Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Re: RCMP taser 11 year old boy

I'm not twisting words, your actual quote was "A punch in the face can be lethal as well.", so I asked for proof. Maybe you're new to forums but your actual post is quoted above my response. Looks like it is your reading skills that are the issue.

You asked for an proof that a someone was killed by a single punch from a POLICE OFFICER, which wasnt included in my qoute.

Still, i proved the proof your looking for.

And you actually didnt know a blow to the head could be fatal? Serious?
Re: RCMP taser 11 year old boy

Some of these posts are discusting, talking bout tazing children???? WTF people this is a child, short of him pointing a gun at you there is no reason to tazzer a child. He's 11, and obviously confused.
If a grown *** cop can't handle an 11 year old child they should look for other lines of work like a florist.
It also says he was aboriginal, maybe race had something to do with this.
They should charge the idiot coward that tazzed him.

Wow, yea, kid stabbed someone, hid somewhere, came out possibly still armed and got tazed. Good, its better than being shot.
What should they have done? run up and hug him?? wake up.
Re: RCMP taser 11 year old boy

Wow, yea, kid stabbed someone, hid somewhere, came out possibly still armed and got tazed. Good, its better than being shot.
What should they have done? run up and hug him?? wake up.

Not to mention if they tried a gentle huggy approach, what if the kid buried the knife in his own neck? Then there'd be cries of 'why didn't the police do something'. Damned if they do, damned if they don't.
Re: York Region Police and OPP announce CRACKDOWN ON SPORTBIKES

My first post but i just had to chime in. We do live in a police state. If the G20 wasn't evidence enough, then you really need to unplug yourself from this false reality you are living in.

Whats it going to take for you to realize it's happening?
How much money does our Prime minister have to throw at the military before you realize we live in a police state?
How high does our national debt have to get before you realize the people orchastrating this police state are also robbing us?
How high do food prices have to go before you realize there's a problem?
How many north african countries and middle eastern countries have to revolt before you realize it's happening everywhere?

This police state is only a small part of a much broader global issue and i'm sorry to say but your ignorance in the matter is what allows them to do this. You can tip toe through life if you want and you can keep your head in the sand for as long as you want, but you leave your *** open for a kicking.

Everything will all make sense soon enough.

/tin foil hat off
Re: York Region Police and OPP announce CRACKDOWN ON SPORTBIKES

Cops target sport bikes cuz too many idiots on ss keep on reinforcing the stereotype.
Re: York Region Police and OPP announce CRACKDOWN ON SPORTBIKES

If you don't speed or at least by much then you don't have much to worry about. They do crackdowns on cars doing things all the time but it never really makes the headlines. Bike are out now so they just made a statement I think more or less of "we are watching you too". Actually was talking to an officer at a coffee shop just today. I actually passed him and then pulled in behind me. Turns out they just wanted coffee too and were asking all sorts of questions about my bike. Turns out the one guy had some sort of sport bike himself until he hurt his back and now rides a cruiser. We talked for a good little while just having fun and then they were off. Just like any job I guess...some people are jerks but some people can be pretty cool.
Re: York Region Police and OPP announce CRACKDOWN ON SPORTBIKES

Whats it going to take for you to realize it's happening?
How much money does our Prime minister have to throw at the military before you realize we live in a police state?

Well a rational argument would be a good start, I won't hold my breath.

And for what it's worth... military =/= police.

Just sayin.
Re: York Region Police and OPP announce CRACKDOWN ON SPORTBIKES

And for what it's worth... military =/= police.

You're right. The police wear more armour and carry more weaponry these days. You wouldn't believe how many cop cars carry semi-automatic military-targeted weapons in the trunk now, not to mention their pain-compliance device, handgun, nightstick and pepper spray.

For all the idiocy going on in this thread arguing that cops are your friend and there's no police state here in Ontario... there's no actual argument. "That's the way it is because I said so and I am teh smartar! And you are teh paranoid tinfiol hattar!!" is the only argument I'm seeing. That argument is about as convincing as Japan's announcement that the Dai-ichi nuclear disaster was a minor issue that presented no serious long-term risks, and just as well-supported by facts.
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Re: York Region Police and OPP announce CRACKDOWN ON SPORTBIKES

I've managed service territories for Yamaha and Suzuki Canada on a semi national basis everywhere between Montreal and Vancouver over the last 10 years. I just returned to Ontario after 3 years in Vancouver where, the police there don't exactly have a stellar reputation either (Monty robinson RCMP who ran over and killed kid on sportbike whilst drunk, left scene, returned later.......same cop who was in charge of the tazering that killed Djukanski at the airport a year earlier.......shall I go on??) I know of lots of misconduct by POLICE including singling out groups for "special treatment".

So what's new about this? Are they being put into camps?

Do any of you guys know what the hell you're talking about? Police state? Really? Are we really that repressed? How many of you are basing this nonsense on first hand encounters with the police vs what you read about in the paper?

Ya I'm sooo repressed over here in my comfy office chair as I listen to my stolen music on my ipod, relaxing after an invigorating ride in on my bike with components mostly bought from a foreign market.
Re: York Region Police and OPP announce CRACKDOWN ON SPORTBIKES

I wonder if some people need to feel persecuted as an ego boost or something. As if they really matter in the eyes of bureaucracy. What a joke.
Re: York Region Police and OPP announce CRACKDOWN ON SPORTBIKES

Are we really that repressed?

Yeah, we really are. Just try and get any meaningful response from government. Or accountability. Or stage a protest. Do you even read the news? Do the words G8 or G20 ring any bells?

How many of you are basing this nonsense on first hand encounters with the police vs what you read about in the paper?

I'm guessing they are basing it on both, plus the experiences of acquaintances. You apologetic types like to pretend that every man is an island.

Ya I'm sooo repressed over here in my comfy office chair as I listen to my stolen music on my ipod, relaxing after an invigorating ride in on my bike with components mostly bought from a foreign market.

Now you're mixing economics and necessary freedoms with totalitarianism. Well-run totalitarian societies encourage the ability to travel, the formation of relationships and some personal pursuits, to a degree, so that their citizens will not rise up in rebellion. It's the "things are not so bad" meme they foster, so that people will not stop them from taking the vast majority of the wealth from the people; pushing it up through the corporation and into the hands of those who are already wealthy. Most middle-income Canadians work until September until they make their first red cent, the rest goes directly into taxation... think about that while you listen to your stolen music and ignore the world's pressing issues.
Re: York Region Police and OPP announce CRACKDOWN ON SPORTBIKES

Yes police state...only this morning I saw some armed paramiltary types assassinate a squeegee kid and bundle him into a body bag to clean up the streets.....oh no, wait, that wasn't here that was south america somewhere circa the 70's. Go have a look at a real police state before you repeat trotskyite cliches.

You are entirely alright....
Re: York Region Police and OPP announce CRACKDOWN ON SPORTBIKES

Yeah, we really are. Just try and get any meaningful response from government. Or accountability. Or stage a protest. Do you even read the news? Do the words G8 or G20 ring any bells?

What "police state" antics took place at the G8?

The G20 was pretty stupid, no argument there, but citing one particularly bad example doesn't prove your argument.

Where were the secret police to dispose of the Tamil protesters that shut down GTA highways?
Where was the government controlled media blocking any reporting on the negative things happening at the G20?

For the most part, normally organized protests and gatherings are permitted just about anywhere in Canada.

Stating that sometimes **** happens in Canada that resembles tactics used by a police state would be reasonable and i wouldn't argue wiht it. Stating that Canada is a police state is idiotic.
Re: York Region Police and OPP announce CRACKDOWN ON SPORTBIKES

What "police state" antics took place at the G8?

The G20 was pretty stupid, no argument there, but citing one particularly bad example doesn't prove your argument.

Where were the secret police to dispose of the Tamil protesters that shut down GTA highways?
Where was the government controlled media blocking any reporting on the negative things happening at the G20?

For the most part, normally organized protests and gatherings are permitted just about anywhere in Canada.

Stating that sometimes **** happens in Canada that resembles tactics used by a police state would be reasonable and i wouldn't argue wiht it. Stating that Canada is a police state is idiotic


There are some major issues with the Police in this country and most specifically this city. But Canada is NOT a police state in anyway shape or form.
Re: York Region Police and OPP announce CRACKDOWN ON SPORTBIKES

What "police state" antics took place at the G8?

A five second Google. Pasting two of the links.

The G20 was pretty stupid, no argument there, but citing one particularly bad example doesn't prove your argument.

Rather than your example, which is... you don't like my argument?

Where were the secret police to dispose of the Tamil protesters that shut down GTA highways?

And here we are again with degrees of criminal activity. This is similar to the argument that a cancer is "benign," and so is not a concern.

Where was the government controlled media blocking any reporting on the negative things happening at the G20?

Now that there was plenty of. A number of journalists were among the wrongfully arrested.

For the most part, normally organized protests and gatherings are permitted just about anywhere in Canada.

You sure about that? How much experience do you have in setting those up? I'm literally right beside my MP and MPP... and most of the protests just show up, and the police don't take long to get here and attempt to disperse them.

What's your definition of a police state? I'm guessing you're another one of those that won't call it for what it is until there's evening curfews and security checkpoints... er, wait, we have random checkpoints already...
Re: York Region Police and OPP announce CRACKDOWN ON SPORTBIKES

What's your definition of a police state? I'm guessing you're another one of those that won't call it for what it is until there's evening curfews and security checkpoints... er, wait, we have random checkpoints already...

That's my definition...

Where do we have these random check points? I've never seen one. If you're referring to random documentation checks while driving that's a pretty weak argument.

Not once in my life have i ever randomly been asked to present ID. Did you ever think that maybe it's you that's attracting unwanted attention?
Re: York Region Police and OPP announce CRACKDOWN ON SPORTBIKES

Where do we have these random check points? I've never seen one. If you're referring to random documentation checks while driving that's a pretty weak argument.

In my best 50's Hollywood germanic accent... "Your papers, please..."

BTW, were you aware that RIDE programs are technically a violation of your Charter of Rights?

Did you ever think that maybe it's you that's attracting unwanted attention?
Yeah, they set up RIDE programs just for me. Who's paranoid now?
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