Local Auto Thefts

I'm not certain what I'd do if someone blocked me in, and they came to my car window.

Maybe pull out my cell phone and start filming them, call 911, put on my 4 way flashers, sound the horn continuously, all the above??

If someone then started to pound on my window, like this guy did, then all bets are off. I'd be driving away and if the carjacker was in the way I'd drive over them. TFB for them.
I'm not certain what I'd do if someone blocked me in, and they came to my car window.

Maybe pull out my cell phone and start filming them, call 911, put on my 4 way flashers, sound the horn continuously, all the above??
I wouldn't do any of those things. I am dealing with someone that doesn't care about me or my family. Nobody around will come to help so making noise just pisses them off. Recording them just pisses them off. The way I see it, there are two reasonably safe options and one riskier one. 1)Give them the keys, it's just a stupid car. 2) Drive away (probably get dinged with an at-fault accident as insurers are also crooks) 3)Call 911 and hope that cops show up before bad guy pulls a weapon (I think your odds are very bad).
If it was an aggressive person who isnt law enforcement, maybe its time to consider changing the laws in order to allow you to defend your wife, aging parents and young children.

I recently came to learn that PPC was supporting just that along with "castle law": Self-Defence - PPC.
The problem is a self entitled individual could get upset at a raised voice and pepper spray you or use a lethal weapon because "I felt threatened."

I believe in the castle doctrine concept but it is open to abuse in this psycho society.
The problem is a self entitled individual could get upset at a raised voice and pepper spray you or use a lethal weapon because "I felt threatened."

I believe in the castle doctrine concept but it is open to abuse in this psycho society.

Thinking that they were looking for stolen cars but they found this instead.
At least one of our homegrown industries is trying to develop new markets.
Bulk shipping Canadian cannabis to Nigeria who would have guessed?
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