I'm 45 and to my experience, most hard edged sportbike riders aren't usually my age. There's some Ducatista posers my age but I've yet to meet a mid 40's Ducati owner doing wheelies up to 260 km/h just for kicks (btw, I won the wheelie contest at the GTA day at Cayuga in 2010, so no kidding, but not at 260 in the quarter mile). Generally, the demographic likely to be found with mid 40's GSXR owners are long time, die hard, skilled, half-the-time-ex-licensed-roadracers who don't like Starbucks coffee. haha! Don't assume that just because I ride a lowly GSXR1000 that I'm a wet behind the ears kid. Say that I have a 'common bike', but why do you think that Japanese bikes are so common? It's because they posess qualities that Ducati's and BMW S1000r's don't, which is high performance with durability and being part of a network that suports it's products, 2 things that BMW and Ducati still haven't figured out how to do, at any cost. Besides that fact, the demographic of being older and having more to lose relates to someone who backs out of the throttle and wouldn't be as apt to "use" the bike anyways, not that this is what this thread was about in the first place! hahaha! It was about performance and why these bikes don't tow old scows like mine? hahahaha! Maybe the older, more affluent and wealthy Ducatista should pose on some Vespas instead? hahaha! 1 mile of a back straight at Mosport would give me more than enough opportunity to make a Ducati look bad but, you should have been with me travelling through Manning park just outside of Hope, BC where there's no sidestreets, driveways, traffic or any obstructions for many miles at a time and you can really see what your Ducati can't do. hahahahaha! I speak from experience about a topic at hand, you shouldn't try to make it personal by making comments about the supposedly younger guy on the japanese bike with a lot less to lose who has less good judgement than the Ducati owner who's trying to stay beside him at a stupidly high speed. The youngest guys in the group aren't always the quickest, trust me! If you want to continue this discussion then focus on the bikes, like I was. If you want to bring up reasons why older, richer Ducati owners have more to live for and tend to back out of the throttle sooner then we can talk about that too! hahahaha! I am still waiting for a Ducati owner with 70 000 kms to name that Timmy's! hahahaha!