Nova Scotia active shooter

As expected RCMP incompetence goes right to the top. No national policy on use of emergency alert system. Why do people need to die before regulators have a useful thought?

At the Pan Am Games five years go there were detailed protocols in the event of an emergency. For the ParaPan games there were no protocols and the athletes were disabled.
i'm lost for words
I'm just going to say that I havent heard of a lawful "assault rifle" (sorry patrol carbine) owner that shot up a fire hall and then took off. I know it was a stressful situation, but some people dont do well in stressful situations and need new jobs where they dont kill people when they lose their $##$.
Or at least, after such a HUGE screw up, the idiots could hang around a moment to defuse a terrifying situation, in such a dangerous time... but NO. They BOLTED.

Let's start the "gun control" on these twits.
Anybody seen the video from a few days ago, where girl was wearing a storm trooper costume for May the 4th ,complete with a toy blaster, and was swarmed by overzealous Lethbridge, AB police carrying "military style assault rifles"?
Anybody seen the video from a few days ago, where girl was wearing a storm trooper costume for May the 4th ,complete with a toy blaster, and was swarmed by overzealous Lethbridge, AB police carrying "military style assault rifles"?

i posted that vid in another thread, i think it was the justin time thread
I might have skipped a page or two, I saw it on twitter the other day
I read that Most times with these things I’d say “oh their must be a simple explanation”, if this is true, this isn’t one of those times.
Look away. Nothing to see here. Dont worry, there are no systemic issues withing the rcmp /s
The world has been busy this year, I hadn't been keeping track of what we have learned about this incident. I went to look at the wikipedia article to see the summary... it paints a picture of something like a Breaking Bad villain. Like a weapons-grade *******
Anybody seen the video from a few days ago, where girl was wearing a storm trooper costume for May the 4th ,complete with a toy blaster, and was swarmed by overzealous Lethbridge, AB police carrying "military style assault rifles"?
yup and had her face ground into the ground. Blood on face.
But it was a quick one day news, because she was white there was a lack of larger outrage.
Now there's all these police on people of color stories paraded.
They have announced how they are going to review law enforcement response. The cloak of darkness is very strong with this one. The panel is a retired nova scotia chief justice, formal federal liberal cabinet minister and former police chief of fredricton. If that wasn't enough of a cloak, they deliver the report to Bill Blair prior to allowing any light on it.

Why even bother wasting money on this? The public version will obviously say it was a rapidly evolving situation and law enforcement did not make a single error (or if they are feeling vindictive that the cop that got killed was the only one that screwed up).

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