Motorcycle show

These girls parents must be proud.

Aww come on gramps why you gotta be a hater??

It is true I suffer from depression but I had a lot of trouble finding it in me to be excited about seeing some cottage cheese ***** with makeup-caked-on "babes" that are paid to be bending over for photos. What a life achievement, such an anachronistic form of marketing these days..

There were like 5 booths there for various women riders groups. It doesn't fit anymore with a more inclusive market demographic.

You're right...sooo many looked so ewww for models. There was 1 fit calendar girl, the one in the hat was downright ****ing scary. There were a few good Got *** girls and we scored the best ones. Golo girls were meh...Hooters ones had rolls like they been pilin' down he chicken wings. Hell, I think spent more time looking at the broads then the bikes.
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While the show is more or less the same every year, I don't go with high expectations of finding any deals. For me it is an opportunity to sit on some bikes with no pressure to buy. While I am one of the minority "Cruiser Riders" here... I did enjoy getting my wife on the back of the "Gold Wings" and other larger cruisers last night. My favourite sections are the "Customs" followed by the "Vintage" then "New" with no interest in any of the "the no name flea market crap". As per usual we ran into some couples we rode with this past summer and ended the evening with a delicious meal at Arizona's.
It is true I suffer from depression but I had a lot of trouble finding it in me to be excited about seeing some cottage cheese ***** with makeup-caked-on "babes" that are paid to be bending over for photos. What a life achievement, such an anachronistic form of marketing these days..


thanks for my morning chuckle. :lol:
It is true I suffer from depression but I had a lot of trouble finding it in me to be excited about seeing some cottage cheese ***** with makeup-caked-on "babes" that are paid to be bending over for photos. What a life achievement, such an anachronistic form of marketing these days..

There were like 5 booths there for various women riders groups. It doesn't fit anymore with a more inclusive market demographic.

And here we are a day later, amidst having viewed some lovely vintage Duc's and Nortons, some new BMW's and found a new flavor of salami, and we are talking about the booths with girls. Its marketing that still works.
I have made up my mind (thank you all who posted)... I'm not going, will skip it for the 5th or 6th time in a row, I'll spend my $20 on pizza today, and maybe next time they'll put up a better show...
Head down to the show,breaks up the winter a bit. While the "poster girls" try their best to gather interest at their booth,it seems , a little out of place at some booths. There were a lot of women at the show. I can't see why an insurance company would have cheesecake handing out propaganda. Stop by the GTAM booth and let them know you enjoy this site.
I didn't go this year but only because my wife's pregnant so she's not into walking around the crowds and my riding buddies are snowmobiling. I've gone almost every year for the last 15 years. I know what I'm getting for $20 and don't expect some all new awe inspiring show and I don't see why everyone expects somthing new. If nobody were to go and the show disappeared you'd all be complaining there's no show but didn't want to spend a whopping $20 to support it. Where else are you going to get to try on every available helmet/boot/glove without driving to 3 or 4 different shops (or just buy it online, hope it fits and save $5)

Give it a break you whiners, it is what it is and if $20 is too much but $15 is ok you need a new hobby. Might I suggest stamp collecting?
kaos weighs just about 1200g. not sure about Nexx carbon. I'm guessing probably similar.

just checked revzilla Nexx carbon is double price of Kaos. $420.

I got both my Kaos for $259 special.

A google search revealed it's 1219g for the Nexx. That's a good price but personally I don't bargain hunt when it comes to helmets, not knocking your purchase it looks like a decent helmet but to me it hasen't proven itself yet.
Give it a break you whiners, it is what it is and if $20 is too much but $15 is ok you need a new hobby. Might I suggest stamp collecting?

So true ... it feels that some people are homeless here and riding a bike as their toy ... don't have the 20$ than don't go, but trying to tell others how badly they spent 20 bucks going is ridiculous.

Think of a bad movie you have gone to see(we all have, too many of them out there ...) and how much you paid for it ....
I didn't go this year but only because my wife's pregnant so she's not into walking around the crowds and my riding buddies are snowmobiling. I've gone almost every year for the last 15 years. I know what I'm getting for $20 and don't expect some all new awe inspiring show and I don't see why everyone expects somthing new. If nobody were to go and the show disappeared you'd all be complaining there's no show but didn't want to spend a whopping $20 to support it. Where else are you going to get to try on every available helmet/boot/glove without driving to 3 or 4 different shops (or just buy it online, hope it fits and save $5)

Give it a break you whiners, it is what it is and if $20 is too much but $15 is ok you need a new hobby. Might I suggest stamp collecting?

Agreed! I don't go every year but if I'm free what's $20 for a few hours?
It's not the money, it's the time. I'd rather be taking care of business. Thanx. Of course if the show was any good.......
The show was pretty sad in that it typically mirrors the state of motorcycling in Ontario. The lack of corporate participation was disturbing, it's like they aren't even going to try and sell bikes any more. KTM didn't even have a single street bike. A few dealers had the popular MT09s..but they purposely buried them so people could not sit on the bike or even look at it properly (because they know they will sell anyway). At least at Kawasaki they had lots of room to sit on the bikes and have a good look ( much goodness, the cops at the Police booth were watching me and warming their ticketing pens).
Lots of insurance companies with pricey big booths (bigger than dealers), sponsoring the whole show: that's our money they are using for all that marketing and skanky high school dropouts handing you flyers (wash your hands). Tells me the big money in motorcycling in Ontario is insurance above all (they used to have tiny booths in the market).

I don't get the booths with the DJs (try and look cooler), the live interviews on stage looked like an afternoon at a mental asylum, as guys were talking into microphones and no one cares, or listens, seriously no one. The choppers are always there: un-ridable Easter eggs with just stupid designs, the more skulls, the better. The fashion show..same sh-t every year...for 2014, once again, the fashion is skanks in fringes and leather bustiers. Look around are all over 50 and no one cares about choppers any more, that stuff has remained exactly the same for 30 years or more. Thankfully, they were all in one room. The flipside was the cafe hipsters...just trying too hard to be cool (pipe wrap and no


Fringes...Fringes everywhere...

I was there Friday, watching guys walk from distant parking in -25C with T-shirts and leather vests. Can't not look cool.

Still...for a freezing January, it's a fun way to spend a few hours. I admired the finish quality on the new Harleys, wishing they would put that effort into decent designs. The vintage area was cool, some bikes over 100 years old and a pristine GT750 Water Buffalo, a 82 Katana, Bimota and a RZ350LC. You get a lot of guys at booths who are volunteers and just into bikes, and talking about bikes. I recognized a few gaudy drag bikes that are perpetually on sale on Kijiji.
Zero, Brammo, Mission, Eric Buell, Aprilia, etc. didn't bother to show up to a show in a demographic of almost 6 million?

The show would work better if they split it into genres: racing/sport bike show, cruisers/Touring show, and they already have half a dozen chopper/tattoo shows, enough already. One thing that stood out to me, since I haven't been to this show in years, is how the average age is getting up there, and not many 18-25s. Watching 50-60 year old men stare at early 20s girls is creepy. Really creepy.

As for the $20...grow up, that's what a crap movie costs,so sit in your basement and eat costco hot pockets. Life is good.
Also, how many owners will let anyone sit on their Ducati and fiddle with everything? That's right.. none.

Are you suggesting the show allows people to sit on brand new Ducatis and fiddle around with the controls???

-Cause there was a sign on the seat that said ," Do not sit! " ....not even a "please ...."

F this brand!
I agree with others, the girls were down right desperate looking for attention. The "best" one I saw friday it'd be generous to give a 6.5 out of 10. Can't believe how many guys I saw drooling over these hogs. Prancing around dressed like hookers. Gross.
The term "model" makes me laugh these days the way it's thrown around with these girls.
I can find 10 hotter ones going at my gym in the hour I spend there today....and I'm on my way :)
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Are you suggesting the show allows people to sit on brand new Ducatis and fiddle around with the controls???

-Cause there was a sign on the seat that said ," Do not sit! " ....not even a "please ...."

F this brand!

Don't know about you, but I sat on the 1199 (black one I think) and monsters..

Agree with poster above regarding the girls. But it's a moto show, not Starbucks. I would be surprised if they *weren't attention begging... It's their job!

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I agree with others, the girls were down right desperate looking for attention. The "best" one I saw friday it'd be generous to give a 6.5 out of 10. Can't believe how many guys I saw drooling over these hogs. Prancing around dressed like hookers. Gross.
The term "model" makes me laugh these days the way it's thrown around with these girls.
I can find 10 hotter ones going at my gym in the hour I spend there today....and I'm on my way :)

Not sure what you were expecting, they did run the ad for the models on kijiji
I did miss the show this year due to the flu(quite nasty) but I have gone the previous years and was disappointed in the selection of products and the feel of the show.last year I spent all of 30 minutes at the show, yes it does feel like a flea market put on by a bunch of 50 plus year olds who are out of touch with the modern world.

Judging by the pictures it was the same show it has been for years with the same stuff and same same same.... I think the organizers have become comfortable and complacent with the status quo. I think they should go down to SEMA, CES, Tuner nights or Barrett Jackson to get a better idea of what the show could be or should be, especially for $20 admission. People will pay if it's worth it!
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