man plows through motorcyclists

Wow those bikers are lucky it wasnt me driving.

I love how they all chase the driver as if they can do ****. Really trading flesh for metal?

That RR could have braked hard and caused more injuries to those stupid bikers. I hope cops got enough evidence to lay charges on them.

You got license plate, thats when you should call the cop. Chasing them down, and start damaging their vehicle would give them a right to run you over.
Re: Group of Bikers Attack Man After Brake Check Fails

This video has made the internet explode with anger and judgement of both sides.

Pretty crazy.
How did the suv end up in the middle what seems like a 100+ bikes? Attempting to drive through a rally? How did he break the enormous pack? I'm thinking he didn't make it there without honking or tailgating or intimidating with the size of his vehicle.

What the bikers should have done is let the idiot pass...he is in the middle now so just let him through and enjoy the rest of the ride.
How did the suv end up in the middle what seems like a 100+ bikes? Attempting to drive through a rally? How did he break the enormous pack? I'm thinking he didn't make it there without honking or tailgating or intimidating with the size of his vehicle.

What the bikers should have done is let the idiot pass...he is in the middle now so just let him through and enjoy the rest of the ride.

Sorry but why would you make the assumption that the SUV was trying to drive through them.
Have you ever stopped to consider possibly the SUV was going slow and all the bikes went AROUND IT?

I switch between driving multiple vehicles on a regular basis ranging from sports car to family car to SUV and trust me, when I'm in the SUV i'm in my slowest driving moods, yes even slower than the family car.
Re: Group of Bikers Attack Man After Brake Check Fails

No offense but if that happened to me and I had my wife and daughter in the car I probably would have run down a lot more douchevest wearing turds.
No respect for other road users and they got what was coming to them.
This does nothing for our community but give us all a bad view in societies eyes! So much for being benefits to the biking community!

Even as a fellow rider I'm disgusted with their actions!

If my wife and kid was in the vehicle. Gloves off ******* !!!

There's a whole lot of wrong in all of this.

Act like a thug wanna be bike gang taking over the streets? Be ready to have some retaliation and people making snap judgements.

I can't believe the amount of support for the bikers in this situation! The fact they elevated this to this point with a child in the car inexcusable.
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Re: Group of Bikers Attack Man After Brake Check Fails

I don't know why he was driving so fast on the hwy after running away. All he had to do was drive 15mph and be on the phone with the cops. It's hard to jump off a bike and try to assault the driver when you're going 15mph. If more idiots cut him off and stops, then just run over them also.
油井緋色;2085647 said:
Diffuse the situation by taking the verbal beating and being agreeable (nod your head, or just say nothing).

I've been in a situation where I was going to get robbed by a bunch of wannabe gangsters. I was carrying a knife on me and as much as I wanted to stab the guy in the eye due to taking 10 minutes of verbal harassment, I just let them take my phone and be off with it.

...or I could've been like the SUV driver, feared for my life, stabbed the guy in the eye, and proceed to get gang banged. He's honestly lucky that he's alive and only has a few lacerations but I suppose stunters are not exactly hard criminals.
Either your a troll or your so naive...give your head a shake. You have never been in a situation like this and talked your way out of it. These guys were in it to win it, he had his family in the car. Move fast and get out of dodge!
油井緋色;2085709 said:
I get that, I'm not the aggressive type but do have aggressive riding buddies that will brake check cars =/

But yeah the group ride I was on was large (100ish?) but the lead explicitly told everyone not to pull any stupid stuff lol I can't imagine what 500+ pulling stunts in public roads would sound/feel/cause.

Can we at least agree that everyone was stupid? In the end there's injured (the rider arguably more than the driver..) and nobody won any awards!

Sorry, but you've been absolutely one-sided in your argument.
SUV needs to de-escalate the situation, SUV needs to de-escalate the situation, SUV needs to de-escalate the situation.
But there were two parties involved.
The biker(s) needed to de-escalate the situation, the SUV driver did try and fail to de-escalate the situation, and they weren't having any part of it.
Needless, to say he got his face punched in anyway, so much for courtesy on his part.
Re: Group of Bikers Attack Man After Brake Check Fails

Well NYC might not be too sport bike friendly for the next while...expect to see some serious police crackdown as a result of this nonsense.

The Gopro certainly "seems" to defend the driver's actions. He certainly could have left a lot more injured and dead bikers on the road if that had been his intent which clearly he was just trying to get to a safe place.

I said "seems" as did not see what lead up to the ill advised idiot trying to cut off a 2500 kg suv with a bike. Stupidity lead to others getting injured and now a lot of innocent sport bikers are going to pay the price for years to come.
Re: Group of Bikers Attack Man After Brake Check Fails

I don't know why he was driving so fast on the hwy after running away. All he had to do was drive 15mph and be on the phone with the cops. It's hard to jump off a bike and try to assault the driver when you're going 15mph. If more idiots cut him off and stops, then just run over them also.

Humans aren't known for making rational decisions when under threat! Anyway I agree with the guy, anyone comes at me and my family to do them harm then I will do whatever I can to protect them. The bikers were NOT interested in a friendly exchange of insurance slips, news article says they started slashing his car / tires with knives at the first stop so they were looking for revenge for whatever caused the brake check. We don't know what lead up to it, could've been nothing, or he could've tried to filter through a slow moving motorcycle parade. None of them were tough, they had a whole pack of buddies behind them if the guy turned out to be able to take a few of them on.
He ran over bikes and very much risked killing bikers in the beginning of the shot. No one was running at his car or threatening his family at that point. You cant expect to run over peoples bikes (cars) and almost run them over and then get off Scott free. I cant believe people are blaming the bikers just because they are bikers even when they are clearly the victims. If it was pack mentality, then they wouldve all tried to smash his car before he even ran over their bikes. If us bikers are so biased against ourselves even when we are attacked, we cant expect the public to have a diiferent opinion of us and that goes for cops too.

If you put someone in a position that they feel the need to protect their family... esspecially their children... than you should expect the worst. A person protecting their children is a very dangerous person.

Rider's fault and the one that got run over... got exactly what they asked for!
油井緋色;2085695 said:
Again, he is lucky to even be alive. Those riders acted out of rage just as he did fear. Both sides were incredibly stupid but the driver ultimately had the choice to control the actions of all of those riders...yet he choose to run one over, endanger his family, and attempt to out run a bunch of SS bikes.

...and seriously, I have no sympathy for his actions that put his wife and child in danger in the first place!

You should hear yourself.... so much ignorance and bias in your posts!
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