Local Auto Thefts

Because stolen vehicles generate additional sales. Manufacturers could easily make vehicles much harder to steal but they intentionally choose not to.

As much as I dislike more government regulation, making manufacturers provide five years of theft insurance with every new vehicle would almost instantly solve the unattended theft problem and may even solve the carjacking problem as they could easily add vehicle shutdown x minutes or km after a button is pressed.
I kind of figured as much. Sort of like asking why vehicles aren’t more reliable. Same answer.

However, in the case of car theft, they’ve become so easy to steal manufacturers are practically complicit. Insurance companies should be going after them instead of hiking up the rates of the poor sod who just got his whip jacked. But we all know that will never happen - one hand feeds the other……
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Its a good initiative however the theif that stole a car that gets seized just gets another order for the same car. They just doubled the amount of thefts . Until they start locking people up nothing will get solved.
It’s a single container. The location of said container will be known by thieves within a day (if not already).

This is more show than anything else.
They solved the car theft issue…

Job well done!
Too bad that the level of corruption is high enough that they will never implement x-ray scans on departing sea cans at the port of Montreal. That would put a serious dent in the theft problem until OC figures out a work around.
Wounder if the Irish mob still runs the port.
What a giant pain in the ass. Probably reasonably effective as a thief won't be bothered to remove that many devices. I wouldnt bother either though. I'd take a different form of transportation to avoid dealing with all those devices.
Put in a car hoist and lift the car.. Hard to steal but easy to work on. Have spare wheels on hand.
A much better idea than most. Old school hydraulic cylinder outdoor lift. Cost shouldn't be much different than power bollards.
Getting fancy, drive the car onto a turn table with side bollards around most of it. Rotate the car 90° for ease of passenger exit while blocking the car in.

To leave, rotate the car another 90° and drive out in forward. Two for one.

Auto theft update. Toyota Canada reacts to government changes!​

What's the incentive for manufacturers to stop auto theft?
Surprised not hearing too much from insurance companies.
They can scan every luggage and person boarding an airplane but it's impossible to scan the majority of the containers?

Auto theft update. Toyota Canada reacts to government changes!​

What's the incentive for manufacturers to stop auto theft?
Surprised not hearing too much from insurance companies.
They can scan every luggage and person boarding an airplane but it's impossible to scan the majority of the containers?
They can…it’s just more profitable not to.
"You are going to get arrested, you are going to go to jail" LMAO liar. The guy that ran the cop over "may" get some probation but 100% he's out stealing cars tonight as per usual.
"You are going to get arrested, you are going to go to jail" LMAO liar. The guy that ran the cop over "may" get some probation but 100% he's out stealing cars tonight as per usual.
Well he DID get arrested, and he WILL go to jail...for an hour while they book him in preparation to releasing him.
Seems the punishment isn't severe enough ... are our jails just over filled so they pick & choose the worst of the worst to actually do some time?
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