man plows through motorcyclists

油井緋色;2085945 said:
This will be my last theorycrafting post as this is a huge waste of time.

First, if you're trying to win a debate, stop with the ad hominem. Second, go run a real MC in your SUV and see if you live to tell about it after.

Where do you get an SUV big enough to run a motorcycle in it, and why would you want to?

As usual, your facts are rarer than hen's teeth, and not well thought out.
man if only the RR was one of those armoured ones. then the bikers wont be able to smash the side window at all.
That is just insane, the big bad bikers deserved what they got....f'n' pieces of shìts riding like complete idiots intimidating people for no reason!

Too bad the driver of the Range Rover wasn't in one of these...bullet proof & armored...he would've not have 1 scratch on him!

Being completely honest. If I were in the SUV and I did make the decision too speed away I wouldn't continue to drive like nothing happend. But I would do whatever I had to do to protect my family.
Secondly, if I was for some reason on a large ride in the front of the group and I turned and looked back too see an SUV run over multiple riders then I would be very upset. I would hope I would call the police and that would of been the best thing to do in that situation

There are so many different people in that situation.

The man who is thinking about his families safety
The Aggrevators / "thugs" who is responsible for the problem.
The bikers getting involved apparently hitting and damaging the SUV (Which I did not notice while watching, but the news never lies)
The bikers who stay back and call the police
The bikers who stay and help the people injured
The bikers who see (in their eyes) a mad man running over bikers

Bikers responsible deserve too be charged too the full extent; the driver also deserves too be charged.

EDIT: Before people start dripping period blood I do NOT agree with what the bikers did and their reckless behavior. I just don't believe violence is a solution to violence and it should definitely not be praised
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the driver also deserves too be charged.

EDIT: Before people start dripping period blood I do NOT agree with what the bikers did and their reckless behavior. I just don't believe violence is a solution to violence and it should definitely not be praised

Except the RR driver's intent wasn't violence, it was escape. Had he wanted to hurt someone he could easily have started running into all of them that were near him.
The douchevest clad idiots were out to intimidate the public, confront police, and use there large numbers to disobey the law and common decency. The RR driver was out running errands with his family and had no preconceived notions of getting into any trouble. The bikers wanted trouble and they got exactly that.
The douchevest clad idiots were out to intimidate the public, confront police, and use there large numbers to disobey the law and common decency. The RR driver was out running errands with his family and had no preconceived notions of getting into any trouble. The bikers wanted trouble and they got exactly that.

Except the RR driver's intent wasn't violence, it was escape. Had he wanted to hurt someone he could easily have started running into all of them that were near him.

ok here's a sterotype but based on experience soooo.. wtf...

having experienced other drivers with that "look" at the 401 bayview/leslie on ramps the mofo's
have come on and almost ran me into the left guard rail... i was in a cage

honking the horn did no good, and as you go past attempting to give them a piece of your road rage mind the mofos just look straight ahead and go along their merry way... so yes you do wanna start throwing **** at their vehicle so they can at least acknowledge they did not even look behind before changing lanes...
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ok here's a sterotype but based on experience soooo.. wtf...

having experienced other drivers with that "look" at the 401 bayview/leslie on ramps the mofo's
have come on and almost ran me into the left guard rail... i was in a cage

honking the horn did no good, and as you go past attempting to give them a piece of your road rage mind the mofos just look straight ahead and go along their merry way... so yes you do wanna start throwing **** at their vehicle so they can at least acknowledge they did not even look behind before changing lanes...

You're basing your opinion on personal bias. Most of us are basing it on what we say, in the video.
You're basing your opinion on personal bias. Most of us are basing it on what we say, in the video.


jsut saying it's easy to understand how it escalated.. and the video doesn't show what started it and i'm assuming he decided to not yield to the bikes in the first place.
Re: Group of Bikers Attack Man After Brake Check Fails

No offense but if that happened to me and I had my wife and daughter in the car I probably would have run down a lot more douchevest wearing turds.
No respect for other road users and they got what was coming to them.

Me too. Only thing I can criticize the driver for is allowing himself to get boxed in. But his adrenaline must have been pumping on over drive and I'm sure he wasn't thinking calm and collected.

The charges to the rider seem appropriate. I particularly like the endangering a child part. Hope they make them stick and add about 20 other riders to those charged as perps or accessories.

And yeah, you don't wanna be riding with a group of sportbikes in the States anytime soon after this. May well be some vigilante stuff going on as well as police attention.
I was resisting posting exactly that comment as it's quite likely, in the bizarre world or American litigation. Well off guy in RR vs. po' boys on bikes equals lawsuit.

An unfortunate rr businessman will have to share his wealth with hungry lawyers. Instead of showing finger after first conversation with one of the riders, he should have just wave them by and be on his way. My rule on the road, always give an idiot the way. **** happens when two donkeys meet on a narrow bridge.
Hard to say I guess without seeing all the video or being there. Something tells me the thug life gangsta yo douchevest wearing morons started it by getting offended by a cager on their road but I won't assume. Like I said pity the guy didn't take out a few more bikes. With all the media attention this is getting I hope some huge lawyer sides with the suv guy and the bikers get screwed over completely.

jsut saying it's easy to understand how it escalated.. and the video doesn't show what started it and i'm assuming he decided to not yield to the bikes in the first place.

After all of the back and forth, and additional video on the sort of behaviour this group partakes of, I'm beginning to think that we actually are seeing everything that took place. This arrogant group decided that they weren't being given 'proper respect', when the SUV tried to use 'their roads', and so the first rider brake checked the Rover. When that resulted in contact, rather than just the intended intimidation, things spun out of control. they reacted with further intimidation and property damage, which had predictable results for them.

I am basing this opinion on the evidence that is visible in the original video, further bolstered by the riders' behaviour in the second posted video, that relates to one of their rides in August.

This isn't a matter of failing to yield to someone else who is lawfully on the road. It's a matter of a bunch of thugs, who were behaving in an unlawful manner, becoming angered at a legal user of the road. I have NO sympathy for the people involved in this save, perhaps, for the several passengers I see who may have been unwilling participants in the violence that followed. I say "may" because I believe that I see at least one taking part in it.

This sort of pack behaviour has become more and more prevalent. We have this incident, the Phillidelphia vs. Baltimore thing, St. Louis, and so many more. This **** has got to stop.
An unfortunate rr businessman will have to share his wealth with hungry lawyers. Instead of showing finger after first conversation with one of the riders, he should have just wave them by and be on his way. My rule on the road, always give an idiot the way. **** happens when two donkeys meet on a narrow bridge.

You assume that this was a possibility. That isn't shown to be so.
Re: Group of Bikers Attack Man After Brake Check Fails

What a bunch of hooligans. Idiot riders.

How can you blame the drive to "allow' himself to get boxed in.

I BET that guy will now carry a firearm for protection if its legal to in NY. (Not sure).. and just imagine if this happened to someone who was "packing some heat"
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