man plows through motorcyclists

Re: Group of Bikers Attack Man After Brake Check Fails

Aww it ends right when it gets good!
He ran over bikes and very much risked killing bikers in the beginning of the shot. No one was running at his car or threatening his family at that point. You cant expect to run over peoples bikes (cars) and almost run them over and then get off Scott free. I cant believe people are blaming the bikers just because they are bikers even when they are clearly the victims. If it was pack mentality, then they wouldve all tried to smash his car before he even ran over their bikes. If us bikers are so biased against ourselves even when we are attacked, we cant expect the public to have a diiferent opinion of us and that goes for cops too.

They surround the vehicle when he stops the first time.. Multiply that with the adrenaline and testosterone of a group ride of this size and it will be a volatile situation.. from the video you can't tell if they were intimidating or outright threatening the driver when he stops - however based on what I have seen from large group rides with the younger 'kids' I would NOT be surprised if they were trying to get into his car for an *** whooping.

Do you have kids? wife? If you had a 5 MONTH old child in the back regardless how big your balls are not many people would have waited around..
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I saw these guys yesterday, the bikers, and what a pack of ******** they were. Splitting lanes on the highway at speed (70mph between 2 cars), cutting people off. They had me boxed in so I couldn't get out of an exit only lane so they could get off. Not saying they deserve to be hit, but they had it coming.
I had my blinker on and was handsignalling I needed to get out of the exit only lane. everyone kept passing on the left to cut me off in front of the exit, 4-5 of them flipped me off. I tried rolling slow but they had no inkling of how to ride well. I ride myself, and this was just heinous.
Wonder if the riders at the end beating up the SUV driver even knew the whole story? From their point of view it could be a crazy cager running over some bikes/bikers. They may not even know the beginning of the story where a biker may have done something stupid(most likely in my opinion) and it got escalated when the "mob" converged on the SUV. Obviously the SUV driver feared for his safety. I can see both sides, but as of right now I'd do the same thing the SUV driver did and try to get away from the mob. Even if i didn't have my kids in the car, being surrounded by a mob, I'd knock over some bikes to get to safety.
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Re: Group of Bikers Attack Man After Brake Check Fails

Bunch of idiots right there, zero common sense.
Wonder if the riders at the end beating up the SUV driver even knew the whole story? From their point of view it could be a crazy cager running over some bikes/bikers. They may not even know the beginning of the story where a biker may have done something stupid(most likely in my opinion) and it got escalated when the "mob" converged on the SUV. Obviously the SUV driver feared for his safety. I can see both sides, but as of right now I'd do the same thing the SUV driver did and try to get away from the mob. Even if i didn't have my kids in the car, being surrounded by a mob, I'd knock over some bikes to get to safety.

Honestly, I don't get this kind of mentality.

I don't care if I'm on the car or bike, I don't want to hit anything or be hit. If somebody is gonna be a prick, I either run or let them pass. The guy could've just flashed his hazards and pulled over or just stop completely in the middle of the road while signalling the other riders to go past him.

It doesn't take someone with above average IQ to figure out that if you ram a bike that belongs to a group of riders you are going to get your *** kicked. Common sense isn't that hard!
油井緋色;2085637 said:
Honestly, I don't get this kind of mentality.

I don't care if I'm on the car or bike, I don't want to hit anything or be hit. If somebody is gonna be a prick, I either run or let them pass. The guy could've just flashed his hazards and pulled over or just stop completely in the middle of the road while signalling the other riders to go past him.

It doesn't take someone with above average IQ to figure out that if you ram a bike that belongs to a group of riders you are going to get your *** kicked. Common sense isn't that hard!

And if it looks like you're already about to get your butt kicked? What do you do then?
And if it looks like you're already about to get your butt kicked? What do you do then?

Diffuse the situation by taking the verbal beating and being agreeable (nod your head, or just say nothing).

I've been in a situation where I was going to get robbed by a bunch of wannabe gangsters. I was carrying a knife on me and as much as I wanted to stab the guy in the eye due to taking 10 minutes of verbal harassment, I just let them take my phone and be off with it.

...or I could've been like the SUV driver, feared for my life, stabbed the guy in the eye, and proceed to get gang banged. He's honestly lucky that he's alive and only has a few lacerations but I suppose stunters are not exactly hard criminals.
油井緋色;2085647 said:
Diffuse the situation by taking the verbal beating and being agreeable (nod your head, or just say nothing).

I've been in a situation where I was going to get robbed by a bunch of wannabe gangsters. I was carrying a knife on me and as much as I wanted to stab the guy in the eye due to taking 10 minutes of verbal harassment, I just let them take my phone and be off with it.

...or I could've been like the SUV driver, feared for my life, stabbed the guy in the eye, and proceed to get gang banged. He's honestly lucky that he's alive and only has a few lacerations but I suppose stunters are not exactly hard criminals.

Not one guy, 100 guys. Not just you, you and your wife, and infant.
And how do you stop in time when a bike brakes checks you? Looks to me like the RR was already slowing. The more I look at it the more I think the bikers were being asshats. Mob mentality. chances are after the brake check and hit the bikers got all up in arms and started something on the RR. He's looking around at a mob of bikers surrounding him and he's gonna sit there? Not likely. He got scared and I'd say rightly so. If they started pounding on the car, and I'm sure a few hits landed while he was stopped, it could escalate very quickly . They weren't going to go he had to run and the bikes parked in front were in the way. The first time I was in LA on my bike was when they had the random highway shootings....and I got run off the road near Long Beach for no reason. Think I'm trusting a mob?
Not one guy, 100 guys. Not just you, you and your wife, and infant.

Doesn't matter. By doing what he did he endangered the kid and the wife. I'm sure there would be a scenario in less civilized places in the world where this would have lead to an infant's death, the wife raped, and the driver murdered.

There is a very thin line between courage and foolishness.

...maybe this is just Canada's "turn the other cheek" finally growing on me.

And how do you stop in time when a bike brakes checks you? Looks to me like the RR was already slowing. The more I look at it the more I think the bikers were being asshats. Mob mentality. chances are after the brake check and hit the bikers got all up in arms and started something on the RR. He's looking around at a mob of bikers surrounding him and he's gonna sit there? Not likely. He got scared and I'd say rightly so. If they started pounding on the car, and I'm sure a few hits landed while he was stopped, it could escalate very quickly . They weren't going to go he had to run and the bikes parked in front were in the way. The first time I was in LA on my bike was when they had the random highway shootings....and I got run off the road near Long Beach for no reason. Think I'm trusting a mob?

We can theorycraft all day but the fact is that running over a few bikes belonging to a group then trying to outrun them will not lead to a happy ending. The man was stupid for thinking so. Adrenaline is only good outside of operating a vehicle because most people stop thinking and trust their instincts, their instincts are normally wrong.
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This is a crazy one, I read some posts on other forums from people that were actually on this ride. Their story is it was a 500+ bike ride and all the cars on the highway slowed down pulled aside and let them pass, but this guy sped down the middle of the pack and almost hit some riders. So that is what started the road rage and chase with idiot on white GSXR brake checking the SUV. The sad part is the guy that got ran over is seriously hurt and may not make it.

Seriously though why would you even get in front of any vehicle that is road raging with you, they allegedly already almost ran some of you over, then they bumped your brake checking GSXR friend, and now your going to park in front of them trying to block them? I guess we all know how that can end now, or wait haven't I seen this before on Youtube? Note to self let idiot go, the bike never wins

But found this guy on another forum...


Note to self: If you deliberately invoke the fight or flight response in someone, don't block their exit route.


Anybody that thinks that the riders were not at fault here is a retard. Don't ride like ********* hooligans, blocking the entire highway for no reason, and you won't get run over.

This driver should have called the police, stayed in the car and on the highway, rather than driving off and getting stuck in traffic. A group of retards on sportbikes is no threat to a moving Range Rover.

Also, what is it with this trend of wearing back protectors over t-shirts? I've seen this here also. Stop it. You look like a bunch of homos.
I didnt proof read my comment since im at work but next time, ill do all my citations as well so its not picked on ;) As you said, we will have to agree to disagree because from what i see, he may have felt intimitated for sure but threatened, i dont see it. Bikers are intimidating but until someone starts punching your window, theres no threat, only his own fear which does not justify his runnig over bikes and potentially people. Secondly, if he ran off the first time, why didnt he call the cops? The cideo goes on for a while and no sign of cips. Its ture that he may have called the cops and they didnt show up but im sure if i called 911 and said 50 bikes are trying to kill me and my family, in the middle os a busy city, cops would show up much faster. Anyway, as you said, lets agree to disagree .

He did call the cops before the video was even rolling. This group of dummies were attacking his car, and at the end they ended up beating him up and stabbing him.
His initial reaction was the right one, and i would have done the same.

Just because they ride motorcycles and you do as well, dont let that cloud your judgement.
油井緋色;2085647 said:
Diffuse the situation by taking the verbal beating and being agreeable (nod your head, or just say nothing).

I've been in a situation where I was going to get robbed by a bunch of wannabe gangsters. I was carrying a knife on me and as much as I wanted to stab the guy in the eye due to taking 10 minutes of verbal harassment, I just let them take my phone and be off with it.

...or I could've been like the SUV driver, feared for my life, stabbed the guy in the eye, and proceed to get gang banged. He's honestly lucky that he's alive and only has a few lacerations but I suppose stunters are not exactly hard criminals.

Some people back down and theres nothing wrong with that. Others however will fight even if they're outnumbered and bound to get an *** kicking.
This is a crazy one, I read some posts on other forums from people that were actually on this ride. Their story is it was a 500+ bike ride and all the cars on the highway slowed down pulled aside and let them pass, but this guy sped down the middle of the pack and almost hit some riders. So that is what started the road rage and chase with idiot on white GSXR brake checking the SUV. The sad part is the guy that got ran over is seriously hurt and may not make it.

Seriously though why would you even get in front of any vehicle that is road raging with you, they allegedly already almost ran some of you over, then they bumped your brake checking GSXR friend, and now your going to park in front of them trying to block them? I guess we all know how that can end now, or wait haven't I seen this before on Youtube? Note to self let idiot go, the bike never wins

Common sense is long dead. These were "riders" with no plates, no insurance and no brains.

A NORMAL person would have called the police and followed him from a distance. These clowns on the other hand wanted to handle it their way. Well in the end a 3000lb suv wins over a 400lb bike. But i guess they were too stupid to realize that...
油井緋色;2085662 said:
Doesn't matter. By doing what he did he endangered the kid and the wife. I'm sure there would be a scenario in less civilized places in the world where this would have lead to an infant's death, the wife raped, and the driver murdered.

There is a very thin line between courage and foolishness.

...maybe this is just Canada's "turn the other cheek" finally growing on me.

Watch the video that 23sigma posted. This isn't a group that could be reasoned with. Wrong side of the road. Running red lights. Riding on the sidewalk. Cutting through gas stations on the wrong side of the road. Property damage. Intimidation. They were a pack of criminals, pure and simple. The Rover driver did the right thing, he just failed at the execution of it.

Same group of riders. You can see how they treated the prius for apparently not stopping and let the group run red lights.

I take back whatever I said about the suv driver. I think the group of bikers really deserved it.

Here is a whole bunch of footage from the same rider who filmed the Range Rover incident. You decide who instigated everything, I'm pretty confident in my determination.
Not one guy, 100 guys. Not just you, you and your wife, and infant.


油井緋色;2085662 said:
Doesn't matter. By doing what he did he endangered the kid and the wife. I'm sure there would be a scenario in less civilized places in the world where this would have lead to an infant's death, the wife raped, and the driver murdered.

There is a very thin line between courage and foolishness.

...maybe this is just Canada's "turn the other cheek" finally growing on me.

We can theorycraft all day but the fact is that running over a few bikes belonging to a group then trying to outrun them will not lead to a happy ending. The man was stupid for thinking so. Adrenaline is only good outside of operating a vehicle because most people stop thinking and trust their instincts, their instincts are normally wrong.

In the end they pulled him out of the car, beat him up and stabbed him.

What do you think their plans were once they had him blocked in at the beginning of the video? to exchange insurance information?

Come back down to planet earth...

This is a perfect case for a glock and 32 round mags, plenty of them :lmao:
This is a crazy one, I read some posts on other forums from people that were actually on this ride. Their story is it was a 500+ bike ride and all the cars on the highway slowed down pulled aside and let them pass, but this guy sped down the middle of the pack and almost hit some riders. So that is what started the road rage and chase with idiot on white GSXR brake checking the SUV. The sad part is the guy that got ran over is seriously hurt and may not make it.

Seriously though why would you even get in front of any vehicle that is road raging with you, they allegedly already almost ran some of you over, then they bumped your brake checking GSXR friend, and now your going to park in front of them trying to block them? I guess we all know how that can end now, or wait haven't I seen this before on Youtube? Note to self let idiot go, the bike never wins

Police reports indicate that other than the beaten SUV driver, there were NO additional injuries. This is contrary to the hype that is being spread on the 'net, via social media.
Group of Bikers Attack Man After Brake Check Fails

Bunch of idiots right there, zero common sense.

Not sure why it's called common sense when it never really seams to be that common these days lol
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