Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Re: York Region Police and OPP announce CRACKDOWN ON SPORTBIKES

hmmm...going down the 404 this morning...I'm in the left lane in the right track...traffic slows a bit (reason coming up) and a car passes me on the left in my lane. Good thing the HOV lane was on the left as she used half of it...driving over the double solid white lines.

Oh it was right in front of an OPP cruiser parked in the median facing the southbound lanes. The reason the traffic slowed. Glad to see the cops are watching. Come to think of it...she probably didn't even see the cop sitting out there like a sore thumb....she just figured to pass a slow MC. Of course after pulling that stunt, she gets slowed by bigger traffic and I pass her.
Re: York Region Police and OPP announce CRACKDOWN ON SPORTBIKES

she just figured to pass a slow MC. Of course after pulling that stunt, she gets slowed by bigger traffic and I pass her.

Was she in a black VW with blond hair, and giant black shades? crazy chick doing the same **** almost clipped me this morning.

Driving the speed limit gets dangerous on a bike.
Re: York Region Police and OPP announce CRACKDOWN ON SPORTBIKES

hmmm...going down the 404 this morning...I'm in the left lane in the right track...traffic slows a bit (reason coming up) and a car passes me on the left in my lane. Good thing the HOV lane was on the left as she used half of it...driving over the double solid white lines.

Oh it was right in front of an OPP cruiser parked in the median facing the southbound lanes. The reason the traffic slowed. Glad to see the cops are watching. Come to think of it...she probably didn't even see the cop sitting out there like a sore thumb....she just figured to pass a slow MC. Of course after pulling that stunt, she gets slowed by bigger traffic and I pass her.

Shoulda punched her ****ing mirror off!
Re: York Region Police and OPP announce CRACKDOWN ON SPORTBIKES

I won't be changing the way I ride. Speeding outragously on a busy road is wrong, I won't do it. If there is nobody around, with clear sight lines I'll push it.
Cops won't sit in the middle of no where with zero traffic hoping to nail a random motorcycle. They will be in common places, (usually well known loactions) with steady traffic and all riders in those situations should be behaving. If not, gettting a ticket would be a minor consequence, worse things could happen.
BTW If the cops said they were giving motorcycles a break in the next month , would everyone suddenly ride around at 240kph?
Re: York Region Police and OPP announce CRACKDOWN ON SPORTBIKES

Let's just say the speed limit wasn't being adhered to by the traffic.

I'm less inclined to bother raging about it unless it's really blatant/close. Can't be bothered.
Re: RCMP taser 11 year old boy

There are times when officers are forced to act when confronted by suspects. Here's video of a cop using pepper spray on an obviously enraged perpetrator. I think under the circumstances, he showed remarkable restraint.

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Re: RCMP taser 11 year old boy

There are times when officers are forced to act when confronted by suspects. Here's video of a cop using pepper spray on an obviously enraged perpetrator. I think under the circumstances, he showed remarkable restraint.

Haha! I mean, if that's Alabama, that's dinner!! :-)
Re: York Region Police and OPP announce CRACKDOWN ON SPORTBIKES

Just one more thing to remind you that Ontario has turned into a Police state. What vehicles are doing ALL of the speeding on Ontario roads?........CARS! When is there ever a car doing 100km/h on a highway in this area? Any rider hauled into court with a ticket over the next while could use this as a defense as the police have a "pre-disposition" to view sportbikes as breaking the law and therefore Police are biased against them. This is called profiling and it is illegal. Its akin to announcing that they are going to target anyone driving a car with a V8 in it or driving Corvettes or whatever they choose.

Yes police state...only this morning I saw some armed paramiltary types assassinate a squeegee kid and bundle him into a body bag to clean up the streets.....oh no, wait, that wasn't here that was south america somewhere circa the 70's. Go have a look at a real police state before you repeat trotskyite cliches.
Re: York Region Police and OPP announce CRACKDOWN ON SPORTBIKES

Yes police state...only this morning I saw some armed paramiltary types assassinate a squeegee kid and bundle him into a body bag to clean up the streets.....oh no, wait, that wasn't here that was south america somewhere circa the 70's. Go have a look at a real police state before you repeat trotskyite cliches.

This. I'm sure no one read the article given the responses.

With winter whimpering away for another year, the warm weather driving season is gearing up.
And while police say they’ve got their eyes open for sport motorcycle riders who might hit the roads too aggressively, one bike shop owner says it’s a small minority riding dangerously.
Ontario Provincial Police warned sport motorcycle riders that it will crack down on sport bikers driving erratically.


But sport motorcycles are no more prone to serious collisions in York Region than any other vehicle, York police traffic commander Staff Sgt. Brad Bulmer said, noting dangerous driving is increasing.

Yeah, the man is just keeping you down.
Re: RCMP taser 11 year old boy

Some of these posts are discusting, talking bout tazing children???? WTF people this is a child, short of him pointing a gun at you there is no reason to tazzer a child. He's 11, and obviously confused.
If a grown *** cop can't handle an 11 year old child they should look for other lines of work like a florist.
It also says he was aboriginal, maybe race had something to do with this.
They should charge the idiot coward that tazzed him.
Re: RCMP taser 11 year old boy

Tazers are a "no lethal" weapon. There are exceptions with health issues, so theres the risk. A punch in the face can be lethal as well.

What am i basing this claim on? People have died from both. Many more have walked away from both.

I'd like to see some proof of someone getting killed by the cops by getting punched once in the face.
Re: RCMP taser 11 year old boy

I'd like to see some proof of someone getting killed by the cops by getting punched once in the face.

Hmmm? Dont have that.
But you have proven your able to twist words. Or your reading skills may not be up to par.
Re: York Region Police and OPP announce CRACKDOWN ON SPORTBIKES

Yes police state...only this morning I saw some armed paramiltary types assassinate a squeegee kid and bundle him into a body bag to clean up the streets.....oh no, wait, that wasn't here that was south america somewhere circa the 70's. Go have a look at a real police state before you repeat trotskyite cliches.

:lmao: I lol`d
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