Nova Scotia active shooter

Clear. Nothing found. Presumably false alarm.

I just read that too.
So they send out an emergency broadcast for this, before confirming if there’s a shooter or not.....but they don’t issue a broadcast for a confirmed mass shooter that was on the loose for 13 hours?

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I just read that too.
So they send out an emergency broadcast for this, before confirming if there’s a shooter or not.....but they don’t issue a broadcast for a confirmed mass shooter that was on the loose for 13 hours?

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Give them a break, they've only been called the RCMP for ~36,500 days. They've learned a lot in the last seven that couldn't possibly have been known before.
I just read that this was all triggered by 2 guys sitting in a car in a Canadian Tire parking lot holding an Airsoft gun. Not in an intimidating way or anything, one of the guys just needed to buy more pellets.

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People upset at the lack of transparency in an investigation that's barely 4 days old and covers a huge area? Geez maybe give it some time to put the pieces together to give accurate details.

Public comments including statements the RCMP are worthless wussies etc and a few members here with derogatory comments about the RCMP. The cops responded and did their best trying to stop this guy and lost a member doing it all the while trying to protect everyone else. There may have been mistakes they made along the way and if there were they will hopefully learn from them. The whining/name-calling from the arm-chair quarterbacks though is pathetic and disrespectful in my opinion.
You dont get to be the political boss unless you have skills

Blow-back from the sexual harassment and discrimination lawsuits helped pave her way into that job.
Six lives lost as a direct result of rcmp incompetence. They first learned of the dbag in a police car at 10:30 pm. Confirmed 100% by his gf before 7:00. BOLO went out to police shortly after. Tweet sent at 10:17 am. Still "working" on the emergency alert 13 hours after their initial information.

The police believed that had accounted for all of dbags fake police cars so they didnt feel the need to inform the public. Wtf. Dirtbag is going around shooting people and because you cant find another legally registered police replica in his name, don't worry about it?

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Six lives lost as a direct result of rcmp incompetence. They first learned of the dbag in a police car at 10:30 pm. Confirmed 100% by his gf before 7:00. Still "working" on the emergency alert 14 hours after their initial information.

It's painfully clear they dropped the ball. I'm hesitant to condemn them though. They're a naive rural police force with no idea how to deal with a situation like this. We should have recognized that with the New Brunswick shooter who killed four RCMP officers. They were way out of their element. There's something seriously lacking in RCMP training.

The last time we had a shooter of this magnitude was Montreal in 1989. In that situation police were out of their element too. While there have been other shooters, they've been second-degree types, basically stupid and incompetent. Wortman was clever, and very planned and deliberate. He was a bonifide mental case. The Toronto Sun is now suggesting that some of his guns were RCMP issue, stolen or missing from the mounties, above and beyond the one he stole from the officer he killed.

The Nova Scotia RCMP it seems, never considered this type of situation. Something in the Canadian gene pool makes it impossible for them to expect people so evil. From smuggled guns to terrorism, we just don't seem to grasp that it's going to happen, and we refuse take the prospect seriously.
It's painfully clear they dropped the ball. I'm hesitant to condemn them though. They're a naive rural police force with no idea how to deal with a situation like this. We should have recognized that with the New Brunswick shooter who killed four RCMP officers. They were way out of their element. There's something seriously lacking in RCMP training.

The last time we had a shooter of this magnitude was Montreal in 1989. In that situation police were out of their element too. While there have been other shooters, they've been second-degree types, basically stupid and incompetent. Wortman was clever, and very planned and deliberate. He was a bonifide mental case. The Toronto Sun is now suggesting that some of his guns were RCMP issue, stolen or missing from the mounties, above and beyond the one he stole from the officer he killed.

The Nova Scotia RCMP it seems, never considered this type of situation. Something in the Canadian gene pool makes it impossible for them to expect people so evil. From smuggled guns to terrorism, we just don't seem to grasp that it's going to happen, and we refuse take the prospect seriously.
To be clear again, I am not blaming those on the ground. They had an impossible job. I blame the command tree. Both at the levels that should have published an alert and/or at the entirely inadequate training and operations manual. You probably arent going to have training that specifically addresses a shooter in a cop car, but it would be entirely reasonable to have an active shooter procedure that includes (among other things), rapidly and widely publicize known or reasonably suspected information.
To be clear again, I am not blaming those on the ground. They had an impossible job. I blame the command tree. Both at the levels that should have published an alert and/or at the entirely inadequate training and operations manual. You probably arent going to have training that specifically addresses a shooter in a cop car, but it would be entirely reasonable to have an active shooter procedure that includes (among other things), rapidly and widely publicize known or reasonably suspected information.

Yes, agree. It seems there's a problem with the RCMP brass who can't wrap their heads around the fact that mass murderers, terrorists and serial killers actually exist. The brass weren't even equipping their officers with the C8 carbines they were supposed to and the result was four dead Mounties. Now we have a situation where informing the public never really crossed their minds, and I really think they didn't know any better.
Yes, agree. It seems there's a problem with the RCMP brass who can't wrap their heads around the fact that mass murderers, terrorists and serial killers actually exist. The brass weren't even equipping their officers with the C8 carbines they were supposed to and the result was four dead Mounties. Now we have a situation where informing the public never really crossed their minds, and I really think they didn't know any better.

All too often the people at the top wanted to be managers and see the ground work as grunt work and beneath them. Whether it's law enforcement or building bridges, upper management has to be able to see things from road level. Otherwise they're no better than the "Shoot the gun out of their hand" airheads.

Some people are so heavenly minded they're of no earthly good.

The top brass will likely weasel their way out of this.
Yes, agree. It seems there's a problem with the RCMP brass who can't wrap their heads around the fact that mass murderers, terrorists and serial killers actually exist. The brass weren't even equipping their officers with the C8 carbines they were supposed to and the result was four dead Mounties. Now we have a situation where informing the public never really crossed their minds, and I really think they didn't know any better.

After yesterday's latest gaff reports were on the news I was thinking to myself all you have to do now is add a pit bull that's swallowed a squeaky toy to the narrative and you'll have the basis of a script for a Guy Ritchie movie.
Bottom line is...

The police, no matter where you live are not there to protect you. They can't.

Oh they'll tell you that's what they do and theyll take credit for whenever they "happen" to, but... everyone is on their own.

I maintain that "first responder" when applied to police, fire, EMS etcis a misnomer... We are all "second" responders.

First responders are thos who are faced with crisis first hand and have to deal with it/call for help.
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