Riding Sunday September 2nd

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[QUOTEalso, to the two riders who go wide in a 60km/hr right hand bend and enter oncoming lanes at the 1:10 mark on the vid: as Brian P says, increase your skill level by taking an advanced rider course such as ARC, FAST etc.]

I think the radius decreased in that corner, we can ride better than most people on the street, or the track.

It does ... the corner tightens just as it crests the hill, but it's not without warning. There's the sign 100 m before the corner, and the checkerboard sign at the corner, and you can see the tree line.
I feel like GTAM just turned into a big forum for riders who think they have more experience, to BASH and talk down about other riders and their skills.

Highlight in your quote is mine. In effect, you are asking what my credentials are. Since, in effect, you asked ... I have a wall full of roadracing trophies and a box full of a bunch more that didn't fit, plus a few pieces of paper that RACE has started giving out since they cheaped out last year and stopped giving out trophies, and the latest one was received on the same day as this ride. And you??

I don't see constructive criticism as "bashing". Once again, the whole point is ... take an advanced rider training course!!!!!

If you choose to not listen and learn from others with more experience, it's your loss. I'm done with this thread.
By no means do I claim to be perfect. Read the last bit of my previous post again. I'm only calling as I see it in that video. It shows what it shows.

I don't see a skid mark from the zx10 rider on the laptop monitor that I'm using, even in full screen mode, but even if it's there ... that's indicative of yet *another* error.

Once again. I repeat these words again. Everyone. TAKE AN ADVANCED RIDING COURSE. THAT is the point of all this.

Alright. Not everyone has the money, or is interested in it. Regardless. Pointing out errors and putting down other peoples riding is not a way to get them to take the course. If anything, you're discouraging riders and putting down their abilities. Especially any noobs that are reading these threads. You think noobs are going to be comfortable going on group rides thinking that every mistake they make, they will be called out on?!

Common, have some decency. As riders, we're supposed to have an understanding and a bond that other motorist on the road don't have. Don't break that. There's a time and place for everything. Reeeeeming out people here is not right. Critique and criticize where you're not going to discourage others.
Highlight in your quote is mine. In effect, you are asking what my credentials are. Since, in effect, you asked ... I have a wall full of roadracing trophies and a box full of a bunch more that didn't fit, plus a few pieces of paper that RACE has started giving out since they cheaped out last year and stopped giving out trophies, and the latest one was received on the same day as this ride. And you??

... My penis is bigger then yours
Can't go anywhere without someone recording your every move.

Crazy how all these reality TV shows are spawning like insects. We humans crave bashing on one another. Or for some strange reason seeing another fellow human beings misfortune.

C'est la vie.
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Orwell 1984... we're living it. Can't go anywhere without someone recording your every move.

Crazy how all these reality TV shows are spawning like insects. We humans crave bashing on one another. Or for some strange reason seeing another fellow human beings misfortune.

C'est la vie.

I'd rather have people interested in SEEING someones misfortune, than being interested in CAUSING their misfortune.

As a side note to STaylor, when sending your picture it's required that your tail also be present.
I'd rather have people interested in SEEING someones misfortune, than being interested in CAUSING their misfortune.

As a side note to STaylor, when sending your picture it's required that your tail also be present.

Lmao! Tail flew off on 410... BUTTT i saw it in the ditch The next day so i pulled over and got it. Then fell off while I was walking.... And it's still MIA.. Go figure
Brian P, you explain about the zx-10 that went down as he went over the hill and how he wasn't straight and could have saved it. Not true. That video was filmed by me, that crashed happened before my eyes. That road had spots of sand and as you can see, the sand was what he landed in when he went down. However, the bike went over the hill, and landed ON some sand in the road and the bike lost grip, turned sideways and lowsided. Despite the fact that it was a little bit of rider error being so far to the right on that corner and not slowing for the hill to see what lies ahead of it, there wasn't much else he could have done to save it. Maybe with some dirtbike experience then maybe, but unlikely. He did good, the bike didn't touch pavement, only slid in sand. His helmet saved him, I didn't get a good look at it but apparently he basically needs a new one. Pretty sure that may have hit pavement and then he was in the sand. Hope this sheds some light on this accident. Not all accidents are ENTIRELY the riders fault. Yes they could be prevented by rider by all the little things, but sometimes they just can't be saved.

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Lol - no offense but Brian P is spot on. So many errors by that rider, everything was his fault

Lack of any proper body position already set him up for fail, wrong line, target fixation and lack of the skill required to not only be positioned 3rd on the group but to even be in those roads.

By the way I noticed you also completely burning the turn and going over the yellow line into oncoming traffic, buddy Lucky no car was coming

Stop justifying ****** riding and please practice and learn, don't hurt yourself out there
Lmao! Tail flew off on 410... BUTTT i saw it in the ditch The next day so i pulled over and got it. Then fell off while I was walking.... And it's still MIA.. Go figure
Damn so unlucky. And then lucky. and now unlucky again!
I think the mirror of my bike gazed the elbow of one of them.

Great thing about a forum, I can just go back and confirm what you are denying you said. I don't blame you for not "announcing" who you are in real life. If I acted like a twit online I wouldn't want people to know either. Still curious as to which one you were and if in fact you are talking about me not passing you.
Great thing about a forum, I can just go back and confirm what you are denying you said. I don't blame you for not "announcing" who you are in real life. If I acted like a twit online I wouldn't want people to know either. Still curious as to which one you were and if in fact you are talking about me not passing you.

Lol - no offense but Brian P is spot on. So many errors by that rider, everything was his fault

Lack of any proper body position already set him up for fail, wrong line, target fixation and lack of the skill required to not only be positioned 3rd on the group but to even be in those roads.

By the way I noticed you also completely burning the turn and going over the yellow line into oncoming traffic, buddy Lucky no car was coming

Stop justifying ****** riding and please practice and learn, don't hurt yourself out there

ONE turn does not make a rider. Relax there... Im sure you're a perfect rider and have never taken a turn a little wide.

enough with the discouraging words. Leave the girl alone. She is actually one of the better riders in the group, you saw one turn in a video... You have no right to call anyones riding ******...
You honestly cannot base someone riding skills on a 2 min video.. So relax. Youre going through trying to make your self sound perfect, dissecting every second of the video. RELAX.. No one is asking for you to call out rider after rider trying to tell them what they did wrong.. (In your eyes)

Im sorry, If I see someone crash on the right side of a road, im pulling left.. REGARDLESS of advanced rider training. At that point. Im no longer worried about holding my line to get through the corner as fast as possible, its now about being safe, stopping, and tending to the fallen rider.

ALSO. Please open full screen if you need.... but you can CLEARLY see the rear tire lock up and skid.

I feel like GTAM just turned into a big forum for riders who think they have more experience, to BASH and talk down about other riders and their skills.

ridiculous... If you dont like big rides, dont go. If you like big rides, go. Ride at your own pace. stay safe. enjoy your ride.. DONE.. Now stop hating and criticizing every move you see.
I think people should appreciate the fact that someone is taking the time to tell them what they did wrong - and yes you can judge a rider from a 2 min video, probably from a 30 sec video, so please listen and Learn and maybe say thank you
ONE turn does not make a rider. Relax there... Im sure you're a perfect rider and have never taken a turn a little wide.

enough with the discouraging words. Leave the girl alone. She is actually one of the better riders in the group, you saw one turn in a video... You have no right to call anyones riding ******...
I have taken plenty of wrong turns, let me tell you when

- Every time I went into a group ride and didn't know what the **** I was doing
- Every time I let my ego out ride my skills and ability
- Every time I went into a new road that I didn't know and didn't ride at my own pace

I'm not trying to insult anyone, I have been there and done that but I also listen to people that knew more than me, I listen and learned

You will get it some day, good luck
I have taken plenty of wrong turns, let me tell you when

- Every time I went into a group ride and didn't know what the **** I was doing
- Every time I let my ego out ride my skills and ability
- Every time I went into a new road that I didn't know and didn't ride at my own pace

I'm not trying to insult anyone, I have been there and done that but I also listen to people that knew more than me, I listen and learned

You will get it some day, good luck

If you really think you're helping someone by telling them "you have ****** riding", you're mistaken. Anyone that is going out of their way to INSULT someones riding is not someone I would want to take pointers from. I doubt I would look up to them in any way, shape or form.

If someone is asking for pointers, sure, help them in a nice way. If someone is not asking for your assistance, and you go and call their riding ******, that just makes you look like a huge jackass. WHO is going to want help from someone that prides themselves on defacing others riding skills on a public forum. Thats just low and uncalled for.

as for judging someone on their riding from 30 seconds. Thats just stupid, You saw ONE turn and you call a rider ******?, Did you see how well she did on the rest of the ride? Have you been to the track with her? do you ride with her on a regular basis? No.

You need to have respect for others. and honestly, if you have pointers for someone, put them across in a way thats not putting them down with profanity and douchebaggery. I dont know if it makes you feel better about yourself to call a teenage girls riding ******, or if you're just raised putting others down. But whatever it is, its wrong.
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