man plows through motorcyclists

Remember this:
I would have thrown it in reverse and run over as many of the ****ers as I count. I bet the people that are justifying the bikers actions are in similar bike groups themselves and think they're the **** with their stupid club vests on. I know I've encounter knobs like this before * cough OTR *cough.
You have to look carefully, but you can see one rider pulling at the door but it doesn't open, very shortly after that he runs over the bikes.
He manages to open the door. That's why the guy floored it.
I'm intimidated by 300lb black dudes, doesn't mean I start shooting ever time they get close to me. .
You would if you were a cop...

wait you are not intimidated by 300lb white guys? only black guys? lol why is that?

I this would have happened in toronto, the bikers would have let the car go after running over the bikers and then later all would have meet at L&L and tell stories about how they would have kicked his *** while drinking some bubble tea! lol
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That's my thought. The video starts too late. There's an indication that this guy bullied his way into the pack of bikers in the first place while they were riding slowly down the road. But that's just what has been said about it, we don't have the video proof.

Regardless of whether he felt threatened, the video does NOT show them kicking, hitting the vehicle, etc. If you can see that, you have a better eye than me because all I see is a bunch of people sitting on bikes watching a discussion going on behind them. I don't doubt there was yelling going on but we don't know why, we don't know what was said, and we don't know that damage was being done to the vehicle - when he goes by, I don't see dents and broken windows as he drives over a pair of bikes... do you?

Right. And there is indication that this is what happened. Then he hits one of them by trying to be tough and bullying... and things escalate from there.

FWIW the rider that got hit is an idiot... you don't try and reason with a charging bull, and that's what this guy was acting like. Belligerent and uncaring.

As usual, our interpretations of the same information are remarkably different. I follow an 'Occam's Razor' approach. it's far more likely that a lone man with his family and surrounded by potential assailants would flee, using the most expeditious means at his disposal, than that he would consciously attack someone with his means of escape. If the goal was to attack, then there would be a half dozen riders left as smears on the road. It would have been easy.

See other comments, above, as to what is visible in the hi-rez video.

Remember this:

Yup; herd mentality. Idiocy, blamed on an inability to control oneself.
As a dad and a guy that has been riding for some time, I would have done the same but drive right to a police station then watch all the tough guys turn around a run away like the cowards they are!

So you'd run people over with a truck but they are the cowards? Ya..OK ..:rolleyes:
He manages to open the door. That's why the guy floored it.

Are you talking about 5:06? It's obvious there. I'm talking about at 00:45, before he runs over anyone/thing, and you have to look carefully through the crowd. I don't think he gets the door open that time.
So you'd run people over with a truck but they are the cowards? Ya..OK ..:rolleyes:
50 against 1... You figure it out smart guy!

Get them one on one and they are little boys...put 50 of them together than they think they are bad ***.
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Lord of the Flies.

From CBS News:
"The SUV's driver had called 911 to report the bikers were driving erratically, police said.
The driver of the Range Rover was injured and taken to the hospital, police said.
It's unclear if any of the bikers were also hurt.

The incident remains under investigation and no arrests have been made thus far,
a spokesperson for the NYPD told CBS News' Crimesider."

Soon they're going to start equipping vehicles with these options here:
<font color="#000000"><span style="font-family: Arial">[video=youtube;fDrzMGdYWZc][/video]
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Re: Group of Bikers Attack Man After Brake Check Fails

Can anyone tell if the blue gixxer braked before he got hit? I can't tell.
Man I hate to say it but it looks like that rider was in the wrong for changing lanes so close.
The best thing for him too do at the time, which he most likely wouldn't of and didnt think of; would of been to roll his window down, apologize 10000000x, tell them you'll pay for the damages and then pull over and let all the bikers past. He may have been in the right but that doesn't mean what he did was smart.

If all he got AFTER running over multiple bikers was cuts and bruises too his face then I'm sure if he dealt with the situation at the very beginning it wouldn't of been so bad. I think their both at fault.

Biker shouldn't of cut him off/break checked
SUV shouldn't of run over multiple persons
Biker shouldn't of tried opening door
At this point if I was dumb enough too run over the initial riders, I wouldn't stop. I wouldn't of continued going 100km/h and I would of driven on the gravel while getting my wife too call the police. He seems like he just shrugged it off as he starts going the speed limit again like nothing can happen.

Now I'm sure in NY/American people have different mentalities as I do when it comes too others in Burlington. I'm not afraid of people here because generally everyone is pretty nice and we don't have crimes like they do down there. So there aren't many situations here where I would fear for my life.

Basically he should of gotten out or at least rolled his window down (lock doors) and tried too cool the situation down. "Listen I'm very sorry, my wife and child are in the car and it's been a very stressful day and I will pay for any of the damage caused here. Again I'm very sorry about this I would just like too get home." Even though it wasn't his fault he was out numbered and should of taken the hit.
I don't think the beating (if there would of been one) would of been worse if he hadn't run the bikers over.
I am with Rob- I think the drama all started before the camera rolled.
Then after the initial problems that may have included kicks to the SUV, the driver refused to the bikes began boxing him in and slowing him down, deliberately making him stop.
I wonder if the "incident" that started the situation rolling was him picking up the phone to dial 9-1-1 and report them driving erratically. Not sure they'd be accepting apologies after that.
Didn't even think about that. That's a good point and it would explain the biker doing a brake check. Stupid too do break checks in a car let alone a motorcycle though
That's why rolling down the window and talking this out with 50 yahoos is just crazy. Up here we flip the bird and yell a little, there the pull out the 9 mil and pop pop your life is done.

As a guy that has traveled a little, my corp needed to train us on safety and protocol which changed depending on the country and the state of the world. NOT once did they say roll down your window and try to negotiate your way out of an issue. Get out of there and get the cops involved if any crime was committed.
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