man plows through motorcyclists

Even if the SUV had done something to "provoke" such rage, if the bikers weren't intent upon extracting some form of justice then, why didn't THEY call the police? Instead they CHOOSE to take matters into their own hands and dispense whatever punishment THEY felt was warranted.[/QUOTE]

I bet you those stayed near people laying flat on the ground did call the cops.[/QUOTE]

I agree they likely did. I was talking of BEFORE the rider in the initial collision, rushed the front of the SUV and began to escalate the incident.

But found this guy on another forum...
The report also states the SUV hit another rider as he took off when the rider ripped open his drivers door. (first time he was stuck in traffic after running the bikes over).

But if one watches the video VERY closely at 2:00 - 2:02, you will see that the blue motorcycle had pulled partially in front of the SUV and closely look at the position of the bike as the SUV speeds away and the bike again becomes visible.

Looking at the bike now facing forward not at the angle it was facing when the SUV was stopped. This along with the video appears to show the bike falling over onto it right side and the rider jumping off to the right would "suugest" that the rider actually tried to accelerate out of the SUV's path and the rider simply lost control.

The bike looked to be about 5 feet to the right of the SUV as the SUV passed. So unless the passenger had her door open and she "doored" him from the video it appears there was no contact with that bike
For those who are wondering what I've been talking about, why I've been saying that something must have happened before the beginning of the video in question......

We have intimidation, brake check (collision), and the Rover surrounded by stopped motorcycles. This all occurs in the first 20 seconds of the video.


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Note to self: If you deliberately invoke the fight or flight response in someone, don't block their exit route.
The report also states the SUV hit another rider as he took off when the rider ripped open his drivers door. (first time he was stuck in traffic after running the bikes over).

But if one watches the video VERY closely at 2:00 - 2:02, you will see that the blue motorcycle had pulled partially in front of the SUV and closely look at the position of the bike as the SUV speeds away and the bike again becomes visible.

Looking at the bike now facing forward not at the angle it was facing when the SUV was stopped. This along with the video appears to show the bike falling over onto it right side and the rider jumping off to the right would "suugest" that the rider actually tried to accelerate out of the SUV's path and the rider simply lost control.

The bike looked to be about 5 feet to the right of the SUV as the SUV passed. So unless the passenger had her door open and she "doored" him from the video it appears there was no contact with that bike

That's not necessarily the case. I was once struck from behind, at a stoplight, with my bike in gear but clutch out. After wheelying from the impact, my bike traveled more than 10 feet from where I was hit, upright, before falling over.
For those who are wondering what I've been talking about, why I've been saying that something must have happened before the beginning of the video in question......

We have intimidation, brake check (collision), and the Rover surrounded by stopped motorcycles. This all occurs in the first 20 seconds of the video.

Yes, but prior to the one bike merging into the SUV's lane and then pulling ahead and brake checking him, none of the other bikes seem very concerned about the SUV at all. Not what you'd expect following a fail to remain.
Can we all agree at least that everyone lost in this situation?
That's not necessarily the case. I was once struck from behind, at a stoplight, with my bike in gear but clutch out. After wheelying from the impact, my bike traveled more than 10 feet from where I was hit, upright, before falling over.

That is why I said it "suggest" that there may not have been an impact, plus you were hit by a moving approaching vehicle the SUV at that point was full stopped they are quick vehicles but not that fast at accelerating, and the video also shows the SUV accelerating to the LEFT away from where that bike was initially stopped. I guess it is possible the SUV grazed the bikes front wheel and caused it and the rider to move about 15 feet forward in a direction the bike wasn't originally facing. I assume your bike followed a straight line after the impact? Your wheel was presumably facing straight forward. This bike was parked on what could easily be described as facing at approx 45 degrees across the lane but where it went down was at an angle off to the bikes right, (from where the bike originally was stopped), The rider as the bike goes down is again visible and almost appears to be trying to regain his balance and ends up standing next to the bike and grabbing it to again join the pursuit. Again the rider is running in a direction which would have been approx 45 degrees off to the right from where he originally stopped his bike.

Bottom line is the smartest person in this WHOLE incident... The driver of the white van that got out of dodge when this all began and then pulled over when the mob was chasing down the

Baggsy... EXCELENT note to
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Yes, but prior to the one bike merging into the SUV's lane and then pulling ahead and brake checking him, none of the other bikes seem very concerned about the SUV at all. Not what you'd expect following a fail to remain.

And that's just it; I think that someone's ego got involved. The guy who brake checked the SUV was probably the 'victim' of a near miss or imagined slight, then escalated the situation with a 5500 pound Rover. You aren't going to win that fight and riders on this site should take note of that.
That is why I said it "suggest" that there may not have been an impact, plus you were hit by a moving approaching vehicle the SUV at that point was full stopped they are quick vehicles but not that fast at accelerating, and the video also shows the SUV accelerating to the LEFT away from where that bike was initially stopped. I guess it is possible the SUV grazed the bikes front wheel and caused it and the rider to move about 15 feet forward in a direction the bike wasn't originally facing. the rider as the bike goes down is again visible and almost appears to be trying to regain his balance and ends up standing next to the bike and grabbing ti to again join the pursuit.

Bottom line is the smartest person in this WHOLE incident... The driver of the white van that got out of dodge when this all began and then pulled over when the mob was chasing down the

Baggsy... EXCELENT note to

Actually I was hit by a vehicle that stopped, then accelerated from perhaps 10 feet behind me into the back of my bike.
Bottom line is the smartest person in this WHOLE incident... The driver of the white van that got out of dodge when this all began and then pulled over when the mob was chasing down the

But then that was easy as no one was surrounding him.
And that's just it; I think that someone's ego got involved. The guy who brake checked the SUV was probably the 'victim' of a near miss or imagined slight, then escalated the situation with a 5500 pound Rover. You aren't going to win that fight and riders on this site should take note of that.

Agree 1000% it is a NO win situation for the rider/bike. If your almost hit or percieve an injustice has been done, 9but NO contact has been made back off take a deep breath and enjoy the rest of your ride. That is a MUCH better result than finding yourself under the wheels of a 3.5 ton vehicle. EVERYTIME...

Still doesn't show what started it, all it shows is that 6:03 the SUV ran a yellow while the bikes all ran a

The guy who brake checked seemed to "appear" to be "talking" to the SUV driver before pulling in front of him I guess had there been a previous confrontation the smarter thing to have done was motion for the driver to pull over, or fall back get the plate number and call police.
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It looked like a lane change by the SUV was just being completed as the video starts.
There were a also couple of bikes very close to his right side.

Edit: Makes me suspect that some pre-editing was done, prior to being posted.
Anybody that thinks that the riders were not at fault here is a retard. Don't ride like ********* hooligans, blocking the entire highway for no reason, and you won't get run over.

This driver should have called the police, stayed in the car and on the highway, rather than driving off and getting stuck in traffic. A group of retards on sportbikes is no threat to a moving Range Rover.

Also, what is it with this trend of wearing back protectors over t-shirts? I've seen this here also. Stop it. You look like a bunch of homos.
Group of Bikers Attack Man After Brake Check Fails

Never seen it posted.

Alexian Lien's Range Rover was the man attacked by motorcyclists after he accidentally hit a biker
Lien, 33, then crash through the mob in his vehicle, fearing for the safety of his wife Rosalyn Ng, and their 5-month-old child

Bikers chase the SUV, carrying couple and young child, and try to attack it

Lien speeds off hitting motorcyclists for the second time

It eventually grinds to a halt in NYC traffic and bikers smash the window
Lien was treated in hospital for lacerations to his face and body
Police said, contradictory to online comments, there were no other injuries

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