Riding Sunday September 2nd

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When toysareforboys and Pegassus become the voice of reason, people need to re-evaluate what they are doing in group rides.

OMG. Truth!

This is why I don't lead or go on large group rides with strangers anymore. Not worth the headache C-Note went through.

And yes, everyone is responsible for their own ride. Unfortunately, not everyone knows this.

And no, IMHO, not everyone can just slap together a successful group ride.

As for the ZX-10 that went down, if I were to hazard a guess from watching that vid, it looks like he/she didn't expect the road to tighten up to the left after cresting that rise, panicked and hit the rear brake, causing the back wheel to slide out as the bike got light, which resulted in him/her leaving the roadway before they could get it back under control.

also, to the two riders who go wide in a 60km/hr right hand bend and enter oncoming lanes at the 1:10 mark on the vid: as Brian P says, increase your skill level by taking an advanced rider course such as ARC, FAST etc.

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A large group ride on Southwood Road 13 is a disaster waiting to happen. Someone should have staggered the bikes on the road 2 minutes apart or at least split into a bunch of small groups of 3 or 4.
Which bozo, there were a few of us hahahaha. But did I read that right, you actually hit someone with your bike? I wouldn't admit that while insulting others on their riding.

I am as surprised as you are vrus. I always thought he was just a troll.

As for that corner where the rider goes wide, I'm not sure what it is about that corner, but everyone was taking it wide.

Peggy were you the one with a black bike and black gear? If you are who I think you were you're a lot better rider then I would have guessed.

One more thing, those two riders who went wide are lot better at riding than the majority of the people there. Just saying.
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so pegassus has chimed in now this thread should go ballistic.
who can watch any tv with this thread going LOL
One more thing, those two riders who went wide are lot better at riding than the majority of the people there. Just saying.

I don't want to sound harsh, just want to provide feedback, but unless it was deliberate, there was no reason to blow that corner.

and you're saying they were more skilled than the majority of other riders in this group? Then all the more reason for more people to take advanced rider skill courses.
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just a heads up- I don't think I have ever seen a thread in the rides and hookups section get to 3333 views so fast.So Lime green you have definitely left your mark on this forum.Continue on folks:happy1:

I've been sitting here munching for a while now getting kinda thirsty honey grab me a coors light please
As for the ZX-10 that went down, if I were to hazard a guess from watching that vid, it looks like he/she didn't expect the road to tighten up to the left after cresting that rise, panicked and hit the rear brake, causing the back wheel to slide out as the bike got light, which resulted in him/her leaving the roadway before they could get it back under control.

Trouble started long before that. At 1:29 the black ZX10 passes a yellow sign indicating an upcoming 90-degree left. That should have prompted a move towards the right side of the lane in preparation for the correct line through the corner, but no action was taken. At 1:32 the rider is in a position where the actual sign board in the corner is plainly visible straight ahead. Again, this should have prompted a move to the right side of the lane in preparation for the correct cornering line. (What that rider saw at 1:32 is more or less what the camera bike sees at 1:34 ... it's plainly visible.) Also at that location, the trajectory of the road is visible up to the crest, and at that point there's still more or less enough time and distance to stop, nevermind to simply choose the correct line. At 1:35 it's apparent that the rider failed to turn. Note that the rider behind, who was a little further to the right to begin with and then aimed closer to the center line as the crest approached, was not having any difficulty and made it through just fine. The camera bike didn't turn in hard enough and missed the apex at the center line and ran wide at the exit, although the antics of the zx10 rider in front may have had some influence by that point ...

Compare the zx10's lane position at 1:32 to the bike following, to the camera bike's lane position at 1:34 (the camera bike DID move right a bit). Note that at 1:33 there is one spot in the video where the bike behind the zx10 is already leaned over while the zx10 has visibly less lean angle (hasn't turned in enough). Going up that hill towards the corner, I'd still prefer to be even further to the right than the camera bike.

I don't see evidence of rear brake skidding - there's no skid mark visible on the pavement. I also don't see an appreciable amount of sand on the road in the path where one is supposed to be riding. The rider behind had no apparent trouble.

Being too close to the inside of a corner on the entrance invites running wide on the exit. Turning in too early invites running wide on the exit. And of course, failing to turn in at all, or not turning in hard enough, and not looking through the corner to where one wants to go, invites a meeting with the ditch.

By no means do I claim to have not ever blown a corner ... the hard left off the back straight at Grand Bend running reverse direction at the last SOAR round got me a couple of times although I never actually ran off the track. That corner got quite a few riders including plenty who ran off. Problem there wasn't so much the turn-in point, as to judge how much braking was needed first.

also, to the two riders who go wide in a 60km/hr right hand bend and enter oncoming lanes at the 1:10 mark on the vid: as Brian P says, increase your skill level by taking an advanced rider course such as ARC, FAST etc.

Camera bike didn't turn in hard enough. Yes, I know there's a sketchy looking patch in the middle of the lane there, but turning in harder should have involved following the left tire track around the turn, rather than crossing the center line.

If you don't know what's up ahead, slowing down a bit is not wrong, either ...
As an instructor at Barber Motorsports Park once told us before a track day there ... "When you want to turn, TURN!!!" Push that handlebar and get that bike leaned over like you mean business.
I don't want to sound harsh, just want to provide feedback, but unless it was deliberate, there was no reason to blow that corner.

and you're saying they were more skilled than the majority of other riders in this group? Then all the more reason for more people to take advanced rider skill courses.

I really don't know what it is about that corner, but I did the exact same thing for no reason. I'm saying they're more skilled because I rode with them for 12 hours in one day. I'm not basing someones skill on a two ****ing minute video.
I really don't know what it is about that corner, but I did the exact same thing for no reason. I'm saying they're more skilled because I rode with them for 12 hours in one day. I'm not basing someones skill on a two ****ing minute video.

Gotta agree with randomhero, The fellow wearing the blue and white jacket on the gixxer 1000 in that video is a phenomenal rider did his first trackday ever in the advanced group and was schooling other riders and this is only what I have heard
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Trouble started long before that. At 1:29 the black ZX10 passes a yellow sign indicating an upcoming 90-degree left. That should have prompted a move towards the right side of the lane in preparation for the correct line through the corner, but no action was taken. At 1:32 the rider is in a position where the actual sign board in the corner is plainly visible straight ahead. Again, this should have prompted a move to the right side of the lane in preparation for the correct cornering line. (What that rider saw at 1:32 is more or less what the camera bike sees at 1:34 ... it's plainly visible.) Also at that location, the trajectory of the road is visible up to the crest, and at that point there's still more or less enough time and distance to stop, nevermind to simply choose the correct line. At 1:35 it's apparent that the rider failed to turn. Note that the rider behind, who was a little further to the right to begin with and then aimed closer to the center line as the crest approached, was not having any difficulty and made it through just fine. The camera bike didn't turn in hard enough and missed the apex at the center line and ran wide at the exit, although the antics of the zx10 rider in front may have had some influence by that point ...

Compare the zx10's lane position at 1:32 to the bike following, to the camera bike's lane position at 1:34 (the camera bike DID move right a bit). Note that at 1:33 there is one spot in the video where the bike behind the zx10 is already leaned over while the zx10 has visibly less lean angle (hasn't turned in enough). Going up that hill towards the corner, I'd still prefer to be even further to the right than the camera bike.

I don't see evidence of rear brake skidding - there's no skid mark visible on the pavement. I also don't see an appreciable amount of sand on the road in the path where one is supposed to be riding. The rider behind had no apparent trouble.

Being too close to the inside of a corner on the entrance invites running wide on the exit. Turning in too early invites running wide on the exit. And of course, failing to turn in at all, or not turning in hard enough, and not looking through the corner to where one wants to go, invites a meeting with the ditch.

By no means do I claim to have not ever blown a corner ... the hard left off the back straight at Grand Bend running reverse direction at the last SOAR round got me a couple of times although I never actually ran off the track. That corner got quite a few riders including plenty who ran off. Problem there wasn't so much the turn-in point, as to judge how much braking was needed first.

Camera bike didn't turn in hard enough. Yes, I know there's a sketchy looking patch in the middle of the lane there, but turning in harder should have involved following the left tire track around the turn, rather than crossing the center line.

If you don't know what's up ahead, slowing down a bit is not wrong, either ...

You honestly cannot base someone riding skills on a 2 min video.. So relax. Youre going through trying to make your self sound perfect, dissecting every second of the video. RELAX.. No one is asking for you to call out rider after rider trying to tell them what they did wrong.. (In your eyes)

Im sorry, If I see someone crash on the right side of a road, im pulling left.. REGARDLESS of advanced rider training. At that point. Im no longer worried about holding my line to get through the corner as fast as possible, its now about being safe, stopping, and tending to the fallen rider.

ALSO. Please open full screen if you need.... but you can CLEARLY see the rear tire lock up and skid.

I feel like GTAM just turned into a big forum for riders who think they have more experience, to BASH and talk down about other riders and their skills.

ridiculous... If you dont like big rides, dont go. If you like big rides, go. Ride at your own pace. stay safe. enjoy your ride.. DONE.. Now stop hating and criticizing every move you see.
Gotta agree with randomhero, The fellow wearing the blue and white jacket on the gixxer 1000 in that video is a phenomenal rider did his first trackday ever in the advanced group and was schooling other riders and this is only what I have heard

Bandit is soooo right. He is probably about the best rider I know to this day. Fast speed, low speed, .... NO speed. He will school majority of other riders out there. No exaggeration necessary.
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[QUOTEalso, to the two riders who go wide in a 60km/hr right hand bend and enter oncoming lanes at the 1:10 mark on the vid: as Brian P says, increase your skill level by taking an advanced rider course such as ARC, FAST etc.]

I think the radius decreased in that corner, we can ride better than most people on the street, or the track.
Which bozo, there were a few of us hahahaha. But did I read that right, you actually hit someone with your bike? I wouldn't admit that while insulting others on their riding.

I am as surprised as you are vrus. I always thought he was just a troll.

As for that corner where the rider goes wide, I'm not sure what it is about that corner, but everyone was taking it wide.

Peggy were you the one with a black bike and black gear? If you are who I think you were you're a lot better rider then I would have guessed.

One more thing, those two riders who went wide are lot better at riding than the majority of the people there. Just saying.

This is my 5th group ride with GTAM members in the last 12 months but I'm not going to announced it to the 4 winds that I'm "Pegassus" in the group ride, this is my 2nd ride to this road (Southwood), last time I went there was with the Markham Possee. I never said I hit the cyclist with my mirror, I'm saying that I must had come to within 5mm of breaking his arm with my mirror. When I saw morons passing vehicles on curves I knew someone was was going to bite the dirt but I never expected noobs to be the ones, I would have bet it would had been ding dong stuntmen we had in the group.

All I'm going to say is that LimeGreen is not a baby sitter but to leave and take off on his bike without allowing people to finish smoking their cigarrettes was worthy of being a jerk. Anyways I split up myself at highway 38 and took the 400 south back home.
You honestly cannot base someone riding skills on a 2 min video..

By no means do I claim to be perfect. Read the last bit of my previous post again. I'm only calling as I see it in that video. It shows what it shows.

I don't see a skid mark from the zx10 rider on the laptop monitor that I'm using, even in full screen mode, but even if it's there ... that's indicative of yet *another* error.

Once again. I repeat these words again. Everyone. TAKE AN ADVANCED RIDING COURSE. THAT is the point of all this.
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