SUP][4]

Read the definition have never posted on this board before, contributed nothing to it in the past, you join and your first post is to come on here to complain about the big bad biker when you should have first looked into your own actions. When others try to point out the wrong of your own actions you refuse to see it. (when you finally claimed to see the light it was long after I first suggested that you were trolling this board) so excuse me for seeing your initial actions as those of a troll.

I on the other hand have been a site supporting member of this site for nearly 7 years, and I have contributed plenty to it without ever so much as a single infraction so for you to imply that I'm a troll is unfounded and insulting.


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Your scenarios are irrelevant here. You keep making up scenarios with differences of 1km/h which nobody would notice. And chances are, if somebody came within 5 ft of my rear bumper, while im already going 120, there is no way in hell I'm getting out of his way by speeding up, if he wants to be a dick, then I'll play the game. No need for that crap at all, it's not a race track.

Everyone knows, 90% of the time you will not get pulled over for doing 120. Anything above that, you're taking a risk which I wouldn't do for a tailgater

So because you're already doing 120 passing another car even if the speed differential is only 1 or 2 kms/hr and will take you forever to pass you won't speed up or move over for someone faster? That's a great attitude to have and one that many drivers including the OP seem to share with you and I stand by my post stating that that sort of thinking is what causes a lot of congestion on our hwy's. We have absolutely no lane discipline in Ontario and it's sad to see especially after having driven in Europe and seeing what a breath of fresh air it is to see proper lane discipline.
So because you're already doing 120 passing another car even if the speed differential is only 1 or 2 kms/hr and will take you forever to pass you won't speed up or move over for someone faster? That's a great attitude to have and one that many drivers including the OP seem to share with you and I stand by my post stating that that sort of thinking is what causes a lot of congestion on our hwy's. We have absolutely no lane discipline in Ontario and it's sad to see especially after having driven in Europe and seeing what a breath of fresh air it is to see proper lane discipline.

Really? Do I have to explain this in detail? Ok, here we go, 1km/h is not noticeable so no overtaking would be needed. It's that simple, I don't know what other way I can explain it. We're talking about the OP's scenario, not your made up ones. OP said that when he looked, there was nobody there, then all of a sudden, ****** was on his *** which means he was travelling at a rate much higher than 120. I would never expect anyone to risk getting a speeding ticket so i can drive like an idiot
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Really? Do I have to explain this in detail? Ok, here we go, 1km/h is not noticeable so no overtaking would be needed. It's that simple, I don't know what other way I can explain it. We're talking about the OP's scenario, not your made up ones. OP said that when he looked, there was nobody there, then all of a sudden, ****** was on his *** which means he was travelling at a rate much higher than 120. I would never expect anyone to risk getting a speeding ticket so i can drive like an idiot

It's not that simple at claimed that if you were in the passing lane doing 120 you would refuse to speed up for anyone coming up behind you so my question to you is this... what if the car in the lane next to you is also doing 120 or relatively close to it? Do you still feel the same sense of entitlement towards the people behind you or the OP in this case?

Because the OP certainly did feel that sense of entitlement considering he was passing at a very slow rate of speed and decided to slow down even more and that was what the problem was in the first place and I feel that is what you're failing to see...I never said that you shouldn't pass but there is a proper way of doing it and the way the OP did it was certainly not the right one.

But I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree.
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So because you're already doing 120 passing another car even if the speed differential is only 1 or 2 kms/hr and will take you forever to pass you won't speed up or move over for someone faster? That's a great attitude to have and one that many drivers including the OP seem to share with you and I stand by my post stating that that sort of thinking is what causes a lot of congestion on our hwy's. We have absolutely no lane discipline in Ontario and it's sad to see especially after having driven in Europe and seeing what a breath of fresh air it is to see proper lane discipline.

One of the other reasons for congestion is self entitled pricks making everyone else adjust their legal driving patterns by bullying their way through traffic.
It's not that simple at claimed that if you were in the passing lane doing 120 you would refuse to speed up for anyone coming up behind you so my question to you is this... what if the car in the lane next to you is also doing 120 or relatively close to it? Do you still feel the same sense of entitlement towards the people behind you or the OP in this case?

Because the OP certainly did feel that sense of entitlement considering he was passing at a very slow rate of speed and decided to slow down even more and that was what the problem was in the first place and I feel that is what you're failing to see...I never said that you shouldn't pass but there is a proper way of doing it and the way the OP did it was certainly not the right one.

But I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree.

Oh god, do I have to say it again? Enough with your scenarios! If I was doing 120, and another car is doing 120, there would be no need for overtaking!!! I wouldn't be in the fast lane doing 120, the speed I want to be doing, if everybody else was doing the same speed.
One of the other reasons for congestion is self entitled pricks making everyone else adjust their legal driving patterns by bullying their way through traffic.

Lord only knows I've got enough video of that sort of behaviour, after a couple of years.
One of the other reasons for congestion is self entitled pricks making everyone else adjust their legal driving patterns by bullying their way through traffic.

I'm sorry jc100 I'm not sure I fully understand your point cause if there was proper lane discipline there wouldn't be a need for anyone to ever pass anywhere other than in the passing lane and therefore no need to as you put it bully your way through traffic. Also if you're claiming that someone doing the same speed in the passing lane as the speed the guy is doing next to him in the middle lane is a legal driving pattern than I have to respectfully disagree cause the H.T.A. specifically states that to legally be in that passing lane you must be passing however if your're doing the same speed you're not passing and unfortunately this is what many drivers don't seem to understand. I'm not talking rush hour traffic where there is no place to go and yes you need all the lanes occupied, but I'm instead talking when traffic is little lighter and there's a huge line up and when you finally get a look at what's causing it you realize it's because three people are travelling side by side at the same speed when they could have all just fallen in line behind each still be travelling at the same speed and freed up two lanes to help facilitate the flow of traffic.
Oh god, do I have to say it again? Enough with your scenarios! If I was doing 120, and another car is doing 120, there would be no need for overtaking!!! I wouldn't be in the fast lane doing 120, the speed I want to be doing, if everybody else was doing the same speed.

Oh god do I have to say it again as well? That's the behaviour the OP was doing so it's not my you said you wouldn't be in the fast lane but the OP by his own admission was. So tomato or tomato anyway you slice it the OP was in the wrong as much as the rider was.
I'm sorry jc100 I'm not sure I fully understand your point cause if there was proper lane discipline there wouldn't be a need for anyone to ever pass anywhere other than in the passing lane and therefore no need to as you put it bully your way through traffic. Also if you're claiming that someone doing the same speed in the passing lane as the speed the guy is doing next to him in the middle lane is a legal driving pattern than I have to respectfully disagree cause the H.T.A. specifically states that to legally be in that passing lane you must be passing however if your're doing the same speed you're not passing and unfortunately this is what many drivers don't seem to understand. I'm not talking rush hour traffic where there is no place to go and yes you need all the lanes occupied, but I'm instead talking when traffic is little lighter and there's a huge line up and when you finally get a look at what's causing it you realize it's because three people are travelling side by side at the same speed when they could have all just fallen in line behind each still be travelling at the same speed and freed up two lanes to help facilitate the flow of traffic.

The OP was in fact passing and upon completion of his pass, had his mirror taken off.
I'm sorry Rob but I respectfully dissagree, the OP was in fact passing up until the point by his own admission decided to teach the rider a lesson and slow down and pace the vehicle next to him (during which time he was no longer technically passing) until such time as he felt that the lesson was taught for long enough and finally completed the pass and then yes his mirror was taken off. To exonerate the OP of any wrong doing as you suggest is in my opinion incorrect.

P.S- I continue to stand by the belief that the rider was also wrong in both accounts (the tailgating and the mirror) but I think we all can agree on that.
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I'm sorry Rob but the OP was in fact passing up until the point by his own admission decided to teach the rider a lesson and slow down and pace the vehicle next to him (during which time he was no longer technically passing) until such time as he felt that the lesson was taught for long enough and finally completed the pass and then yes his mirror was taken off. To exonerate the OP of any wrong doing as you suggest is in my opinion incorrect.

Reread please. He passed, but somewhat more slowly. That's still passing.
I'm sorry jc100 I'm not sure I fully understand your point cause if there was proper lane discipline there wouldn't be a need for anyone to ever pass anywhere other than in the passing lane and therefore no need to as you put it bully your way through traffic. Also if you're claiming that someone doing the same speed in the passing lane as the speed the guy is doing next to him in the middle lane is a legal driving pattern than I have to respectfully disagree cause the H.T.A. specifically states that to legally be in that passing lane you must be passing however if your're doing the same speed you're not passing and unfortunately this is what many drivers don't seem to understand. I'm not talking rush hour traffic where there is no place to go and yes you need all the lanes occupied, but I'm instead talking when traffic is little lighter and there's a huge line up and when you finally get a look at what's causing it you realize it's because three people are travelling side by side at the same speed when they could have all just fallen in line behind each still be travelling at the same speed and freed up two lanes to help facilitate the flow of traffic.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe that the H.T.A. That you're talking about only applies to areas posting a passing lane, like a 2 lane road where a 3rd lane opens up for passing. The left lane on the highway, is an unwritten rule brought upon us by us drivers. The cop will never pull you over and say you must be going over 100 to be in the left lane.
Reread please. He passed, but somewhat more slowly. That's still passing.

Fair enough, I still don't see his actions as correct and in my opinion he shares part of the blame for had he not decided to teach the rider a lesson and simply continued passing I doubt the rider would have had the same reaction but ultimately I can't dispute what you're saying eventually he did complete the pass even if initially he slowed down to purposely continue blocking the rider for a longer period of time than was necessary but I'll step off the sandbox and let someone else play.
please be patient, as he stated above, it's not that some.

Thanks g2teg if you have something to say in terms of disputing my intelligence please don't hesitate, I assure you I can hold my own with you or anyone else any day.
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