Nova Scotia active shooter

cops will be busy covering the f-ups instead of giving the public the news of how this happened
The emergency alert office called the rcmp at 10:15 am and asked if they wanted to send something. Really? The RCMP didnt think to contact them before that. About the only thing that remotely makes sense is they werent sure if a real cop was involved and they wanted to keep the circle as small as possible to avoid a public flogging. Protect the brotherhood over public lives.
Word is this mental case had a violent criminal record and serious fights with girlfriend in front of people. Under the law, he should never have had a gun license or guns. RCMP have a lot of questions to answer, and they're saying less and less.

Shooter had no PAL or "FAC" licence.

Hopefully someone realizes there is a bigger problem, and stops going after law abiding gun owners and spends more time dealing with illegal guns.
Shooter had no PAL or "FAC" licence.

Hopefully someone realizes there is a bigger problem, and stops going after law abiding gun owners and spends more time dealing with illegal guns.
Also apparently no criminal record even though he had a conviction for assault. He got a conditional sentence so presumably he completed the time without getting caught screwing up. Not sure how I feel about that loophole in gun ownership. If you did something bad enough to get a criminal conviction for assault, that seems to me that it should be a lifetime ban on guns. You dont need them, you want them, you did something dumb and therefore cant have them. Move on.
cops still not holding a press conference for the second day in a row
Also apparently no criminal record even though he had a conviction for assault. He got a conditional sentence .....

Just so we have this right...
Shooter got a CONDITIONAL DISCHARGE for assault.
He successfully completed probation/parole, attended anger management classes as a condition of parole.
After which he was granted a DISCHARGE. NO CONVICTION. No exclusion from a PAL.

... you can now carry on with your conspiracy theories.
Just so we have this right...
Shooter got a CONDITIONAL DISCHARGE for assault.
He successfully completed probation/parole, attended anger management classes as a condition of parole.
After which he was granted a DISCHARGE. NO CONVICTION. No exclusion from a PAL.

... you can now carry on with your conspiracy theories.

Guilty is guilty and he pleaded guilty to a violent criminal offence. Just because the liberal judge cut this moron a deal doesn't make him any less guilty. Conditional discharge only means the judge waived the sentence pending a deal. Regardless, it turns out he didn't have a PAL or an RPAL, likely because he would have been excluded under the application conditions:

During the past two (2) years, have you experienced a divorce, a separation, a breakdown of a significant relationship, job loss or bankruptcy?

So, either the police gave him an RPAL proving our gun laws don't work, or he obtained smuggled guns from the black market, also proving our gun laws don't work.

This is no conspiracy. This is reality. There is no way this guy had guns legally. Our laws are designed specifically to stop guys like this. Someone wasn't enforcing the law.
this guy already had the police car for awhile, he was traveling it to work everyday, he was also stopping people and shooting them on the side of the road

WTF, are you serious? Is the area that isolated that people won't notice him driving around in a police cars for days/weeks/months and not call it in?
there was a news clip from a guy he worked with saying he would travel the car to work and brag about it. never heard the news clip again after that
This is the problem with RCMP doing press conferences right now. This was wednesday afternoon. This guy needs a better speech writer.

"Nova Scotia shooting: RCMP say they’re ‘very satisfied’ with social media messaging during shooting rampage"

The hits keep coming. RCMP shot up a fire hall during the search. The suspect was not in the area at the time. Following them firing six shots into the building they got in their car and took off. The fire station was manned at the time. Complete break down at every level happened out there.

"'At this point we don't know what they were shooting at,' says SIRT interim director"

Just because you make the grade to become an RCMP officer doesnt mean your clever, practical or level headed, and yes i know a few. They partied hard, had failed marriages and one had serious financial issues even though he was making 6 figures 25 yrs ago.
My point is a lot of the officers that get assigned rural maritime or nortern Canada duty are not being stationed in Ottawa. They fit the recruitment profile, looked good in red, and passed the tests. Does not make them smart.
But I can almost guarantee the conversation when they started figuring out a guy owned multiple illegal firearms, drove around for weeks in a fake cruiser and has slipped through the system, the first thought was "our careers are effectivly F'd here, we need a story"
Haha. Another brilliant rcmp statement. They need to get an experienced media person in house asap. They have a 'fairly good idea' that the guns were obtained illegally. Well since he didnt have a PAL or FAC, I also have a fairly good idea he didnt legally possess them either.

The linked article also includes details of the assault conviction. He came out of work drunk and punched a teenager in the back of the head.

cops will be busy covering the f-ups instead of giving the public the news of how this happened
Its a good bet that the first reports came in sounding like a RCMP member had gone off the rails. Imagine how fast everyone in a command position disappeared behind the Mountie brick wall of transparency and got set to dodge the sticky hot potato of accountability.
Harsh statements for sure but lesson one learned in Regina is CYA first.
Do they have an "Amber alert" protocol in NS?
Apparently the fire hall the cops shot up was being used as an emergency shelter for people in the area that were trying to stay safe.
Its a good bet that the first reports came in sounding like a RCMP member had gone off the rails. Imagine how fast everyone in a command position disappeared behind the Mountie brick wall of transparency and got set to dodge the sticky hot potato of accountability.
Harsh statements for sure but lesson one learned in Regina is CYA first.
Do they have an "Amber alert" protocol in NS?

yes they have an amber alert system in place, they are still to have a press conference on the any updates
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