jsut saying it's easy to understand how it escalated.. and the video doesn't show what started it and i'm assuming he decided to not yield to the bikes in the first place.
After all of the back and forth, and additional video on the sort of behaviour this group partakes of, I'm beginning to think that we actually are seeing everything that took place. This arrogant group decided that they weren't being given 'proper respect', when the SUV tried to use 'their roads', and so the first rider brake checked the Rover. When that resulted in contact, rather than just the intended intimidation, things spun out of control. they reacted with further intimidation and property damage, which had predictable results for them.
I am basing this opinion on the evidence that is visible in the original video, further bolstered by the riders' behaviour in the second posted video, that relates to one of their rides in August.
This isn't a matter of failing to yield to someone else who is lawfully on the road. It's a matter of a bunch of thugs, who were behaving in an unlawful manner, becoming angered at a legal user of the road. I have NO sympathy for the people involved in this save, perhaps, for the several passengers I see who may have been unwilling participants in the violence that followed. I say "may" because I believe that I see at least one taking part in it.
This sort of pack behaviour has become more and more prevalent. We have this incident, the Phillidelphia vs. Baltimore thing, St. Louis, and so many more. This **** has got to stop.