Re: RCMP taser 11 year old boy
It also says he was aboriginal, maybe race had something to do with this.

It also says he was aboriginal, maybe race had something to do with this.
Which one of you guys is subbing for dankie while he's banned?
Ding ding ding..we have a winnerI'd taze's my job, I'm going home at the end of the day. I'm not the one who stabbed someone else.. And if he came at me I'd shoot the little bastard. Where are all the Young Offenders Act people who think kids get off easy because they know they won't do more than 3 years??
Yes yes... or you could kick her tire to make her go in to the median. Or you could pour bleach in her gas tank.
I think you missed the joke.Now I thought it was sugar in the gas tank...?
Oh but remember this is being done at 200km+ so pouring something in the tank isnt an option... My vote is on the mirror still
Yes police state...only this morning I saw some armed paramiltary types assassinate a squeegee kid and bundle him into a body bag to clean up the streets.....oh no, wait, that wasn't here that was south america somewhere circa the 70's. Go have a look at a real police state before you repeat trotskyite cliches.
I think you missed the joke.
So unless it's that bad here, it isn't yet a police state? Please. What you are talking about is a totalitarian, criminal, militant regime of some colour. Not the same thing at all.
Nope...that would be a police state.
No. A police state is a totalitarian, draconian state where the citizens must follow the law or be harshly punished, and must constantly prove their identity as well as their destination when moving through public areas. Police in Ontario can now demand your identity without probable cause and you can be prosecuted for refusing to answer - which is actually a Nuremburg treaty violation.
What you are describing is an evil, criminal regime of militant sociopaths. Your message has been pretty consistent here, "it's all for your own good as long as they aren't killing children in the streets." And that's just not true.
There are degrees of everything. Maybe you're just not old enough to remember what life was like before the OPP quadrupled its police forces in less built-up areas, about 1985. Life is *not* better as a result, and real crime has *not* decreased as a result of it.
none of them are considered police states
Now, did you read that thread I mentioned? you.
So they are targeting sport bikes but admit that the cars are the real problem... Police work at it's finest.York Region said:Most collisions involving motorcycles involve another vehicle and some drivers won’t see a bike if it is hidden in a motorist’s blind spot, the OPP said.
But sport motorcycles are no more prone to serious collisions in York Region than any other vehicle, York police traffic commander Staff Sgt. Brad Bulmer said, noting dangerous driving is increasing.
.............I agree, and, you're exactly right. The only thing I forgot to add "Draconian" so as to make my statement more extreme and attract even more flack than the fact that THE POLICE HAVE TARGETED A SEGMENT OF THE DRIVING PUBLIC FOR NO REASON.....(but that's ok to some of us I guess). Profiling by POLICE IS illegal, but that doesn't seem to bother some. This is the stuff that erodes our rights and conditions us just to accept what the police say and the Government dreams up for us to believe as we are all supposed to sit nodding our heads in agreement. Anyone remember the motions tabled in the U.S. back in the late 1980's by a Senator Danforth??.....he headed a movement to ban SUPERBIKES just like they did to 3 Wheel ATVs. When the POLICE start to act like this, I get nervous. It SHOULD bother you too.No. A police state is a totalitarian, draconian state where the citizens must follow the law or be harshly punished, and must constantly prove their identity as well as their destination when moving through public areas. Police in Ontario can now demand your identity without probable cause and you can be prosecuted for refusing to answer - which is actually a Nuremburg treaty violation.
What you are describing is an evil, criminal regime of militant sociopaths. Your message has been pretty consistent here, "it's all for your own good as long as they aren't killing children in the streets." And that's just not true.
There are degrees of everything. Maybe you're just not old enough to remember what life was like before the OPP quadrupled its police forces in less built-up areas, about 1985. Life is *not* better as a result, and real crime has *not* decreased as a result of it.
Edit: Sorry..also wanted to, do you think all western civilised societies are police states? Just curious.
.............I agree, and, you're exactly right. The only thing I forgot to add "Draconian" so as to make my statement more extreme and attract even more flack than the fact that THE POLICE HAVE TARGETED A SEGMENT OF THE DRIVING PUBLIC FOR NO REASON.....(but that's ok to some of us I guess). Profiling by POLICE IS illegal, but that doesn't seem to bother some. This is the stuff that erodes our rights and conditions us just to accept what the police say and the Government dreams up for us to believe as we are all supposed to sit nodding our heads in agreement. Anyone remember the motions tabled in the U.S. back in the late 1980's by a Senator Danforth??.....he headed a movement to ban SUPERBIKES just like they did to 3 Wheel ATVs. When the POLICE start to act like this, I get nervous. It SHOULD bother you too.
I think the G20 went a long way towards showing how arrogant, violent, uncaring and controlling they're willing to be. The framework has been laid and the powers that be have shown their willingness to make full use of it. We're definitely over-policed and cannot possibly understand the laws which govern us, which are also very bad signs.