Local Auto Thefts | Page 20 | GTAMotorcycle.com

Local Auto Thefts

I feel, if the crime is violent or organized, it should be automatic adult charges, being dumb and stealing a car from a driveway to joyride is one thing, dragging someone out of their car at knifepoint or breaking into a house with a gun shows a trait that doesn't belong in a civilized society.
Shop lifting where a punk sneaks something under their shirt and sneaks out is one thing.

When they load a shopping cart with high end merchandise and walk past the checkouts with impunity, knowing nothing will come of it is something else. Who do they think they are? Liberal MPs?
As a start, if you manage to do something dumb enough to get arrested while on bail, it should be reverse onus for bail. Prove to the courts why you aren't a risk. That's a big hill to climb

If we don't have enough space in jail, ankle bracelets for all. Don't even make it optional. If you are on bail, you get one. Take it off or commit a crime and you go to jail. No warnings.

That's how it is now... or is supposed to be.
reverse onus used to mean something.. It seems like it doesn't anymore. If I remember correctly.. there was a SCC ruling about 10 years ago that had an effect on it all.

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