man plows through motorcyclists

Re: Group of Bikers Attack Man After Brake Check Fails

what a bunch of twats. thugs like this that give motorcyclists a bad rep.
Re: Group of Bikers Attack Man After Brake Check Fails

yeah guns definitely would have helped the situation... on what planet can you believe that? the second the driver started firing (whether you feel it was justified or not) - any of the bikers who were carrying (if the driver can legally carry, then I would think the bikers could too) would return fire as you said. We'd be dealing with multiple fatalities rather than a few broken limbs. Firing a gun would not have removed the driver from the immediate danger, it would have escalated things way past the point of no return.

If any of them were carrying, he would have been shot instead of slashed. They aren't riders. They're thugs. In a more sane state, the second that door opened, a couple of attackers would have been eating lead sandwiches and the rest of those pussies would have turned their tails and run.
Re: Group of Bikers Attack Man After Brake Check Fails

Anyone know the identify of that idiot who started all this????

The guy who brake check the SUV and caused all this crap to snowball.
I don't understand the concept of brake checking a 2+ tonne vehicle on a motorcycle of roughly half a tonne with rider and a full tank of gas...

No really I... I dont...I dont get it.

At first I was with the bikers but as more of the story emerges I'm sorry the driver of the SUV seems to be more in the right. Quit feeling entitled to something special, you put yourself in front of an SUV then threaten a man and his family. Even if your intent was to just scare them a little bit it doesn't change the fact that he has the right and obligation to protect his family.

I'm sorry but just because you don't think I have the right to run over bikes that are blocking me with people kicking and probably cussing at my vehicle doesn't mean I'm going to not do it and risk getting my *** kicked along with putting my families life in danger.

That's like calling someone a poor fighter for pulling your hair if you attack them on the street... wtf? No I'm sorry welcome to what comes naturally to us as humans and that's survival.

Rant over, I hope I'm completely wrong here and the driver did something horrible before the brake check because I hate being affiliated with guys who think they're king of the road on two wheels. Reality check....

The people who instigated should be charged. I don't doubt someone truly innocent was hurt here and that's the most unfortunate thing of all which is why those who started this need to go to jail and never ride again.
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Re: Group of Bikers Attack Man After Brake Check Fails

If any of them were carrying, he would have been shot instead of slashed. They aren't riders. They're thugs. In a more sane state, the second that door opened, a couple of attackers would have been eating lead sandwiches and the rest of those pussies would have turned their tails and run.

I must not have read the same article as you, as I didn't read he was stabbed or even savagely beaten... he was just treated for lacerations to the face due to the drivers side window being smashed in with a helmet?

If he was actually attacked with knives and stabbed then yeah, I retract my statements previous
The bikers are idiots. But with that said, the SUV driver is in the wrong for running over a bunch of people just because he was intimidated. I'm intimidated by 300lb black dudes, doesn't mean I start shooting ever time they get close to me. The bikers were mad, but it's not like they pulled a weapon. You can't justify running over people even if they kicked your car (apparently some biker did that to the SUV).

After the moron brake checked him, he did bump the guy... That's where the story goes they slashed his tires. I'm sure they didn't do that with their finger nails... So yes, weapons were most likely pulled. At that point, I don't blame him for the GTAstunt over a whole slew who blocked his exit. It was going to get ugly no matter what. That's always the case when there is a sub 100 IQ present.

Those clowns/squids give us all a bad name. Here's a lesson on how NOT to participate on a group ride. They clearly pass the guy left and right and also ride behind him. Guy probably brake checked him because he was going slow is my guess. Where do they expect him to go if there are so many in such close proximity... passing as if they OWN the road.

Morons, plain old morons. DMV should have IQ test to pass before an M license is given out, ANYWHERE.
Re: Group of Bikers Attack Man After Brake Check Fails

The one thing I am wondering now is why was his car doors unlocked? (the time his door was opened before the window smash)
Re: Group of Bikers Attack Man After Brake Check Fails

I must not have read the same article as you, as I didn't read he was stabbed or even savagely beaten... he was just treated for lacerations to the face due to the drivers side window being smashed in with a helmet?

If he was actually attacked with knives and stabbed then yeah, I retract my statements previous

Definitely in the news...
Lien was punched and slashed to the face with a knife in front of horrified bystanders. Cops arrived a few minutes later, but the bikers fled.

The bleeding Lien was taken to Columbia University Medical Center, where he received stitches for his wounds and was later released.

The police took minutes to arrive. Thanks, but no thanks. Under the circumstances I'd like to have the option to protect myself. They can try to arrest one or two of those who fled on their own time.
Re: Group of Bikers Attack Man After Brake Check Fails

The one thing I am wondering now is why was his car doors unlocked? (the time his door was opened before the window smash)

Maybe the car has an auto power lock? In my car, as soon as I put it in park, the door automatically unlocks. When I reach 10km/h, the doors automatically lock.
Re: Group of Bikers Attack Man After Brake Check Fails

If someone smashes your window in they can reach in and unlock the doors?
Re: Group of Bikers Attack Man After Brake Check Fails

Definitely in the news...

The police took minutes to arrive. Thanks, but no thanks. Under the circumstances I'd like to have the option to protect myself. They can try to arrest one or two of those who fled on their own time.

Wow. Yeah, speechless on the epic level of stupidity here. Sounds like people should be going to jail for attempted murder.
Re: Group of Bikers Attack Man After Brake Check Fails

Not here to say who is to blame. I just want to say that I feel sorry for that Mieses guy. High chance of being paralyzed from the waist down. :(
So if this was in say.. Texas - you think it would have turned out BETTER? Whether you agree or disagree with any of the actions in this particular scenario - the end result is what - no fatalities.

If the driver of the SUV pulled out a firearm and starts firing away (FROM INSIDE A CAR WITH HIS WIFE AND INFANT CHILD) at a MOB OF ANGRY MOTORCYCLISTS WHO ALSO COULD BE CARRYING.... You think THAT would reduce the risk to the family??? How would that remove you from the danger at hand? You would in all reality be sentencing yourself and wife/child to death as I imagine every biker that had a firearm at that point would feel justified in returning fire. Driving away would still have been the best possible means of escape/avoiding harm to your family.

You're taking a very simplistic approach to that scenario.

Consider this, they attacked him because they outnumbered him and he was an easy target.

Would they have done the same thing to a police car? Ofcourse not, because the cop could protect himself and get backup.

Simply having a firearm and the other person knowing this is deterrent enough. Most of the time you don't even have to use it in order for it to be effective.

Criminals aren't stupid or brave, thats why they rob/rape vulnerable individuals, and not ones that will likely fight back.
You're taking a very simplistic approach to that scenario.

Consider this, they attacked him because they outnumbered him and he was an easy target.

Would they have done the same thing to a police car? Ofcourse not, because the cop could protect himself and get backup.

Simply having a firearm and the other person knowing this is deterrent enough. Most of the time you don't even have to use it in order for it to be effective.

Criminals aren't stupid or brave, thats why they rob/rape vulnerable individuals, and not ones that will likely fight back.

Criminals can be pretty stupid, thats why a lot of them end up in jail.... plenty of crime is committed without real planning or thought, just "in the moment crime of passion" as they say. These guys who were carving up the drivers face with a knife is a pretty good example... I am still not entirely convinced that there wasn't a gun amongst them if these guys are half the "gangstas" they are sounding like. I am willing to be that the majority of riders in the ride didn't actually participate in the beating of this guy, but were "bystanders" as well... Now, if he pulled a gun... well, who knows? Could have saved him, I won't discount that.. but it also could have turned it into a firefight on a crowded street in which your wife and baby are now in the middle of.

No easy answers here, one thing is for sure.. these guys are cowards and human filth.
Re: Group of Bikers Attack Man After Brake Check Fails

Maybe the car has an auto power lock? In my car, as soon as I put it in park, the door automatically unlocks. When I reach 10km/h, the doors automatically lock.
This. My Acura is like this too.
Re: Group of Bikers Attack Man After Brake Check Fails

Maybe the car has an auto power lock? In my car, as soon as I put it in park, the door automatically unlocks. When I reach 10km/h, the doors automatically lock.

That is why I am confused, he was definetely going over 10-20kmh before that happened.

If someone smashes your window in they can reach in and unlock the doors?

If you watch the video, before the window gets smashed and before they get off the hwy, they stop and someone opens his door. Happens at 5:06
Re: Group of Bikers Attack Man After Brake Check Fails

Not here to say who is to blame. I just want to say that I feel sorry for that Mieses guy. High chance of being paralyzed from the waist down. :(
Meh he knew the kind of people he was riding with. Sure it sucks he got it and not Chris Cruz, the instigator and brake checker.
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