man plows through motorcyclists

I've actually been caught up in a mob situation with flying glass, teargas, trampling etc etc. The last thing that goes through your mind is "ooh...lets just calm down, wait here patiently for a moment and all will be well because people are generally good", no, you need to get away as fast as possible, nothing good will come of staying in the middle of the mob. The driver did the best thing in the situation as far as I can see, there's going to be zero reasoning with a bunch of idiots trying to out-tough each other. They had zero interest in having a reasoned discussion about who was right and who was wrong.
If you think the bikers have an ego problem, Range Rover has an even bigger one... trying to manoeuvre through the bikes. He should've kept his pride at the side of the road and immediately pull over with his hazard lights and let the mob pass.

This is the unfortunate part of our roads, everyone feels it's their god given right to use it... this includes both the bikers and the Range Rover.
If you think the bikers have an ego problem, Range Rover has an even bigger one... trying to manoeuvre through the bikes. He should've kept his pride at the side of the road and immediately pull over with his hazard lights and let the mob pass.

This is the unfortunate part of our roads, everyone feels it's their god given right to use it... this includes both the bikers and the Range Rover.

Listen to your own bull. The SUV has a right to be on the hwy doing hwy speeds as well. Apparently the bikes were not respecting the hwy and acting like it was their play ground.
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If you think the bikers have an ego problem, Range Rover has an even bigger one... trying to manoeuvre through the bikes. He should've kept his pride at the side of the road and immediately pull over with his hazard lights and let the mob pass.

This is the unfortunate part of our roads, everyone feels it's their god given right to use it... this includes both the bikers and the Range Rover.

Being in the middle of the group doesn't imply that he was trying to maneouver through them. Perhaps they overtook him, as they did so many other legal road users? Perhaps he merged in from one of the many feeders and then found himself surrounded?

Oops this is where I should've posted. They charged the rider that brake checked him...

That's the first that I've seen of reported injuries. No notice of paralysis though, I see.
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If you think the bikers have an ego problem, Range Rover has an even bigger one... trying to manoeuvre through the bikes. He should've kept his pride at the side of the road and immediately pull over with his hazard lights and let the mob pass.

This is the unfortunate part of our roads, everyone feels it's their god given right to use it... this includes both the bikers and the Range Rover.

Maybe he tried pulling over? While I agree with you many suv drivers are entitled d bags, this poor bastard was what we call a target. Riders fault period. I hope they all get what's coming to them.

Sent from my piss poor iPhone while sitting on my squidly gixxxxxxxxxer
That's the first that I've seen of reported injuries. No notice of paralysis though, I see.

I'm sure the personal injury lawyers are already lining up to represent the poor motorcycle rider who was just out to enjoy a nice ride with his friends when this maniac in a Land Rover plowed them down and laughed all the way through town...just watch the lawsuits start on this one.
Re: Group of Bikers Attack Man After Brake Check Fails

No offense but if that happened to me and I had my wife and daughter in the car I probably would have run down a lot more douchevest wearing turds.
No respect for other road users and they got what was coming to them.

I'm sure the personal injury lawyers are already lining up to represent the poor motorcycle rider who was just out to enjoy a nice ride with his friends when this maniac in a Land Rover plowed them down and laughed all the way through town...just watch the lawsuits start on this one.

I was resisting posting exactly that comment as it's quite likely, in the bizarre world or American litigation. Well off guy in RR vs. po' boys on bikes equals lawsuit.
Re: Group of Bikers Attack Man After Brake Check Fails

I think this is a bit difficult to judge, seeing as we don't really know what went on before the brake check, or what provoked it. It did look like the SUV hit the bike a bit hard. For all we know the SUV driver could have been trying to cut through the group, or the group could have swarmed around the SUV and he didn't know what to do. It's just impossible to know now.

Though even if I was alone in the car with a group of people trying to vandalize my property, I can't say I would have done a lot different.
I was resisting posting exactly that comment as it's quite likely, in the bizarre world or American litigation. Well off guy in RR vs. po' boys on bikes equals lawsuit.

“My son just got out of surgery. Now we have to contend with his situation that he will never walk again,” Mieses’ father, the Rev. Edwin Mieses of Hazleton, Pa., posted on Facebook.

If you think the bikers have an ego problem, Range Rover has an even bigger one... trying to manoeuvre through the bikes. He should've kept his pride at the side of the road and immediately pull over with his hazard lights and let the mob pass.

This is the unfortunate part of our roads, everyone feels it's their god given right to use it... this includes both the bikers and the Range Rover.

Did you even watch the video?? The roads don't belong exclusively to motorcyclists.

If you want to ride like a complete dickwad, don't do it on public roads. Most of those bikers were riding without plates, riding into oncoming traffic, over sidewalks etc. I wouldn't shed one tear if each and every one of those ********** ended up as roadkill. I think the Range Rover driver showed great restraint. Had my family been in that kind of danger, I would have knocked off and run over many more bikes than he did.
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You should hear yourself.... so much ignorance and bias in your posts!

Not really. I never once said the riders weren't at fault nor did I say they weren't *****. I just noticed a bunch of ppl bashing the riders and no one realizing that the SUV driver made a chain of poor choices.

Did you even watch the video?? The roads don't belong exclusively to motorcyclists.

If you want to ride like a complete dickwad, don't do it on public roads. Most of those bikers were riding without plates, riding into oncoming traffic, over sidewalks etc. I wouldn't shed one tear if each and every one of those do*chebags ended up as roadkill. I think the Range Rover driver showed great restraint. Had my family been in that kind of danger, I would have knocked off and run over many more bikes than he did.

And then you'd be dead and maybe your wife + kid as well.
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油井緋色;2085647 said:
Diffuse the situation by taking the verbal beating and being agreeable (nod your head, or just say nothing).

I've been in a situation where I was going to get robbed by a bunch of wannabe gangsters. I was carrying a knife on me and as much as I wanted to stab the guy in the eye due to taking 10 minutes of verbal harassment, I just let them take my phone and be off with it.

...or I could've been like the SUV driver, feared for my life, stabbed the guy in the eye, and proceed to get gang banged. He's honestly lucky that he's alive and only has a few lacerations but I suppose stunters are not exactly hard criminals.

Where do you live? I'll keep this in mind the next time I need a phone.
油井緋色;2085941 said:
And then you'd be dead and maybe your wife + kid as well.

Really? Your understanding of physics is quite poor. Did you see how easily that Range Rover drove over the first few bikes? Lather, rinse, and repeat until there are no bikes left, drive away calmly and continue with your trip to Bed, Bath and Beyond.
Really? Your understanding of physics is quite poor. Did you see how easily that Range Rover drove over the first few bikes? Lather, rinse, and repeat until there are no bikes left, drive away calmly and continue with your trip to Bed, Bath and Beyond.

This will be my last theorycrafting post as this is a huge waste of time.

First, if you're trying to win a debate, stop with the ad hominem. Second, go ram a real MC in your SUV and see if you live to tell about it after.

Where do you live? I'll keep this in mind the next time I need a phone.
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