Riding Sunday September 2nd

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So you feel you can ride better than most people on the street or track. That's great. But you still blew an easy corner, decreasing radius or not.

Crossing the center line deliberately is one thing. Blowing a corner and entering the oncoming lane can be disastrous, for you and whoever's coming in the opposite direction. Just saying. If you don't know why you blew the corner, it may be worthwhile to have some more instruction. Take a course.

if there was a car coming, I wouldn't have crossed the line! A riding course wouldn't benefit me at all. I just lose focus sometimes while riding in a slow group :p
Look at the vid closely, kinnda looks like he locked up the rear before the turn.. Then all down hill from there. Or could have been the sand that sent him into a wobble before the turn... Either way, he was doomed before he even got into the turn. That little rear tire skid screwed him

I agree with you there, but disagree somewhat with the "little rear tire skid screwed him".

As Brian mentioned, I think that the tire skid was itself a culmination of the little mistakes he made before going into the corner.

Glad he's not hurt.
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if there was a car coming, I wouldn't have crossed the line! A riding course wouldn't benefit me at all. I just lose focus sometimes while riding in a slow group :p

hey, ***** happens. >shrugs<
Same. If there was a car coming, we would have saw it and not crossed the line. Seriously people, for those talking, you don't know us and how we really ride. Every rider has moments where they make a mistake, on purpose or other wise. Don't tell me you've never done something wrong on a bike, stunt, lane split, SPEED, when it comes down to it, its all the same. A mistake.

So you can all bite me. Thankyou RandomHero for the compliments on my riding skills. We have to go ride again. Add some more drama lol.

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I don't have to know you or have ridden with you.

I saw what you guys did: you blew the corner. And now you're saying that it was deliberate? As in, "if I knew there was a car coming, I wouldn't have made that mistake?"

Hey, you're right. I'm wrong. You guys are perfect. Good luck with that.
I don't have to know you or have ridden with you.

I saw what you guys did: you blew the corner. And now you're saying that it was deliberate? As in, "if I knew there was a car coming, I wouldn't have made that mistake?"

Hey, you're right. I'm wrong. You guys are perfect. Good luck with that.

Never said we were perfect. What part of this don't you get??? So what if we blew it deliberately!? We did it "safely" in any case! No cars, no bikes, no debris, WHY do you care so much? Jeeez, you act like you've never done something like this in your riding years. Seriously, just get on your bike and ride. Worry about yourself, not what you saw on a two minute clip. SOME of the things some of you are saying, you have no place to talk. You weren't there, you didn't experience any of this with your eyes or body like we who attended the ride did. now be careful to reread this again before you quote me and reply. I said SOME of the things you were saying you have no place to talk. Others, like offering tips to newbs, to riding or leading, like the leader and the zx10, by all means, go ahead.

My point is, you can't judge someone's ENTIRE riding ability by one thing they may have done "wrong".

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whats this i hear about not passing on corners. didn't we pass each other on some long *** sweepers without cutting each other off.

pretty fun ride on 507 and the random route back.
if there was a car coming, I wouldn't have crossed the line! A riding course wouldn't benefit me at all. I just lose focus sometimes while riding in a slow group :p

hey raymon. just tell these embarrassingly slow *** riders you don't know how to ride and they will leave you alone. it works for me.
hey raymon. just tell these embarrassingly slow *** riders you don't know how to ride and they will leave you alone. it works for me.

Only cuz its true ;) one day, a newb is gonna follow one of your lines and end up in the side of a tree lol

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Ya but there were no noobs in our way by that time. (Except for brooke) ;)

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Whatever! If I was such a noob, how was I staying with the pair of you!? /:P you guys were slacking, warptiger nearly took an suv offroading, if you were really that good, it would have ATLEAST gotten some air ;)

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that's funny . one of these days.

Only cuz its true ;) one day, a newb is gonna follow one of your lines and end up in the side of a tree lol

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Whatever! If I was such a noob, how was I staying with the pair of you!? /:P you guys were slacking, warptiger nearly took an suv offroading, if you were really that good, it would have ATLEAST gotten some air ;)

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hey awesome. did you get any go pro footage. what suv was that i. i remember pulling over and telling raymon to wait because i wanted to wait for the guy with the go pro.
Maverick, let's get some things clear:I am not getting into a flame war with you.I am not out to insult you nor do I believe I have. I am also not interested in getting into a pissing match with you or others on this thread. I made a comment on one mistake you made. I made no reference to your ability overall as rider.If you feel that it wasn't a mistake, but intentional, then so be it. The convo on this thread had led me to believe it wasn't deliberate.I offered a friendly bit of advice, on an open forum, as did BrianP. Understand that there was no malice or contempt behind it. If you disagree with it, so be it, but let us not be rude about it. Also understand that I DO have a personal problem with people who regard crossing over the centre line in a corner casually, as I feel that it is needlessly reckless. That is why I bring it up. That is all I have to say
I wanna see some more videos of this trainwreck of a group ride.

What's the hold up?!?! lets see some more footage.
what happened to if you pick it up and walk away you never crashed to begin with. seems this is getting blown outta the atmosphere.
your right i should have said. if you pick i up and ride away like nothing happened. you never crashed to begin with.
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your right i should have said. if you pick i up and ride away like nothing happened. you never crashed to begin with.

I guess.....or, if more than one tire lost contact with the road, you never lost complete control of your bike, and nothing but your feet touched the ground....then you never crashed.

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