man plows through motorcyclists

Re: Group of Bikers Attack Man After Brake Check Fails

I BET that guy will now carry a firearm for protection if its legal to in NY. (Not sure).. and just imagine if this happened to someone who was "packing some heat"

While I agree this could have gone a bit more in favour of the driver if he showed a weapon (possibly), he would only have so many bullets. And judging from the group pack mentality here, they would tear him to shreds the first chance they heard 'click click click' of an empty clip. It would do nothing but escalate it further and instead of a few broken legs we'd have another mass shooting.
Re: Group of Bikers Attack Man After Brake Check Fails

While I agree this could have gone a bit more in favour of the driver if he showed a weapon (possibly), he would only have so many bullets. And judging from the group pack mentality here, they would tear him to shreds the first chance they heard 'click click click' of an empty clip. It would do nothing but escalate it further and instead of a few broken legs we'd have another mass shooting.

No we wouldn't. Once a couple shots would have been fired everyone would have split, that or those who were illegally carrying firearms would shoot back.
The guy in the suv wouldn't just start spraying like a maniac whos goal is to kill as many people as possible...
Re: Group of Bikers Attack Man After Brake Check Fails

No we wouldn't. Once a couple shots would have been fired everyone would have split, that or those who were illegally carrying firearms would shoot back.
The guy in the suv wouldn't just start spraying like a maniac whos goal is to kill as many people as possible...

Not to mention the true colors of those pussies would have shown when they all ran like the little ******* they are. Tough guy gangstas yo when in a group against one. One on one or against a bullet they're nothing. Ok there. I'm done :wave:
Re: Group of Bikers Attack Man After Brake Check Fails

Me too. Only thing I can criticize the driver for is allowing himself to get boxed in. But his adrenaline must have been pumping on over drive and I'm sure he wasn't thinking calm and collected.

Until the **** gets real i don't think you want to push your way through a pack so getting boxed in is very likely (game of chicken really). I mean, the fear of being held liable for making contact with another vehicle and possibly injuring someone is high...but once the **** gets realy, thats when pedal hits the metal...
Man, no wonder people dislike and fear groups of motorcyclists.

Are they going to charge the biker that deliberately brake-checked him?

yep they did charge him and his name is Christopher Cruz.

"The biker was charged with menacing, reckless endangerment, reckless driving and endangering the welfare of a child. He was waiting to be arraigned Tuesday."

<span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: arial, sans-serif; line-height: 17px;">[video=youtube;BAIX6wCYoGg][/video]

You can see in the video before he made his getaway 1 person trying to yank the door open twice.
here's the overview it's not 20-30 bikers like the article says.

There is a lot of wrong in this video but these jerks deserve to be taken off the road. Riding all around the road and swarming traffic like that is some ignorant stuff right there never mind braking a truck. What the driver did was sheer panic and if he did just sit there those animals would have trashed his car in fit of entitlement filled rage.

This is my signature
here's the overview it's not 20-30 bikers like the article says.


Mob mentality is DANGEROUS!!!

I am sure if it was a smaller pack, some of these riders who went after the 'Range Rover' would not have done what they did.

First off, when the first bike was hit, if it wasn't for such a huge mob, I am not sure if the same individuals who taunt the driver and damaging the vehicles would of have done the same thing.

From personal experience, I know I had done some really stupid things when I was with a large group which I would not do normally. Mob mentality is really dangerous, seriously, you just react, you don't think at all about the consequences and stuff.

On a different note, I do feel really sorry for the bikers who got injured even if the injured riders had perhaps done something to the driver's car....again, perhaps acting with adrenaline from mob mentality. This is a very tragic incident. I do feel sorry for the driver as well and without a doubt, if i was in the exact same situation as the driver, I would of done the EXACT same thing to protect my family. Possibly, the outcome might be a better or a little bit worst depending on how aggressive the bikers respond since I have a bit of training in evasive driving techniques.

One of the things they taught is to evaluate the best options to find a safe position. Knowing the limitation of sports bike and your own vehicle's capabilities (Range Rover), if possible, I would of gone off road which reduce the number of bikes that can follow. Only ones that will remain would probably be just the dirt bikes. And if they do follow, given the size advantage, I would actually ramp them off or if they were to follow closely, check brake or whatever to make them fall off.

If the off road option is not possible, it would probably lead to more carnage. The destination will be to find the closest safe place for this case, police presence (police station) or at least a police car. Not sure if the driver is also attempting to do that as well. But during the chase, to minimize more threats and given the torque and HP and massive size relative to the bikes, I would probably leverage that and take out more bikes that are giving chase instead speeding away and risk getting boxed in for traffic. Given such a large number of bikes, they would still give chase but by being more proactive to take out those that gets close, it serve a bit of deterrent for the remaining bikes to keep a distant and hopefully get some to back off.

Again, hindsight is 20/20, even with any evasive driving training, I may forget everything panic and do the exact same thing as the driver and get boxed in.

The driver is actually SUPER LUCKY. He is still alive and not dead. No one knows for sure what would happen if he remained in the scene after the first hit. Perhaps no physical confrontation and just a regular exchange of insurance info but its taking a huge risk to stop the car and get out and hope the mob does not go crazy and start pounding you to death.

Even if there are no criminal charges being placed on the driver, being in the US and its civil litigation, I am sure the driver will be faced with mounting civil lawsuits in the $$$$$$ millions. Even though the newspaper article say 'Rich Couple'..... after this incident, I don't think they would be that rich anymore.....
Not gonna lie, watched the video and completely judged these guys.
Like lets be honest, if it was a bunch of guys, with proper gear at least a jacket... not squiding around riding dirt bikes...
I would try to side with them. But the fact they looked like a bunch of thugs on bikes with their icon vests on...I hope they get whats coming for them. Theyre making all bikers as a whole look bad..
This video is a perfect example of "when seconds count, the police are only minutes away". Had this happened to me in a state that doesn't work on leaving law-abiding citizens unprotected while thugs walk around with weapons, I would have told my wife to plug the kid's ears once all escape routes were closed (just before the victim was dragged out of his car and beaten/stabbed).

We are not talking about riders like most GTAM members. We are talking about armed thugs on 2 wheels.

P.S. Screw you, Jay Meezee. You attack a man and endanger his family, expect to get what you deserve.
I look forward to the trial of these idiots and I hope the judge throws the book at em, and their money hungry lawyers!

Chances are the book will be made of the victim's money. It's the US we're talking about.
This video is a perfect example of "when seconds count, the police are only minutes away". Had this happened to me in a state that doesn't work on leaving law-abiding citizens unprotected while thugs walk around with weapons, I would have told my wife to plug the kid's ears once all escape routes were closed (just before the victim was dragged out of his car and beaten/stabbed).

We are not talking about riders like most GTAM members. We are talking about armed thugs on 2 wheels.

P.S. Screw you, Jay Meezee. You attack a man and endanger his family, expect to get what you deserve.

So if this was in say.. Texas - you think it would have turned out BETTER? Whether you agree or disagree with any of the actions in this particular scenario - the end result is what - no fatalities.

If the driver of the SUV pulled out a firearm and starts firing away (FROM INSIDE A CAR WITH HIS WIFE AND INFANT CHILD) at a MOB OF ANGRY MOTORCYCLISTS WHO ALSO COULD BE CARRYING.... You think THAT would reduce the risk to the family??? How would that remove you from the danger at hand? You would in all reality be sentencing yourself and wife/child to death as I imagine every biker that had a firearm at that point would feel justified in returning fire. Driving away would still have been the best possible means of escape/avoiding harm to your family.
Re: Group of Bikers Attack Man After Brake Check Fails

yeah guns definitely would have helped the situation... on what planet can you believe that? the second the driver started firing (whether you feel it was justified or not) - any of the bikers who were carrying (if the driver can legally carry, then I would think the bikers could too) would return fire as you said. We'd be dealing with multiple fatalities rather than a few broken limbs. Firing a gun would not have removed the driver from the immediate danger, it would have escalated things way past the point of no return.
So if this was in say.. Texas - you think it would have turned out BETTER? Whether you agree or disagree with any of the actions in this particular scenario - the end result is what - no fatalities.

If the driver of the SUV pulled out a firearm and starts firing away (FROM INSIDE A CAR WITH HIS WIFE AND INFANT CHILD) at a MOB OF ANGRY MOTORCYCLISTS WHO ALSO COULD BE CARRYING.... You think THAT would reduce the risk to the family??? How would that remove you from the danger at hand? You would in all reality be sentencing yourself and wife/child to death as I imagine every biker that had a firearm at that point would feel justified in returning fire. Driving away would still have been the best possible means of escape/avoiding harm to your family.

None of those punks would have been able to get an ATC in any state. A family man with an honest job could. As for criminals, they'll be packing whether it's legal or not. They didn't slash his tires with their teeth and had they had guns, they would have pulled them out by then. Instead, they attacked him with knives. Firing off a few rounds would have prevented the savage beatdown that he received. Had he killed some of them, too bad, so sad. If you and your gang assault a family, the consequences are on you and I wouldn't lose any sleep over it, other than from the ringing in my ears.
Re: Group of Bikers Attack Man After Brake Check Fails

I wouldnt be surprised if some of the bikers go after the SUV driver. They did stop at an accident after all, only to get run over.
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