Nova Scotia active shooter

Apparently his high school bio said something about
likely to become an RCMP officer. It appears he had fantasies about it. Probably saw a movie like "Magnum Force" and dreamed this whole thing up. Total mental case. More will come out over the next few days.
Based on what the Premier of NS said today, it sounds like they did not use the emergency alert system. They sent messages out on Twitter etc. but not on EAS, he couold not say why specifically. I think in the context it may have saved some lives.

Family friend that lives in the area received no emergency alert, the police chase actually passed her on the highway and she had no idea what was going on. It was only when a family friend from Ontario contacted her by phone she found out. Mad that the emergency alert was used twice in the week to "stay the blazes home" but not for this incident.
Family friend that lives in the area received no emergency alert, the police chase actually passed her on the highway and she had no idea what was going on. It was only when a family friend from Ontario contacted her by phone she found out. Mad that the emergency alert was used twice in the week to "stay the blazes home" but not for this incident.
Provincially administered. Apparently different provinces have a different threshold.

I think once the smoke clears, this will come down to a colossal f-up in the alert system (like the fake Pickering radioactive release). I don't know how the systems are so poorly implemented that they are not capable of efficiently doing the one thing that they must do well. In a rapidly evolving life-threatening situation, if the police are confident enough to put information on twitter, that should be good enough for the alert system. The system operator should just be doing a quick double-check on the area to be notified, is it life-threatening and is the message clear and concise.
the guy had the cop car for awhile traveling back and forth to work, so the news is not giving all the info that is known.

also the car still had the reflective tape still on it
at some point somebody is going to ask "so this guy was driving around in a fake police car for a while??" nobody bothered to look into that?
Twitter and social media in general have their place but at the end of the day it does not cover everyone (not even close) and unless it is being monitored by the population (and the correct entities are being followed) the message may not even be seen by the people that are using it. I don't use it (Twitter) and the few times I have clicked on a link to see messages (non-emergency) it required me to create an account to see the message (which I didn't)...

This is a prime example of why EAS exists.
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Up to 23 now :( RIP to the victims.

Police officer died at the scene of the car crash/fire that consumed the suspects "police" car.
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Word is this mental case had a violent criminal record and serious fights with girlfriend in front of people. Under the law, he should never have had a gun license or guns. RCMP have a lot of questions to answer, and they're saying less and less.
Word is this mental case had a violent criminal record and serious fights with girlfriend in front of people. Under the law, he should never have had a gun license or guns. RCMP have a lot of questions to answer, and they're saying less and less.
SIU (well their equivalent) cone of silence is strong. Expect much delay, then blacked out reports in the name of public safety. You dont want to give black eyes to a decent number of people on the sunshine list. Just let them retire or move like the catholic priests. :(
Word is this mental case had a violent criminal record and serious fights with girlfriend in front of people. Under the law, he should never have had a gun license or guns. RCMP have a lot of questions to answer, and they're saying less and less.
Sounds like this could be another typical Canadian situation where there will be an investigation, policy changes announced at a press conference and an report is made, but no accountability or anything to help the public feel vindicated.
Sounds like this could be another typical Canadian situation where there will be an investigation, policy changes announced at a press conference and an report is made, but no accountability or anything to help the public feel vindicated.
And JT is already using it as a podium for his much loved gun control.
Word is this mental case had a violent criminal record and serious fights with girlfriend in front of people. Under the law, he should never have had a gun license or guns. RCMP have a lot of questions to answer, and they're saying less and less.

they are already saying he was not known to the cops
they are already saying he was not known to the cops
I saw a press conference where he was "not well known" to the police. They only had a half dozen cruisers respond not that long ago to him going nuts and needing to be talked down. Probably compared to the homeless guy that gets busted for petty crimes every night he is not well known, but there were some signs not all was right.

I wish the fallout could include wiping out the careers of those that attempt to minimize the screw up. Shine a light on it, don't hide anything, fix what you can and try not to make the same mistakes again. Anyone found to be on a different program are part of the problem, not the solution, here's the door (with cause).
they are already saying he was not known to the cops

Then they're smoothing over the criminal assault conviction he had from 20 years ago. There is no way you can legally own guns with that kind of conviction. Unless someone in the RCMP screwed up, and that's probably why they're keeping their mouths shut.

this guy already had the police car for awhile, he was traveling it to work everyday, he was also stopping people and shooting them on the side of the road
Oy vey! I guess this isolation is getting to be too much for the nutters...
Another rcmp black eye. "They were in the process of preparing the emergency alert when the gunman was killed" 13.5 hours after the first batch of incidents. Maybe they should look up what emergency means. If the system needs that much lead time to respond, why even bother pretending that it exists? Want to bet that someone up high has to sign off on alerts and they didnt want to bother them at home?

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