Riding Sunday September 2nd

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...I don't see evidence of rear brake skidding - there's no skid mark visible on the pavement. I also don't see an appreciable amount of sand on the road in the path where one is supposed to be riding. The rider behind had no apparent trouble...

the back tire kicks-out to the right during 1:34. You can see it just before the ZX-10 passes behind the blue and white rider.

I'm assuming that he/she hit the rear brake coming in, presumably because they weren't ready for the corner like the other riders before and after were. All I can see is the tail light as bike rides up the hill.

I can't see why the rear tire would kick out like that unless the rider was on the rear brake
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I have taken plenty of wrong turns, let me tell you when

- Every time I went into a group ride and didn't know what the **** I was doing
- Every time I let my ego out ride my skills and ability
- Every time I went into a new road that I didn't know and didn't ride at my own pace

I'm not trying to insult anyone, I have been there and done that but I also listen to people that knew more than me, I listen and learned

You will get it some day, good luck

Not to bag on Brian because he is a good guy and a GREAT rider, but giving advice when it is not asked for can be condesending to some people. The riders who crossed the line are superb riders and for the rest of the ride did not make any glaring MISTAKES.

This is why a few of us are defending them, it's not that we don't agree that the turn in question was poorly taken, but that it is not indictive of their true riding capabilities. Thus all the advice they're being given is irrelevant because they already know these things.
Alright. Not everyone has the money, or is interested in it. Regardless. Pointing out errors and putting down other peoples riding is not a way to get them to take the course. If anything, you're discouraging riders and putting down their abilities. Especially any noobs that are reading these threads. You think noobs are going to be comfortable going on group rides thinking that every mistake they make, they will be called out on?!

Common, have some decency. As riders, we're supposed to have an understanding and a bond that other motorist on the road don't have. Don't break that. There's a time and place for everything. Reeeeeming out people here is not right. Critique and criticize where you're not going to discourage others.

Wait, let me get this straight... you're taking on the role of the good-guy, defending all the noobs who'll possibly get "called-out" on future group rides and possibly have hurt feelings about their lack of skill? Thus you feel justified in your [insulting] argument against Brian P.?

Wow. You're so ignorant it actually hurts to read your posts.

Buddy, have you ever seen the movie "Kill Bill Vol. 2 ?" If you have, then this will make sense: you are the worm to Brian P's eagle as far as decency goes, or motorcycling for that matter, (-be it street / track / any possible permutation).

Brian isn't "reeeming" anyone out--he's trying to educate his fellow rider. He's been around these forums and the motorcycling scene for a long, long time. He's done it all, is a highly skilled Pro and helps other riders in word and in deed. You should be respecting his wisdom, fool.
Wait, let me get this straight... you're taking on the role of the good-guy, defending all the noobs who'll possibly get "called-out" on future group rides and possibly have hurt feelings about their lack of skill? Thus you feel justified in your [insulting] argument against Brian P.?

Wow. You're so ignorant it actually hurts to read your posts.

Buddy, have you ever seen the movie "Kill Bill Vol. 2 ?" If you have, then this will make sense: you are the worm to Brian P's eagle as far as decency goes, or motorcycling for that matter, (-be it street / track / any possible permutation).

Brian isn't "reeeming" anyone out--he's trying to educate his fellow rider. He's been around these forums and the motorcycling scene for a long, long time. He's done it all, is a highly skilled Pro and helps other riders in word and in deed. You should be respecting his wisdom, fool.

So you get to talk down to him and disrespect him under brian p's banner? Cool story bro.
Not to bag on Brian because he is a good guy and a GREAT rider, but giving advice when it is not asked for can be condesending to some people. The riders who crossed the line are superb riders and for the rest of the ride did not make any glaring MISTAKES.

This is why a few of us are defending them, it's not that we don't agree that the turn in question was poorly taken, but that it is not indictive of their true riding capabilities. Thus all the advice they're being given is irrelevant because they already know these things.

Well put my friend
If you really think you're helping someone by telling them "you have ****** riding", you're mistaken. Anyone that is going out of their way to INSULT someones riding is not someone I would want to take pointers from. I doubt I would look up to them in any way, shape or form.

If someone is asking for pointers, sure, help them in a nice way. If someone is not asking for your assistance, and you go and call their riding ******, that just makes you look like a huge jackass. WHO is going to want help from someone that prides themselves on defacing others riding skills on a public forum. Thats just low and uncalled for.

as for judging someone on their riding from 30 seconds. Thats just stupid, You saw ONE turn and you call a rider ******?, Did you see how well she did on the rest of the ride? Have you been to the track with her? do you ride with her on a regular basis? No.

You need to have respect for others. and honestly, if you have pointers for someone, put them across in a way thats not putting them down with profanity and douchebaggery. I dont know if it makes you feel better about yourself to call a teenage girls riding ******, or if you're just raised putting others down. But whatever it is, its wrong.
Let me say it again

- He/She did not have the skill to be 3rd from the leader, he/she should have been on the back
- My point was to you for not listening to Brian whom took time to try and point out what went wrong, he/she should listen and learn
- I don't really give a **** I hurt yours or His/hers feelings, for what I saw, there was some terrible riding for the points I already noted (body position, wrong lines, etc)
- I don't need to spend 12 hrs riding with someone to know if they are good riders or not - someone with any skills doesn't chose to turn those skills off to take a turn like he/she did and crash.

Yes I'm an *******, but I prefer to be an ******* and not go out there and put others in danger riding outside my skill level
Wait, let me get this straight... you're taking on the role of the good-guy, defending all the noobs who'll possibly get "called-out" on future group rides and possibly have hurt feelings about their lack of skill? Thus you feel justified in your [insulting] argument against Brian P.?

Wow. You're so ignorant it actually hurts to read your posts.

Buddy, have you ever seen the movie "Kill Bill Vol. 2 ?" If you have, then this will make sense: you are the worm to Brian P's eagle as far as decency goes, or motorcycling for that matter, (-be it street / track / any possible permutation).

Brian isn't "reeeming" anyone out--he's trying to educate his fellow rider. He's been around these forums and the motorcycling scene for a long, long time. He's done it all, is a highly skilled Pro and helps other riders in word and in deed. You should be respecting his wisdom, fool.

Disrespecting other peoples riding on a public forum is wrong. Done

The riders in those videos... Nowhere close to noobs. Done

There is a huge difference between educating someone on their riding... And calling their riding ******... Done

If someone's not asking for tips, keep them to yourself. Done

And if THAT is what you call wisdom, I feel sorry for you. Im not a new rider, but if I were to ever ask for advice, it sure wouldn't be from someone's whos first instinct would be to insult me.
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Not to bag on Brian because he is a good guy and a GREAT rider, but giving advice when it is not asked for can be condesending to some people. The riders who crossed the line are superb riders and for the rest of the ride did not make any glaring MISTAKES.

This is why a few of us are defending them, it's not that we don't agree that the turn in question was poorly taken, but that it is not indictive of their true riding capabilities. Thus all the advice they're being given is irrelevant because they already know these things.
But of course, I trust you to know what superb riding is lol
Let me say it again

- He/She did not have the skill to be 3rd from the leader, he/she should have been on the back
- My point was to you for not listening to Brian whom took time to try and point out what went wrong, he/she should listen and learn
- I don't really give a **** I hurt yours or His/hers feelings, for what I saw, there was some terrible riding for the points I already noted (body position, wrong lines, etc)
- I don't need to spend 12 hrs riding with someone to know if they are good riders or not - someone with any skills doesn't chose to turn those skills off to take a turn like he/she did and crash.

Yes I'm an *******, but I prefer to be an ******* and not go out there and put others in danger riding outside my skill level

Well then were obviously talking about different people. If you read back. He was commenting on the fact that the person filming went over the center line. You can't see the body position... We're talking about 2 different people and 2 different situations. I have my own feelings about the crash, I agree the person would have probably been better suited further back in the group... But as for person filming, i disagree with call their riding *****
Well then were obviously talking about different people. If you read back. He was commenting on the fact that the person filming went over the center line. You can't see the body position... We're talking about 2 different people and 2 different situations. I have my own feelings about the crash, I agree the person would have probably been better suited further back in the group... But as for person filming, i disagree with call their riding *****
I never said he person filming was a ****** rider! I said he/she blew the turn and crossed the yellow line, lucky no cars were coming, **** happens

I was talking about the crasher

...and most people I saw riding, including the so called super duper rider with the blue and white jacket

The person filming I have no clue since all I see is in front of

Maybe try listening before posting emotionally - its a skill, like riding after you actually learn, try it out ;-)
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And who the **** are you exactly? I keep up just fine with brians group rides (granted he's probably riding to a much lesser extent of his ability). Just to clear things up because you seem to thick to realize it, I'm not talking about the zx10 who crashed being a good rider. I'm talking about ramon and maverick being good riders.

If you haven't seen me ride I don't understand where you get off insulting me. But go ahead, keep riding brians dick as if it's going to somehow increase your riding ability.
Not about Bryan, my comments were about the monkey show I saw in that video.

I am also talking about them, Everyone in that video except for the leader, he was to far ahead, monkey show. I saw them blew an easy turn, saw how they rode, lines etc...

Talking to you guys is like talking talking to a group of kids on a circle jerk

I guess you don't know what you don't know

As for who am I? I am me ;-)... No need to justify my riding abilities to anyone, specially not after seeing that video lol
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Why is this thread still open anyways?
Alright. Not everyone has the money, or is interested in it. Regardless. Pointing out errors and putting down other peoples riding is not a way to get them to take the course. If anything, you're discouraging riders and putting down their abilities. Especially any noobs that are reading these threads. You think noobs are going to be comfortable going on group rides thinking that every mistake they make, they will be called out on?!

Common, have some decency. As riders, we're supposed to have an understanding and a bond that other motorist on the road don't have. Don't break that. There's a time and place for everything. Reeeeeming out people here is not right. Critique and criticize where you're not going to discourage others.

Dude, Brian's hardly reeming anyone out. It's really just some open constructive criticism/feedback, call it what you will, but it's definitely not condescending or insulting. If anyone needs to chill right now, it sounds like you.

the ZX10 made a mistake and crashed. lots can be learned from a post-mortem examination of what went wrong. I for one welcome Brian's insight.

This is after all, an open forum.

If people don't want to be critiqued about their mistakes, they shouldn't post up vid's of themselves making mistakes.

I have no ill will for Maverick and didn't reference her or the blue and white rider directly deliberately, but since you've drawn attention to them let's discuss it openly.

Regardless of how good they are or how good you think they are, the fact remains they blew an easy corner. That's not being harsh, that's just a fact, seen in the vid posted. I'm sorry, but that says something.

Hey no one's perfect. The worst kind of mistake is to believe one is perfect and refuse to learn.
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Wait, let me get this straight... you're taking on the role of the good-guy, defending all the noobs who'll possibly get "called-out" on future group rides and possibly have hurt feelings about their lack of skill? Thus you feel justified in your [insulting] argument against Brian P.?

Wow. You're so ignorant it actually hurts to read your posts.

Buddy, have you ever seen the movie "Kill Bill Vol. 2 ?" If you have, then this will make sense: you are the worm to Brian P's eagle as far as decency goes, or motorcycling for that matter, (-be it street / track / any possible permutation).

Brian isn't "reeeming" anyone out--he's trying to educate his fellow rider. He's been around these forums and the motorcycling scene for a long, long time. He's done it all, is a highly skilled Pro and helps other riders in word and in deed. You should be respecting his wisdom, fool.

Wow, this thread sure is getting a lot of views.

PhoenixFZ, how was STaylorT's argument against Brian P. "insulting"? A different point of view debated is by no point insulting. I am sure he has a lot of trophies and stuff to go with his credentials, but at the end of the day, it's Brian's opinion, and it's not the gospel. People can choose to take it or leave it. I for one had taken a lot of Brian's advice in the past, but I also considered it as one point pitted against many other points to come to my conclusion. If you want to be a lemming and blindly shuts off others, so be it. I think you are actually the one that's "insulting" someone, but referencing kill bill (I still don't understand your analogy but I'll go with it) and calling someone a worm.

This forum overtime had an increasing display of holier-than-thou / I'm-better-than-you attitude. Totally uncalled for if this is a forum for motorcycle enthusiasts and promote safe riding. I agree with the fact that an advanced riding course is required, but it is much more than that. Promoting motorcycle safety is much more beyond a course, but it is a start. Stop using public roads as your playground and go to tracks.

I wasn't at the ride, and after reading this thread, probably will stick with my own riding group.

Can everyone just calm down and ride your own ride please?
Not about Bryan, my comments were about the monkey show I saw in that video.

I am also talking about them, Everyone in that video except for the leader, he was to far ahead, monkey show. I saw them blew an easy turn, saw how they rode, lines etc...

Talking to you guys is like talking talking to a group of kids on a circle jerk

I guess you don't know what you don't know

As for who am I? I am me ;-)... No need to justify my riding abilities to anyone, specially not after seeing that video lol

You saw how they rode for two minutes......... Not asking you to justify your riding ability, was curious if you were actually on the ride or are just that stupid to think you know what kind of riders they are by watching the video.

Who am I kidding, you've probably never crossed the yellow line in your life.

Honest question though, is english a second langauge for you? You sure have a funny way of expressing yourself and getting your point across.
I have my own opinion but if I have nothing constructive or positive to say....I would rather keep it to myself.

Ride safe to all.
You saw how they rode for two minutes......... Not asking you to justify your riding ability, was curious if you were actually on the ride or are just that stupid to think you know what kind of riders they are by watching the video?
Ummm can you analyse someones riding ability by watching them on video?? Hmmmm

Such a complex question! Let me get back to you
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It does ... the corner tightens just as it crests the hill, but it's not without warning. There's the sign 100 m before the corner, and the checkerboard sign at the corner, and you can see the tree line.

We weren't referencing the left-hander the ZX-10 crashed in. We were discussing the right hander blown by Ramon and Maverick.
[QUOTEalso, to the two riders who go wide in a 60km/hr right hand bend and enter oncoming lanes at the 1:10 mark on the vid: as Brian P says, increase your skill level by taking an advanced rider course such as ARC, FAST etc.]

I think the radius decreased in that corner, we can ride better than most people on the street, or the track.

So you feel you can ride better than most people on the street or track. That's great. But you still blew an easy corner, decreasing radius or not.

Crossing the center line deliberately is one thing. Blowing a corner and entering the oncoming lane can be disastrous, for you and whoever's coming in the opposite direction. Just saying. If you don't know why you blew the corner, it may be worthwhile to have some more instruction. Take a course.
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